
Re: ISO BBBJ in Portland (aren't we all)
Desiree 5430 reads

I know you are a grown man, so I will try and refrain form scolding, but WHY?  When it rains, wear a raincoat!  Please, this is an unsafe practice saved for people you know and TRUST.  IMHO.Desiree

Desiree5431 reads

I know you are a grown man, so I will try and refrain form scolding, but WHY?  When it rains, wear a raincoat!  Please, this is an unsafe practice saved for people you know and TRUST.  IMHO.Desiree

Dear Desiree,A bareback blowjob feels far better than one given with a condom,  it's just that simple.  I think you'd find almost universal agreement that a wet tongue directly on a cock, skin to skin, is much more stimulating and erotic than when a latex condom is in between.  As far as risk, everyone accepts a certain level of risk in this hobby (both hobbiests and providers).  It is a personal, individual decision as to what level of risk you accept.  Some men are risk-averse, and stay out of the hobby altogether, they remain monogamous, or might frequent strip clubs, rent pornos, read Swank (or my personal favorite "Butt Lust"), or choose any number of other 100% safe outlets for their sexuality.  But all hobbiests and providers are "risk-seeking" by definition.  Last time I checked, this hobby was illegal,  not to mention these health issues.  Sure, as a provider you can reduce your risk by taking precautions (client screening, safe-sex practices etc.)  Likewise, as a hobbiest, you can take similar precautions,  but everyone has to strike a balance.  For providers, precautions are an impediment to business.  For hobbiests, precautions are an impediment to enjoyment. Take two providers, all else being equal in terms of L/A/S, the one who provides BBBJ will get more business, but take on more STD risk. (Similarly, a less attractive provider can "make up" the L difference by offering more in the S department, a BBBJ)  All else being equal, those who screen less stringently will also get more business, but take on more LE risk. (Meditation Station)  It's about choices. (Geez, I sound like Bush)  Again, on the bobbiest's side, ask one, if there were absolutely zero risk of contracting an STD, would they still prefer the oh-so luxurious feel of a condom during oral sex or FS? Ummm. No brainer, your answer would be "unwrap that rascal!".It's a risk/reward trade off, and it's nobody's business but your own where you'd like to be on that spectrum.  I recommend assuming the very worst of any client or provider you meet, and take the precautions that you are comfortable with, given the available information. To assume anyone is clean is foolish, no matter what they tell you.  Don't kid yourself that high-end providers are "safer" or rich men "don't do street" or any number of other little justifications that I hear people make.  Are your odds slightly better in these scenarios? Perhaps, but it's a game of odds nonetheless. You don't know what you don't know.Newsflash, providers fuck many men, who fuck many women, who fuck many men, who fuck many women...and so on, and you have absolutely NO clue what safe-sex practices were followed along this exponential chain.  Look at all the available STD information, (web is a great source, many online medical pubs) consider what kind of risk you'd like to play with...and make an informed decision that feels right for you. Personally, I draw the line at bareback full service, eating her while she is menstruating, or if lesions or warts are visible on her face, mouth, and/or genitals.  I'm also not a big fan of heavy vaginal fluid. But that's just me. Am I at a higher risk than others who do not dine at the Y, who insist on CBJ and who do not kiss? Most certainly.  Those are risks I have weighed, and I'm willing to take.  If I catch something, I will only have one person to blame, me.To conclude, preaching about practicing safe sex does not alter the reality that many men still want BBBJ, and many women will still choose to offer it.  It's like telling teenagers not to have sex.  It just doesn't work.  You can educate them, tell them the risks, and hope that the outcome is positive.  But at a certain point, you have to let them go, and realize that it is not a perfect world.Have fun, stay safe, and leave the lights ON!!Iceman--modified by Iceman at Tue, May 22, 2001, 13:16:46

Shelter4u3844 reads

Don't waste you breath, Iceman, they're all a bunch of hypocrites.  PAYING FOR SEX IS ILLEGAL.  You shouldn’t do it, oh yeah, unless you respect one adult’s choice to engage another adult in consensual behavior.  How is it OK for you to take money for sex, but not OK for me to pay for it.  I smell a double standard.   MYOB – unless YOUR house is in order…Shelter

Sensual Ashley3938 reads

Hey.... Shelter4u!What are you talking about?  You are the hypocrite!  You don't pay for sex... it is for time.  You are the one asking about BBBJ!Get a life!AshleyPS:  This is a moderated forum in which flames and messages outside the forum topic will be deleted.Please do not post messages that are simply mean, or meant to cause trouble for trouble's sake. This is not the area to post detailed reviews. Please submit them in the review section. That said, have fun.P

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