San Diego

must be why I love it so much! eomteeth_smile
Andy.Wylde See my TER Reviews 107 reads


True! Check the link below. Seems legit.  
I think it's possible I will never get cancer! If I had only known when I was younger. Who ever would a thunk it?

It's probably a Debbie Downer thing for me to say it, but calling it a "cure" is a bit of a stretch. That's science in the news for ya, but it does make a great headline.  However, I'm in complete agreement that we'd all be a lot happier and content if partaking in oral pleasure was a daily ritual for everyone, and it is excellent for stress relief!

own clinical study over the next several years, and will publish the results before I retire.

Will that be a double blind test study with a control group? I'm with you, CDL, but, I think we should limit ourselves to purely anecdotal research.

the number of volunteers that contact me.  So far, crickets, so I think I need to get the envelopes out.

Actually papilloma virus is found in vagina, and could lead to throat cancer

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