Politics and Religion

willy deflects from how STUPID and hypocritical Trumptards are...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 15 reads

Thank you willy for deflecting from how STUPID and hypocritical Trumptards are.
Does it really matter that it was Jimmy Kimmel who exposed how STUPID and hypocritical Trumptards are?
The important point is that Trumptards have been revealed to be STUPID and hypocritical.
You deserve a lot of credit, willy - your weak ass attempt at deflection brought much more attention to this thread.  Thanks, willy, you've proven yourself to be a prototypical Trumptard.

See how they answer depending who the question is about.  You can't make this shit up::

I think he’s one of the 5 boomers left who still watches late night network TV.

Thank you willy for deflecting from how STUPID and hypocritical Trumptards are.
Does it really matter that it was Jimmy Kimmel who exposed how STUPID and hypocritical Trumptards are?
The important point is that Trumptards have been revealed to be STUPID and hypocritical.
You deserve a lot of credit, willy - your weak ass attempt at deflection brought much more attention to this thread.  Thanks, willy, you've proven yourself to be a prototypical Trumptard.

What are you mad that I didn’t watch your Jimmy Kimmel propaganda? You know, the kind that fails at being funny? If you want to see some quality comedy…

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Big Moron posts more drivel.
What are you mad that I didn’t watch your Jimmy Kimmel propaganda? You know, the kind that fails at being funny? If you want to see some quality comedy…
Ha ha ha bigP thinks something filmed by Jimmy Kimmel about politics is real 🫣🫣🫣 🤣😂🤣

They don't want to see real Republican voters because they know they are just as STUPID as the real Republican voters in the clip:

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Here are willy, Stu and Lost...
They don't want to see real Republican voters because they know they are just as STUPID as the real Republican voters in the clip:
Is your blood sugar through the roof again? Look you gotta get that shit under control or your going to start loosing toes!  

Also how far did you get on the treadmill today? 200? 300 yards?  

Dooooo BETTER fatty

That's why you deflect all the time.  You know you have no answer to how Stu-pid you and all the Republicans are.

“If you are really, really stupid, then it’s impossible for you to know you are really, really stupid.”  
That's Stooge and Looooser in a nutshell.

The one constant is the same elitist attitudes from the left. They think they’re brilliant and conservatives are dumb. Why do they think they’re so bright? Because they know science! Well, they don’t know science, but they confuse blind obedience to corrupt authorities as “knowing the science”. Pretty dumb, eh? When those corrupt authorities say contradictory things they say, “the science has changed!” Not that the corrupt authorities are untrustworthy. Pretty dumb, eh? These are the same geniuses who say, “all these forest fires is caused by climate change!” But they’re too dumb to notice arsonists keep getting arrested for starting forest fires. And to top the retard taco, these same geniuses thought defunding the police and legalizing shoplifting wouldn’t result in sky high crime and businesses closing. These are the same brilliant minds who can’t make AI that can say nuclear war is worse than “misgendering” someone. These are the same people who so profoundly understand science that they can’t say that sex is a binary. This despite the fact that to even use the word “trans” means it has to be a transition between 2 things. These are the same people who thought that masks worked. Who thought 20 boosters were a good idea. Who thought it made sense to vaccinate the young who don’t die of Covid. Who thought lockdowns were a good idea to prevent the spread of a virus that’s only spread indoors. And despite all that, they still trust Big Pharma. These are the same people who fell for the Jussie Smollet hoax. The George Floyd knee on neck hoax. The Putin paying bounties to kill US soldiers hoax. The Rolling Stone Rape on Campus hoax. The Covington kids hoax. The Duke Lacrosse team hoax. The Don’t Say Gay bill hoax. The Banning Books hoax. The Nex Benedict hoax. And despite all this, they’re still the *only* demographic that still trusts the media. They’re even so stupid that they’ve managed to convince a sizable number of dullards to chop their tits and dicks off.  

But conservatives are the dumb ones. Sure. Big Moron is a fucking genius. 😂

-- Modified on 2/27/2024 8:01:14 PM

Posted By: inicky46
Re: And then there are the wack-Os. Like Willy.
He's a stark raving lunatic.
Thank you Nick, for proving Willy right.

See many other clips about MAGA hypocrites and morons.
(Jordan Klepper has MANY of these face-to-face interview videos.)
And don't forget the Republican officials whose hyprocrisy is constantly exposed:
Jordan and Comer about the Smirnov indictment and the falsified 1023 form:
Johnson: ~'No Ukraine support w/o border support.' But Johnson rejected consideration of the comprehensive bill with Conservative supported Border support in order to keep the border as a campaign issue for Trump? 'No Ukraine support w/o border support.'  
And on and on ...

Posted By: BigPapasan

See how they answer depending who the question is about.  You can't make this shit up::  

A very tough immigration reform bill the Senator crafted with bi-partisan support that looked like it would pass until Trump torpedoed it because he wanted to keep blaming Democrats for the crisis.
These people are tools and hypocrites.

The bill was a joke. All it would have done is legalize Biden’s invasion of the USA and do what the bill was ultimately intended to do: give another 60 billion to Ukraine. That was the number one line item in the bill. Even more money laundering for Ukraine. A “tough” immigration bill, my ass.  

Meanwhile, Venezuela has seen a 22% drop in violent crime. Why? Because they’re sending their criminals here. And now there’s countless rapes and murders from illegals against US citizens daily.

And the bill was supported by many Senate Republicans. Until Trump torpedoed it because he was afraid it would actually solve the problem and he'd have one less issue to run on.
It's all about his selfish ass.

You can selectively find any number of idiots if you edit out the smart ones. I’m every one of these idiots will be voting for Biden. They can’t answer questions like “name a continent” or “who fought in the Mexican-American war?” Or “Who is the Vice President?”  



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