
Is Pamela a BBW? Not exactly, but please not a pet, or bunny either...
Iceman 2 Reviews 4036 reads

Dear Readers,The question was raised on TBD as to whether Pammy is a BBW.  Some vehemently denied this, putting her in Penthouse Pet or Playboy bunny category, and comparing her to a NCAA cheerleader. Ummm. Not quite folks.I'd like to inject a tiny bit of objectivity, to avoid someone walking into a session expecting a centerfold.My view FWIW: She has a very nice, big, "lifted" but not artificial chest, relatively broad shoulders, and a firm, but thick, tummy and middle.  Not much of a waistline or defined hips, so if you are a diehard "ass-man", are looking for a "bubble butt" or an hourglass figure, with a small waist, she is not that. She is what "Marie Claire" would call an "upside down triangle", big upper-body, relatively straight hips. I think her own site pictures give more of a BBW impression, because mainly they show her face and top, and she has a bit of a double-chin, and big arms. Check out the hawaii photos or the eros photos, they give a much better all-around view.  I would agree, Pam is probably not a BBW by most peoples definition, although what BBW means is open to interpretation.  But she is definitely not a waif, or hardbody, and she is far from Bob Guccione material.  In Pammy's case, I think the rave reviews and rose-tinted glasses result from the ENTIRE experience, not just looks alone.Have fun, stay safe, and leave the lights ON!!Iceman--modified by Iceman at Mon, Mar 26, 2001, 12:19:08

Dear Readers,The question has been posed by Pamela:  "Do you feel I am an overrated provider? Why??"  No one on TBD has been willing to answer this question, in spite of a very long response thread, so allow me.Yes, I do feel that she is an overrated provider.  My opinion is that her reviews on TBD are inflated.  From my experience with Pamela, I feel that she is an average provider in looks, attitude, and service.  Before my session,  I did the research on the Seattle board, and all the reviews were overwhelmingly positive.  I could not find any caveats for Pamela.   I walked into the session with high expectations, thinking model-looks, a killer bod, and unparallelled service.  My experience fell short of this...I felt the session was rushed and businesslike, I was underwhelmed by Pamela's looks and body, and the service was nothing extraordinary.  Did I enjoy myself? Yes. I had a nice time.  Was I blown away? No. (If you want "details" search the reviews on this board, or email me.)    For me, it was a case of expectations not matching reality, and I felt that the board contributed to this.As always, YMMV, clearly there are people who have opinions that vary dramatically from mine.  People look for different things in a session, sometimes people just don't "click", have bad days, or perhaps my body odor was particularly offensive that day, who knows?  Clearly Pamela brings a lot of joy into many people's lives-- and others have had very different experiences with her, the majority of which are positive.  Since our session, I have met her under different circumstances, and had a very enjoyable time.  I feel that she is a sweet woman, who is very caring, works extremely hard, enjoys her job, and has fun.  But does that change how I felt my session with her went in October?  No.  Does that change my opinion of  her looks?  No.  Does that mean I will pull punches when I review?  No.  Reviews help others get a clearer picture of what to expect in a session.  I believe that too many of the "mediocre" reviews go unwritten, and that these are the reviews that are the most valuable.  Every session has pros and cons-- to my mind, there is no perfect session.  I appreciate hearing both the sides.  What was good?  What was great?  What was not so good? What could be improved?  This kind of "downside" information was lacking for Pamela, and IMHO is lacking in general on TBD.  Do I blame the board?  No, I still lurk the board regularly and it has steered me to many fantastic sessions.  But I do believe that people are unwilling to post the "deltas" of their sessions for a variety of reasons, including fear of flames and deletion.  OK, maybe I'm a more "blunt" reviewer (euphemism for "tactless asshole" LOL), I would agree that I probably rate tougher on looks than most.  But as one poster aptly put it, reviews are statements of opinion and judgement, inherently subjective, they are not statements of historical fact.   Take my review for what it is, just one opinion of one session with a provider. To the issue of defending your favorite provider... for folks like Le Grand Raoul, Lone Wolf Steve, Mr. Crawford and others who form the most vocal of "Pammy" defenders, I think it is great that you have a strong personal bond with Pamela, and deeply care about what is said about her.  Clearly you have a built a rich, rewarding relationship with a provider that goes beyond what is typical.  I think it is a natural and appropriate response to be defensive and protective.  But just be aware that making claims that she reminds you of a  "NCAA cheerleader" may not be the best approach.  Your statements, if taken at face value, can set unreasonable expectations about looks, and lead to dissapointing sessions, and frustration with your posts, and with the board.  I agree that YMMV (and perhaps you really feel that Pamela could realistically grace the centerfold of "Penthouse", if so, I respect that), but readers may question your credibility if they have a session and find that the provider isn't even close to their notion of a Playboy bunny or Penthouse Pet.  In addition, over time, these "defensive" posts reduce the value of the board, as they often seek to invalidate someone elses experiences and opinions, and deter others from being forthright in their own posts.  Have the confidence in your provider, and be secure enough in your own judgement to know that when all is said and done, the merits of the provider will shine through.  Let her L/A/S do the talking, the reviews will follow.Have fun, stay safe, and leave the lights ON!!IcemanRelated link: by Iceman at Wed, Apr 04, 2001, 14:03:24

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