Politics and Religion

You are very right
dncphil 16 Reviews 265 reads

Of course billions of believers are "wrong."  There are a billion Christians and a billion Moslems who hold divergent views.  If all of one group is "right," the others are wrong.  

And that isn't factoring in a billion Hindus, don't know how many Budhists, and what ever. (There are only 12 million Jews, so I am excluding them as a "rounding error.")

Net result is if one group is right, then there are 4 or five billion that are wrong.  

Of course, if you think I am secretly religious, is my defense of Christianity because I am a Jew who converted, and is my defense of Judiasm as somewho who is not sure of what I believe.

On the other hand, maybe you think that I am really religious believing in all (except Wiccans.)

You may notice one thing in any posts that I have ever done.  I have never defended dogma or ideas.  I have never said that any belief is correct.  I have defended people from being called derogatory names.  But I never said any of the myths (as you correctly call them) are true.

-- Modified on 3/12/2014 2:46:03 PM

Where are you?   Are you hiding?

You don't exist.  And all these religions are the greatest bullshit story ever told aren't they?  

Perform a miracle for me and make my stock go up 50.  Maybe I'll consider  

No Evidence :1  Religion :

Tell God (or god, if you prefer) to perform a little parlor trick to make you rich and when he/she/it doesn't answer your prayer it is "No Evidence :1"

Is there any religion that claims that God/god answers all prayers of people who don't believe, or do you make up this test and that proves it.

Counter Prayer:

Dear God, Please make D.A. blind and ignorant.  Poof!  (God: 1 D.A. : 0

So don't pray for him to go blind, Who knows, it might work. LOL

Posted By: dncphil
Tell God (or god, if you prefer) to perform a little parlor trick to make you rich and when he/she/it doesn't answer your prayer it is "No Evidence :1"  
 Is there any religion that claims that God/god answers all prayers of people who don't believe, or do you make up this test and that proves it.  
 Counter Prayer:  
 Dear God, Please make D.A. blind and ignorant.  Poof!  (God: 1 D.A. : 0)  

GaGambler369 reads

You spend an awful lot of time defending religion, Frankly I think you are full of shit when you say you aren't religious. It's a lot easier to claim that as an "impartial observer" you simply respect religion than it is to admit that you really believe in a thousands year old fairy tale that has caused so much harm in this world.

Frankly, I also think that DA spends an inordinate amount of time on the subject as well, but that still doesn't explain your apparent need to come to the rescue and defend the fairy tale believers every time that DA bashes them. I call Bullshit

I would hope that you could at least admit that the only thing we can be absolutely certain about where it comes to "God" is that billions of people have got it wrong, since for one to be right by necessity the others must be wrong as most of them call themselves the "true path" or some other such bullshit.

Of course billions of believers are "wrong."  There are a billion Christians and a billion Moslems who hold divergent views.  If all of one group is "right," the others are wrong.  

And that isn't factoring in a billion Hindus, don't know how many Budhists, and what ever. (There are only 12 million Jews, so I am excluding them as a "rounding error.")

Net result is if one group is right, then there are 4 or five billion that are wrong.  

Of course, if you think I am secretly religious, is my defense of Christianity because I am a Jew who converted, and is my defense of Judiasm as somewho who is not sure of what I believe.

On the other hand, maybe you think that I am really religious believing in all (except Wiccans.)

You may notice one thing in any posts that I have ever done.  I have never defended dogma or ideas.  I have never said that any belief is correct.  I have defended people from being called derogatory names.  But I never said any of the myths (as you correctly call them) are true.

-- Modified on 3/12/2014 2:46:03 PM

Oh, and if it happens be sure to give Him the glory. And, if it doesn't happen, He still gets the glory because it wasn't His will, dontcha know? ;)

I remember asking about this very thing in church several years ago when I was a fundie. My pastor said, "We can never know for sure which things God is responsible for and which things were a matter of chance or circumstance. So, we praise Him either way just in case."

Really, pastor? Just in case? Heads I win, tails you lose. ROFL

Posted By: Drunken Asian
You don't exist.  And all these religions are the greatest bullshit story ever told aren't they?    
 Perform a miracle for me and make my stock go up 50.  Maybe I'll consider  
 No Evidence :1  Religion :0  

that those that don't believe in God, feel abandoned at some painful point in life.

I don't know about that.

But I have been up all night and morning, can't find my 14 year old dog. I have walked miles of woods, with friends and flashlights.  Still through the morning in the rain.

It occurs to me now, that when my dog nudged me real hard yesterday, wanting her head petted and I asked her to go to the bathroom.  That she was telling me bye and I done a good job.

She went off to die alone, and I don't know why.  And God can't answer that for me either.  My sweet dog had a vet apt today because I have been real concerned with her hips and wanted to put her on pain management.

I don't know why their is suffering in the world, but I am glad I didn't miss out on love.  Maybe that's all God is, is the Love inside us.

and hate is the devil
inside us.

I embrace both of them.

-- Modified on 3/12/2014 4:03:25 PM

Posted By: Drunken Asian
 Did you ever find your dog?

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