Politics and Religion

So you don't know what was said, you don't know who said it,
marikod 1 Reviews 494 reads

you don't know whether the speaker intentionally lied or was simply mistaken, and you certainly don't the context, but you know that "Obama lied."

sign... I think we are done here.

JackDunphy2262 reads

ANOTHER whopper from Obama.  

Look at all the smug Libs react to the question of whether Obama lied about Gruber.

Their laughter and their words tell it all.  

Christ, when you lost Howard Dean...

Here is the only comment by Mr. Obama that I remember:

"I just heard about this. I get well briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run."

          What part of this is untrue? Morning Joe does not even mention this.  He talks about unspecified statements by unspecified White house sources that Joe believes downplayed Gruber’s role. No one on the show says Mr. Obama lied about anything.

       Gruber was indeed an adviser-that part is absolutely true. He was an independent contractor and not part of the White House staff-  that part is absolutely true.  

        Mr. Obama says he disagreed with Gruber’s flip opinion about the voters. There is no evidence Mr. Obama actually agreed with it.

         Everything Mr. Obama said was absolutely true. Nothing in the Wall Street Journal article says otherwise –they report only that Gruber had a bigger role than the WSJ previously believed.

      Sounds your complaint is with whoever in the WH “downplayed” the role, not Mr. Obama, unless like Politico, you interpret "some adviser" to mean some minor adviser, which is quite tortured.

       Maybe you should have a little more coffee before you watch Morning Joe next time

The POTUS is NOT responsible for lies coming out of his very own White House??????

THATS your argument? LO

I see you are backing off that now and your complaint is that one of his employees lied.

       But you still have not told us what the "lie" is, or who told it. Until you can give us specific text and the identity of the speaker, your post is ridiculou

When one of your employees lies, you have a responsibility to correct it publically. Obama did not. That is a lie of omission.

As for what the lie is, that is easy. Gruber played a much bigger role in the forming of Ocare than the WH said.  

A point that NONE of the four liberals on the panel argued.

Go back and look at Deans reaction. It is priceless!

you don't know whether the speaker intentionally lied or was simply mistaken, and you certainly don't the context, but you know that "Obama lied."

sign... I think we are done here.

But in the court of public opinion and the court of common sense, fair and honest people would admit Obama lied.  

Beyond that, you have dyed in the wool libs who didn't even make an attempt to defend him. If they don't believe him, and they like and trust him, why should I?

For some reason, you feel the need to defend the indefensible and of course you have that right.

And the rest of us can think that is absurd. LO

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