Porn Stars

Re:Posting Direct Contact Numbers
fasteddie51 10845 reads

LR, I mentioned in the body of my original post under the Holly Body thread (which for some unknown reason was deleted), that I apologize if it so happended that the posting was done with the ladies permission.... and I would extend that apology if it was also the case that the number appeared in an internet ad.

However, if you read in my above post about several pornstars that I know personally who have had to change their phone numbers after somebody posted them without their knowledge or permission, you'd realize that your assumption that "all of the ladies wishes are being respected" is incorrect.  I have no problem with someone posting a number that has appeared on internet ads like eros or erotics... my problem arises when a number that was given to someone privately is posted for all to see.

And if Holly prefers being contacted by email first as you stated, and in fact as you also mentioned doesn't answer many of calls that aren't preceded by an email, what was accomplished by posting her number?  Why not just post her email?  Logically, it would seem that if she truly doesn't like getting calls from someone who hasn't contacted her via email first, by listing her number you're really not respecting her wishes....

And as a side issue, just food for thought, the reason I mentioned back channeling as a better way of exchanging that kind of information is that for every single person who posts on these boards, there are probably dozens of lurkers who read our posts without ever sharing or participating  (and I'm sure there's LE amongst the lurkers).... why make it easier for them?  If someone emails me for a number or an opinion, at least they're making an effort to do some research, and at the same time if it's a name I recognize from the board I feel more comfortable passing the information along....

-- Modified on 8/15/2002 9:03:37 PM

fasteddie5114283 reads

I posted essentially the same message below in response to somebody posting Holly Body's phone number, but I thought it deserved a post of it's own.

I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou, but in my opinion direct contact numbers shouldn't be shared publicly unless specifically permitted by the lady.... I don't think anyone here would appreciate someone posting their phone number on a forum that thousands of people read without their permission..... that's what back channeling is for... I've had pornstars tell me that they've gotten calls all hours of the day and night after someone posted their number on a public forum, often at inconvenient and embarassing times, and the majority of them were from guys who had no real intention of booking them. After that, they changed their number and often will no longer give it out to ANYONE, requiring serious fans to use email to contact them

If a provider knew and agreed to her number being posted, that's a different matter, but we should give these ladies the same respect we'd want ourselves... whenever a provider posts any personal information about a hobbyist, forum members jump all over her with flames.....

And if one does post a number WITH the lady's permission, it's a good idea to mention that fact in the post, so we all know she's comfortable being contacted via phone.  

Don't know how the rest of you feel about it, but that's my humble opinion.....

I have said it before that posting a ladies phone number is a sure fire way to have the phone number disconnected!

THEDOCTORSW14085 reads

If you have contact info to share and you have been given the the Green Light to post them please do not hesitate and do so but I suggest if you have not gotten the approval from the lady please respect her wishes and don't post until they have.

But please, don't feel intimidated by comments that others might suggest and do post your contacts info or provide it via backchannel so that we all avoid going thru the third person as much as possible.

I will continue sharing and updating the contact lists as time permits here and I hope you all do as well.

The majority of the contacts I have posted are still running strong, other have dissapeared but it is due mainly because the ladies just like changing their cell and pagers for whatever reasons.

And like I have always asked from you gentlemen, only contact them if you are really interested in meeting them and not wasting their time since they do have a life and a busy schedule too.



-- Modified on 8/14/2002 11:34:31 PM

lostronin13239 reads

I have posted two direct contact numbers since I began my participation on this board. Both of these numbers have appeared (at various times) on net ads for the ladies themselves. They were both numbers that I used personally so I knew (at least when I used them) they were right. I think it is unfair to assume that any guy on this board would do something that could hurt or aggrivate the ladies that we adore so greatly. The tone of respect has been set by DOC and others and has for the most part been followed by all. As I noted in the Holly Body post she should be contacted by email first, as is her preference. All of the ladies wishes should be respected, and I believe they are. It is unfair for you to assume that just because direct contact info was posted, it was done so half-cocked and without forethought. Some of us do deserve the benefit of the doubt. LR

fasteddie5110846 reads

LR, I mentioned in the body of my original post under the Holly Body thread (which for some unknown reason was deleted), that I apologize if it so happended that the posting was done with the ladies permission.... and I would extend that apology if it was also the case that the number appeared in an internet ad.

