Politics and Religion

You might not have to wait 17 months. Lol
JackDunphy 2259 reads
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ANOTHER whopper from Obama.  

Look at all the smug Libs react to the question of whether Obama lied about Gruber.

Their laughter and their words tell it all.  

Christ, when you lost Howard Dean...

marikod 1 Reviews 293 reads
2 / 36

Here is the only comment by Mr. Obama that I remember:

"I just heard about this. I get well briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run."

          What part of this is untrue? Morning Joe does not even mention this.  He talks about unspecified statements by unspecified White house sources that Joe believes downplayed Gruber’s role. No one on the show says Mr. Obama lied about anything.

       Gruber was indeed an adviser-that part is absolutely true. He was an independent contractor and not part of the White House staff-  that part is absolutely true.  

        Mr. Obama says he disagreed with Gruber’s flip opinion about the voters. There is no evidence Mr. Obama actually agreed with it.

         Everything Mr. Obama said was absolutely true. Nothing in the Wall Street Journal article says otherwise –they report only that Gruber had a bigger role than the WSJ previously believed.

      Sounds your complaint is with whoever in the WH “downplayed” the role, not Mr. Obama, unless like Politico, you interpret "some adviser" to mean some minor adviser, which is quite tortured.

       Maybe you should have a little more coffee before you watch Morning Joe next time

JackDunphy 269 reads
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The POTUS is NOT responsible for lies coming out of his very own White House??????

THATS your argument? LO

marikod 1 Reviews 314 reads
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I see you are backing off that now and your complaint is that one of his employees lied.

       But you still have not told us what the "lie" is, or who told it. Until you can give us specific text and the identity of the speaker, your post is ridiculou

JackDunphy 275 reads
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When one of your employees lies, you have a responsibility to correct it publically. Obama did not. That is a lie of omission.

As for what the lie is, that is easy. Gruber played a much bigger role in the forming of Ocare than the WH said.  

A point that NONE of the four liberals on the panel argued.

Go back and look at Deans reaction. It is priceless!

JackDunphy 343 reads
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But thanks for not trying to defend Barry's lie. I'll give you credit there.

GaGambler 251 reads
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Your only rebuttal about an Obama lie is "Bush lied too" Don't you get tired of that same old lie?

If you can't defend Obama's actions, then just admit he lied. Is that really so fucking hard to do?

marikod 1 Reviews 493 reads
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you don't know whether the speaker intentionally lied or was simply mistaken, and you certainly don't the context, but you know that "Obama lied."

sign... I think we are done here.

JackDunphy 397 reads
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I am not going to argue your whole list. No, I don't think all or even most of those were "lies" but the Pat Tillman thing was VERY troubling, I will grant you that.

I don't remember who Jessica Lynch was so I have to look that one up. Military I believe, but don't remember the facts.

As you know I don't buy the WMD nonsense and their attorneys were telling them water boarding was NOT torture.  

But no phony outrage Laff as I am not outraged. It doesn't surprise me this admin lies as much as it does.

GaGambler 418 reads
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but I am glad you are not trying to defend Obama, Mari is usually the one here trying to defend the indefensible.

So should we take it that you AGREE that Obama was lying too?

JackDunphy 408 reads
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But in the court of public opinion and the court of common sense, fair and honest people would admit Obama lied.  

Beyond that, you have dyed in the wool libs who didn't even make an attempt to defend him. If they don't believe him, and they like and trust him, why should I?

For some reason, you feel the need to defend the indefensible and of course you have that right.

And the rest of us can think that is absurd. LO

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 366 reads
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...are saying?  You think Bush & Cheney were waiting for their attorneys to tell them that water boarding was NOT torture?  Cheney told them what the report should say and they wrote it to meet his expectations.

