Politics and Religion

Yep! And, it was his group that first reported the twitter! Imagine, what a coincidence! (eom)
St. Croix 7079 reads
1 / 28

I'm referring to Anthony Weiner (D-NY) jokes. Let's see, this is gone from a hack, to a prank, to I better call my lawyer.

Note to Weiner, Brett Favre "might" be able to get away with it, but if you sent a picture via tweeter of your johnson, weiner, whatever, you're kinda fucked.

Most of the good New York lawyers are a bit busy with Strauss-Kahn, but just take a number and somebody will get back to you.

This is just too fucking funny.

Priapus53 1347 reads
2 / 28

Saw the story on cable; showed a closeup of a nameless gent's underwear covered crotch.

If Weiner is guilty of this ( which seems obvious )sure he'll face the deserved fate that faced another NY Congressman ( Chris Lee- R ):
resignation & a special election to take over his seat.

How can people be SO stupid ?!

mattradd 40 Reviews 1343 reads
4 / 28
St. Croix 1544 reads
6 / 28

He started by saying his tweeter was hacked. Then he changed it to a prank. Hack and prank are two completely different things. One is a felony, the other isn't. If he didn't send it, why does he now need a lawyer. Seems his story is changing, and I gotta admit that's the first sign of lying.

And why is he following some 21 year old girl? We will get to the bottom of this tonight on Jon Stewart's show. If anybody knows what Weiner's "weiner" looks like, it would be Stewart (lol).

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1082 reads
7 / 28

You seem to leap to the defense of every democrat that has ever been accused of anything, regardless of how much or litte proof there is, yet you are eager to accept the thinnest accusaton of any Republican that is accused of a similar transgression.

I don't have a clue as to whether or not the guy is guilty, but it appears the media shares your bias, the most damning headlines identify Weiner as a Republican, I doubt it is any coincidence, seems more like wishful thinking. I just wonder how vocal a call for waiting for all the facts to come in you would be making if he truly were a member of the GOP?

mattradd 40 Reviews 1353 reads
8 / 28

I don't have a problem with the "two different things" issue. Many of the pranks my friends and I pulled in high school and college would be also be considered crimes. And, he might feel he needs a lawyer to protect himself from anyone who doesn't believe his tweeter account was hack, and chooses to sue him for something. I'm not that much of a techie, so I'm not certain how someone can prove that their account was hacked. I do wonder why he was following this young lady on her tweeter account. He may have some "splainin" to do on that count! ;)

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1697 reads
9 / 28

Where it gets tough is to be a poon hound AND a politician.

zisk 86 Reviews 1371 reads
10 / 28
mattradd 40 Reviews 1358 reads
11 / 28

"You seem to leap to the defense of every democrat that has ever been accused of anything, regardless of how much or litte proof there is, yet you are eager to accept the thinnest accusaton of any Republican that is accused of a similar transgression."

Can you point out a few examples of such???

Let me help you with that! Nope!

The link I provided indicates that hacking twitter accounts is not all that difficult to do, which leads me to believe that it is a flimsy basis onto which to make an assumption of guilt. I do wonder why he would be following the young lady on her twitter account, but since I don't have one, or under much about how they work, there could be quite an innocent explanation.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1497 reads
12 / 28

but you do it all the time. Just like you give the ladies the BOD everytime they are accused of something on the other boards, why do you think we call you St Matt?

but when a provider starts a rant, or a Repulican is accused of wrong doing, nary a word from you except maybe to pile on. You've been doing it for years, I have no reason nor desire to go looking through thousands of posts to prove what anybody who knows you already knows.

-- Modified on 6/1/2011 5:35:31 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 1347 reads
13 / 28

He's pretty good at that! I wouldn't doubt that I have bashed a few Republicans, not because they were Republicans per se, but because they pushed themselves as being strongly for family values.