However, if you read in my above post about several pornstars that I know personally who have had to change their phone numbers after somebody posted them without their knowledge or permission, you'd realize that your assumption that "all of the ladies wishes are being respected" is incorrect.  I have no problem with someone posting a number that has appeared on internet ads like eros or erotics... my problem arises when a number that was given to someone privately is posted for all to see.

And if Holly prefers being contacted by email first as you stated, and in fact as you also mentioned doesn't answer many of calls that aren't preceded by an email, what was accomplished by posting her number?  Why not just post her email?  Logically, it would seem that if she truly doesn't like getting calls from someone who hasn't contacted her via email first, by listing her number you're really not respecting her wishes....

And as a side issue, just food for thought, the reason I mentioned back channeling as a better way of exchanging that kind of information is that for every single person who posts on these boards, there are probably dozens of lurkers who read our posts without ever sharing or participating  (and I'm sure there's LE amongst the lurkers).... why make it easier for them?  If someone emails me for a number or an opinion, at least they're making an effort to do some research, and at the same time if it's a name I recognize from the board I feel more comfortable passing the information along....

-- Modified on 8/15/2002 9:03:37 PM

DrX11473 reads

Keep on being yourself Eddie.  There are those of us who appreciate your input, especially since you keep the ladies in mind instead of your ego.

Backchanneling is almost the only way I would share information due to recent responses on the various boards.  The ladies are much more important to me than bruised egoes of fellow hobbiests.  If someone really wants to meet one of the women discussed, I will link any ad with email or phone numbers that I know of, private numbers I have been given later will never pass from my knowledge.


carlspackler13829 reads

and Eddie.

If a girl wants every tire kicker in the universe to have her number she would place her own ads or be active on the boards.

Some pornstars want to escort but want to do it on their terms, if a girl trusts you with her number don't betray the trust.

I trusted a well known hobbiest with a very detailed e-mail of a pornstar who asked not to be reviewed and he created an alias and posted it verbatim as a review.

The girl was told of the review and read me the riot act.

Another example is Kia, she was available in the SF area to guys who could be discreet. Word got out, and she could not feature or read her e-mail without every guy asking about "privates".

It bothered her so much that she made a few public statements about it and than she vanished.

Guys, don't get bullied into sharing information that should not be shared!


-- Modified on 8/16/2002 4:04:44 PM

I was going to let this drop, but since I'm fueled by alcohol I will share my thoughts.  I don't believe that any provider phone numbers should be posted here if they are private to begin with.  That is to say if you obtained the phone number via email it should be treated with respect and confidentiality.  If one takes the time to compose a email, others should follow suit.  I realize that these boards are here to help one another and I encourage that.  But, at the same time I don't believe in encouraging laziness.  If you really want to see Holly Body or whoever you should do the research or work to get the number.  I am positive these fine ladies get their share of crank calls.  There is no need to facillitate the crank callers.  

Now, if for example, Holly Body had online advertising earlier in the year and gave her digits in the ad I would say it's okay to post her number if she were still currently advertising.  Keeping in mind that this is only my opinion and alcohol talking.  I've never seen her ads.  As far as I know she's never advertised.  In any event, she is not advertising now so I feel that giving out her number here is inappropriate.  Keep in mind that phone numbers are often real home numbers of providers, not special private lines for business.  So, when you callss you may be calling during various life activities that we all partake in and calling at strange hours may be offensive.  Providers like Holly are reachable via her website or whatever online agencyh she is currently affliated with.  Backchanneling is 100% okay and encouraged.  Share the wealth, but do so privately upon request.

Talisman4011050 reads

was provided in an ad for Holly Body on the LA Ladies website in January.  I know this because I used it to contact her the last time I saw her in January, as two other numbers she had given me personally were no longer in service.

I note that the LA Ladies website is no longer available.



THEDOCTORSW12935 reads

You have done well to many people and have taken time (FOR FREE) to update PSE lists, something I do appreciate very much and I am sure the majority also do.

I hope to continue reading more of your posts and you providing us with NEW/Updated legitimate contacts that have received the 'Green Light' from the lad(y/ies).

I personally have many more that will be getting posted real soon on this board ONLY once they get the clearance like was the case of Mandy Malone and a few others recently.

Stay tuned.........


-- Modified on 8/16/2002 7:03:00 PM

-- Modified on 8/17/2002 10:05:58 AM

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