Posted By: JackDunphy
I am not going to argue your whole list. No, I don't think all or even most of those were "lies" but the Pat Tillman thing was VERY troubling, I will grant you that.  
 I don't remember who Jessica Lynch was so I have to look that one up. Military I believe, but don't remember the facts.  
 As you know I don't buy the WMD nonsense and their attorneys were telling them water boarding was NOT torture.  
 But no phony outrage Laff as I am not outraged. It doesn't surprise me this admin lies as much as it does.
-- Modified on 6/24/2015 12:17:48 AM

HONDA 153 Reviews 282 reads
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Regardless of what you think the World knows President Cheney, sorry I mean President Bush, lied about WMD's in Iraq. Bush was actually a clueless dick, being played by Cheney and the neo-conservatives. Secretary Powell was sent to the U.N to lie about Iraq's chemical weapons program based on faulty intelligence. Powell and a few of his State department aides are still miffed that they were lied to by the Bush administration. (CBS News 60 minutes)

Posted By: JackDunphy
But thanks for not trying to defend Barry's lie. I'll give you credit there.

marikod 1 Reviews 251 reads
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So we will give him a pass on this thread- it is hard to post intelligently when you are looking in the rear view mirror just to keep the truck on the road. He usually does a good job going forward.

       There is, however,  at least one time where I would agree Mr. Obama is guilty of a "lie of omission" for failing to correct a blatant lie  by his subordinate.  

        NSA chief James Clapper was asked by Congress under oath if the NSA collected"any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans”  Clapper said "No, sir ... not wittingly.” This was an utter lie, as he and we have to assume Mr. Obama knew. Yet the White House did not immediately correct this and we did not really learn about it till Snowden made the scene.

     I will say it again- this statement was  UNDER OATH. And unlike the Gruber fluff, this was material information of crucial importance to the public. Clapper should have been fired and the lie corrected.  This is the low point of the Obama presidency as far as truthfulness is conceded.

   Aal right Jack - you can take it out of reverse now

GaGambler 245 reads
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Your only defense is that Bush is/was a bigger liar.  

Just admit Obama is a liar, just like every other lying, cheating politician. Is that really so hard to do?

nuguy46 507 reads
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the Big Lie that Laffy and his ilk are so irked about was disproven by Bob Woodward. His couple years of research revealed No Lie, but rather was bad intel given to Bush....Woodward has been on TV and in print saying this.    (and every Dem stood in line with Bush supporting his conclusion are recall)......

mattradd 40 Reviews 339 reads
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GaGambler 321 reads
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You DEMAND that people admit George Bush and other righties lied, but when pressed about Obama, you revert to form.

Simply admit Obama is a liar too, and we can move on. Not admitting simply proves you are as big a hypocrite as those you claim to despise.

For the record, I maintain ALL politicians lie, but you have to include Obama in that mix too.

JackDunphy 416 reads
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On a die hard partisan political site, no one is making the absurd claim you are.

Stick with that "elephant tied to a dandelion hanging off a cliff" defense if you wish. The libs here, of all places, and all the libs on Mojo know better. ;)

Mein said you needed a new paradigm.

If I were you, I would start with some "intellectual honesty."

Just try it on for awhile and see if it fits. Lol

JackDunphy 368 reads
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and if the law is soooooooo clear as you claim, why didn't your hero ( sorry Laff, had to do it, lol) Barry prosecute them?

It would have been a "slam dunk" for the prosecution. Lol

JackDunphy 294 reads
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So the legal case in favor of doing it to scum bags is rather easy, doncha think? Lol

JackDunphy 306 reads
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But now that he completely backed Bush, he is a liar. Lol.

I wait with great eagerness Laff agreeing with this assessment. Lol

HONDA 153 Reviews 364 reads
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.......at one point. I will say this for the record, ALL politicians are lying roaches. The only way we can bring sanity back to our political process is to have strict term limits, no one politician should serve no more than two terms.

-- Modified on 6/24/2015 3:36:32 PM

GaGambler 359 reads
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except in the context of him being owned by Big Business which is something only Righties are "supposed" to be guilty of, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

I will 100% agree with you about term limits. Lifelong politicians who have never held a real job, like our current VPOTUS were never supposed to be what the founders envisioned. Public service was supposed to be just that. People who cared devoted a few years of their life for the public good and then went back to their "real" lives. Nothing good can come from career politicians, on this we are in complete agreement.

