San Diego

Re:DO WE GO TO FAR.........posed to PROVIDERS & cLIENTS
Phred 1 Reviews 20502 reads

First off, this is a MORAL question - not realy an ethical one.  It has to do with your personal character and behaviour.

Most people feel uncomfortable when they know they are being discused behind their backs.  I can certainly see why a provider would feel uneasy about this.  I liken this to employee reviews.  Some people get surprised every year when they find out their boss has had an issue with them and it comes out in their review.  what makes them angry is that they never had a chance to address the issue before it was too late.  In companies where it is against the rules to surprise an employee in a review, it forces the manager to be upfront with the employee regarding their performance and expectations.

It always works better to clearly set expectations and then be open about your opinions on progress.  So, why hide these reviews?  If everything is forthright from the beginning, then the provider cannot be "surprised".  Why would you say something here that you wouldn't say to her face?

As far as the explicit nature of these reviews: I say stick with factual data such as what you experienced.  It is fair to describe what YOU experienced but YMMV takes care of all the rest.

I pose this question in regards to the explicit details that are put down on the reviews.  I wonder if we have gone past the point of treating these providers as ladies and more like a piece of meat.  I wonder if we have lost site of giving these providers some respect.  The providers I have come in contact with that do not know about TER I share with them about it.  When they find out about how explicit the encounters get they are turned off by it.  I pose this question more as an ethical issue than anything else.  I was taught to treat women a certain way,even in this business they should be treated with some respect I feel.
I look forward to your responses

gumby00722037 reads

Yes, we should treat a provider with respect, when we are there. Before an appointment, we should make sure we smell good and look decent. During the appointment, we should treat the provider the way she asks to be treated. If she doesn't say anything, treat her well and with respect anyway. No vulgar language, unless she uses it first, and don't grab her head when she's bobbing to make you feel as though you are in control. Never force anything on the provider.
  After the appointment, it's your life. This site is here for the members. It is here so that we will know what to expect and what not to expect should we decide to book with a provider. Sometimes, one must be explicit to accurately describe what a privider does. Some go to far with a description, maybe, but I have no problem with it.
  Why the heck do so many members tell the providers about the reviews? I will never understand this. Do you think that she will give you extra service so as to get a great review?? If we never mentioned TER to the providers, she may never know of it, and therefore, would not be disgusted. Some will find TER just while surfing, but most will not.
  Also, why do so many people post with an alias? Is there something to hide?? Just my 2 bits. Thanks

Is your name really Gumby? Why do you post with an alias?
I do not agree with you at all about the "required" ecplicitness of the reviews here. There is nothing to stop LE from becoming members and reading the reviews. It sounds to me that this would be a very easy way to trap the providers who do it all. Thus, the screening process gets more and more intrusive. It used to be... way back then... that you could call a classy call girl and set an appointment within the hour... not any more...

First off, this is a MORAL question - not realy an ethical one.  It has to do with your personal character and behaviour.

Most people feel uncomfortable when they know they are being discused behind their backs.  I can certainly see why a provider would feel uneasy about this.  I liken this to employee reviews.  Some people get surprised every year when they find out their boss has had an issue with them and it comes out in their review.  what makes them angry is that they never had a chance to address the issue before it was too late.  In companies where it is against the rules to surprise an employee in a review, it forces the manager to be upfront with the employee regarding their performance and expectations.

It always works better to clearly set expectations and then be open about your opinions on progress.  So, why hide these reviews?  If everything is forthright from the beginning, then the provider cannot be "surprised".  Why would you say something here that you wouldn't say to her face?

As far as the explicit nature of these reviews: I say stick with factual data such as what you experienced.  It is fair to describe what YOU experienced but YMMV takes care of all the rest.

I agree with you but the only way TER will put your review up is if it's very detailed. I've have 3-4 rejected because they say they were not detailed enough. So it's a problem.

sdguy2020811 reads

i think this site exists to let other guys know who is a rip-off/who to avoid. if the lady is not a scam artist she should be glad that the guys are reviewing her, it probably leads to more buisness and the guys who meet her know what to expect. i think its good for everyone, but if the lady asks not to be reviewed then i think you should respect her wishes.

What are you talking about?  You know, you are just the kind of dude that gets the rest of us in trouble.  Case in point, at your girlfriend's or wife's work place, another girl gets flowers from her mate.  That night, every female from that workplace gives their husband or boyfriend a case of the ass for "not being sweet" or "romantic" or some other kind of bullcrap.  We give the providers plenty of respect, not limited to but including shelling out a lot of dough for an hour or two of their time.  I wish I was on the clock for as much as they can make, I would have it made (and before you reply, I know the hassles they go through, the cancelled appointments, blah, blah, blah).  It is a job. Period.  If you think that it is any different, then you have serious issues to deal with.  Yes, some can become friendly and even in some cases, seem like more than they can provide.  But dude, most of them cannot remember the last time they saw you if a couple of months have gone by.  Unless, like a fool, your money was parted from you in large sums.  You are hanging out with escorts and you speak of ethics?  What bizzaro land are you from?

... is probably closest to the truth.

While all people, providers and clients and even celibates, want to be treated with respect, what one person defines as respect differs from what another defines as respect. It's been my experience, that the best plan is to try to get my actions to fulfill HER definition of respect toward her, and not the other way around. And it's a consistent irony, that those providers who most object to having "intimate details" posted about skills and techniques they perform, tend to be those providers who have limited skills and techniques; whereas those providers who have something to be proud of, don't mind the world knowing about it.

Just some thoughts to chew on ...

I disagree with your assertion that those who don't want reviews posted don't provide intimacy.  Ashlee & Hope Taylor come to mind as women who don't like to be reviewed, but also provide a very high level of service.  There are plenty of high-end wonderful gals out there who prefer to not be the subject of these boards.

Machiavelli24642 reads

I agree if it was a movie review or report on a product or on a service that couldnt get someone in trouble or be looked at as illegal. this is different. and it depends on the girl and what she is doing in the rest of her life and her personal circumstance. so no in this case I do not think it has to be the same at all. I can understand not wanting the world to know about it

gumby00718373 reads

If a provider does not want to be reviewed, then how is Joe average suppose to know if she is for real?? He has no idea if he is going to get burned, or more than he bargained for.

Machiavelli20050 reads

true true true. Not that I like it that way I just said I can understand it. there is risk on both sides I guess no mater what

Even if she has stellar reviews does not mean that is what you will get. YMMV ALWAYS. I read and studies one providers reviews for over a month. I decided to see her based on those reviews.

Picture accurate: YES = I did not think see look as nice as the pictures.

Breasts: PERKY = They sagged almost to her navel.

Sex: YES = all I got was a piss poor CBJ

Rushed session: NO = I was rushed out the door in 25 minutes.

Cost: $250 = I gave her the $250 thinking it was for FS. (based on those reviews) She said that FS would be another hundred. She was not worth the extra.

mountP23360 reads

I think some of these reviews are written by providers or their pimps. I would much rather score them and leave it at that.

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