Porn Stars

Re: Retired
man_child 846 reads

retired may be a relative term..or maybe I was grandfathered into continued service but if she doesn't respond to you than not sure what to say...
Id email though just in case...but she has worked as of this year I know from personal experience

patsgoms3633 reads

Hey Guys!

Im kind of new in this and wanted to start off with Dani!
Do any of you guys now if she is still providing in San Diego?

Thanks in advance!

kazz1832 reads

A few month back I emailed the account she has listed on her review page but never heard back .

She hardly updates her twitter account anymore either but judging from it she's been away from SD on an extended stay in the mid-west with her family .So that may be one of the reasons she didn't respond .  

Hopefully she hasn't retired . I've heard nothing but good about her and would love to see her next time I hit the west coast

-- Modified on 4/21/2015 7:35:55 PM

patsgoms1329 reads

Thanks Kazz,

I also hope she dosn't retire.  
Hopefully Ill contact her and update a review.  


I sincerely hope she is still available. She is FANTASTIC !
I was fortunate to have seen her a couple of years ago, but not since. I would love to be able to see her again anywhere anytime.

I am still in touch with Dani, who has retired and is living in the Midwest. she is happy and doing well.

patsgoms1089 reads

Posted By: DollarsandSense
I am still in touch with Dani, who has retired and is living in the Midwest. she is happy and doing well.
Hey DollarandSense,  
Do you know if she still provides? If so where?! I would go anywhere haha

"who has retired"

What's ambiguous about this?

retired - having left one's job and ceased to work

That's not too hard to understand.

man_child847 reads

retired may be a relative term..or maybe I was grandfathered into continued service but if she doesn't respond to you than not sure what to say...
Id email though just in case...but she has worked as of this year I know from personal experience

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