GaGambler 230 reads
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and that's why the major defense of Obama today is that "Bush was worse" there really is no defending Obama for many of the things he's done. Doubling down on the Patriot Act and fucking up Afghanistan worse than it was only being just two of them.

Liberals USED to defend Obama, but now only the dumbest try to do so, the mantra now is "Not as bad as Bush"  

Even Honda who used to be quite the partisan lefty has finally had enough and finally threw up his hands in disgust today. It took a while, but except for the most rabid of the lefties, like Hadji who won't even condemn Sharpton are still on the Obama bandwagon.
Posted By: Laffy
Not only is he owned by Big Business, he expanded both the Afghanistan War and the Patriot Act, two things the Right LOVED when Georgie was Prez.  
 To brush off those three things is pretty ridiculous.  
 The Right loves to whine, "Liberals support Obama no matter what" when they actually crucified the guy over those things.  Heck, they are the ones who blocked Obama from putting Summers in charge of the Fed.  

GaGambler 372 reads
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I just don't like the guy, I don't find him even the least bit funny, and I won't go out of my way to praise him any more than you would praise Rush even he ran his fat ass into a burning building full of orphans and saved the day. I just don't like the guy.  

Hey, you wanted honesty, you got it.

GaGambler 371 reads
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but not all politicians run on "hope and change" like a rock star and get legions of people to believe him.

You hold righties to a higher standard for running on "family values" and rightly so, it is a bigger lie when someone like Jerry Falwell gets caught with a hooker than when a lefty who doesn't pretend to be a saint gets caught doing the same thing.

That's why I hold Barry to a higher standard about transparency and telling the truth. ALL the stupid people were coming out in droves to support the black guy who was going to "change everything" maybe it's the fact that he was such a GREAT liar that I hold against him, no politician in my memory has convinced so many people that he was NOT a lying cheating politician.

JackDunphy 288 reads
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if we did farrrrrrrrrrrr worse that that, why not mention those things and leave waterboarding out?  

And didn't we waterboard one dude 170 times? Lol. Doesn't sound lethal to me

JackDunphy 380 reads
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JackDunphy 280 reads
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....increasing drone strikes, continuing "torture", bitching about gender pay inequality and then paying his female staffers less, attacking Libya without UN authorization, ignoring Pakistans sovereignty, abandoning Union protesters in Wisconsin when he promised to walk with them if ANYBODY tried to take away their collective bargaining rights, etc.

Quite a list when you look at it.

GaGambler 292 reads
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There has never been a POTUS far enough left for the far left contingent, nor has there ever been a POTUS far right enough for the far right contingent. There is ALWAYS talk about running against the incumbent, but unless you want to go back to LBJ, that's all it ever is, is talk.

By and large most of the libs, and almost all of the MSM defended Obama until recently until it was obvious that much of what he has said and done is indefensible. Now the mantra is "Bush was worse" Great defense, let's see how many candidates try to run on his coattails or brag about how they helped pass Obama Care. Obama's name may be almost as toxic as Bush by the time November 2016 rolls around.

JackDunphy 281 reads
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I "never" heard...the R's have "zero" solutions...the "entire" right...

You are such a tool. Only you could destroy your own arguments by stating things provably false by any first grader. LOL

Time to put me on ignore like you threatened...unless that was a ridiculous overstatement as well? ;)

GaGambler 287 reads
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and apparently you don't have any.

Maher hasn't been funny since his show "Politically Incorrect" and he really wasn't that funny then, but at least then he TRIED to be a comedian instead a political hack.

Reminds me in a way of Dick Gregory who at one time was rather funny, but then first he got political and then decided to save the morbidly obese and stopped being funny at all.

and as for as pants shitting goes, You shit your pants for months DEMANDING that I rip on the righties, well I have ripped on a LOT of them, but I suppose until I start standing to the left of Castro, you won't ever be happy.  

I am honest about my dislike of Maher which is a HELL of a lot more than you can say.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 248 reads
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The Army put that lie together. Anyone who thinks 'Bush' was in the middle of that one's a moron. At least we know Bo Bergdahl's a hero right?

JackDunphy 332 reads
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wow! What a fkin loser Barry must be! Thanks for pointing that out! Lol

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