And, please, don't call me St. Matt unless you are willing to talk to the Pope and get me Beatified very quickly so that I can, very soon, have a holiday named in my honor, so I can drink some colored beer (green is already taken by St. Paddy), in celebration with everyone else. ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 1015 reads
14 / 28

Thanks for the info. Making more sense now.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2001 reads
15 / 28

and yes Pri seems to have much more time for that type of thing than do I.

A lot of you libs can only see the hypocrisy when it comes from the right, there is plenty on your side of the aisle as well, but you are awfully quick to gloss over it, and that was the point I was making.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1354 reads
16 / 28

I hate it when Republicans get strung up for this kind of shit, and I hate it equally when it happens to a Dem. From what I understand the guy is single and therefore hurting nobody, so it's a BFD over nothing.

Now I do still have an issue with the way that some partisan posters here seem to have a double standard where it comes to this type of thing, but as for this dick Weiner, I wouldn't care, even if he were married.

Actually what he should have done was admit it and told everyone in the press to go fuck off, but that's not realistic for a politician to do.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1054 reads
17 / 28

You carry a long grudge and a very big chip on your shoulders! ;)

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 943 reads
18 / 28

or do you deny being a lib?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1533 reads
19 / 28
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1255 reads
20 / 28

and you are definitely a proven liar.

That said, I don't really give a fuck about who this guy is or is not twittering. You can't even put the family values, hypocrite jacket on him. I mean the guy isn't even married, so there is noone to be hurt or upset except a media with nothing better to report on.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1359 reads
21 / 28

saw Jon Stewart's bit on it last night and he said he and Weiner had frequently been in the same summer house in Delaware as young men and that, re the photo, "there's no way that's Weiner's weiner."  I guess that settles it.  The best journalist in America has spoken.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1298 reads
22 / 28

Willy loves to shoot the messenger when he doesn't like the message.  BTW, Breitbart is publicly calling for an investigation into the alleged hacking.

Please excuse my ignorance but what is the big issue for Weiner other than embarrassment? He isn't married.  

He is definitely acting guilty.  I find it funny that this guy is well known for fucking all the top-notch ass in NYC but still feels the need to try to nail random hot chicks on Twitter all across the country.  It isn't easy being a poon hound. :)

CommonSensePrevails 1181 reads
23 / 28

Well Hell Yes !  Didn't you know James Traficant was railroaded and Barney really didn't those big plants on his back porch were weed ? Geez , C'mon already.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1167 reads
24 / 28

Twitter is a social network where you can make quick posts (tweets) or post pics.  Anyone who follows you can read your tweets. They can also respond to your tweets publicly and a conversation thread can be started from your followers. People that follow you can also send you PMs (unless you block it).

The other hacks you reference were obvious pranks not trying to fool or incriminate anybody. If Weiner's account posted the pic publicly and said something like "Weiner's weiner" nobody would doubt it was a hack.  The boner pic from Weiner's account was a private PM to a hottie in Seattle.  So we have to believe somebody hacked into Weiner's account and sent a PM expecting the girl to show it to the press.  

The other incriminating aspect is Weiner follows a shitload of young hotties across the country.  I  suspect he gets a lot of random ass using his political celebrity and sending raunchy PMs to random pieces of ass.

It's all so stupid because the real trouble will come from his lying and not the fact he was trolling for pussy.  He should admit it and go into some stupid rehab program and nobody would care.

Posted By: mattradd
"You seem to leap to the defense of every democrat that has ever been accused of anything, regardless of how much or litte proof there is, yet you are eager to accept the thinnest accusaton of any Republican that is accused of a similar transgression."

Can you point out a few examples of such???

Let me help you with that! Nope!

The link I provided indicates that hacking twitter accounts is not all that difficult to do, which leads me to believe that it is a flimsy basis onto which to make an assumption of guilt. I do wonder why he would be following the young lady on her twitter account, but since I don't have one, or under much about how they work, there could be quite an innocent explanation.

MOFW 1426 reads
26 / 28

twitter posts? Did he do it or did he not do it? This is low grade bullshit!

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1233 reads
27 / 28
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1032 reads
28 / 28

Another nice pot/kettle example from the wonderful world of willywonk4u.

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