Politics and Religion

Why did it take courage for me to admit that ? You're another Racist, Anti Christian, Homophobe
User1994 23 Reviews 1993 reads
1 / 30

Posted By: Hillary Clinton

We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.
Posted By: Adolf Hitler

Society's needs come before the individual's needs.
-- Modified on 4/16/2015 10:52:39 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 436 reads
2 / 30

That's when you know the person talking has 'got nothin!' When they bring out Nazi's or Hitler. You must be trembling in your boots at the thought of Hillary becoming president!   ;)

GiantBombing 388 reads
3 / 30

Posted By: JFK
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
What's the difference?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 471 reads
4 / 30

When you bring up Bush on a current event  with absolutely nothing to do with him, I know you got nothing but shame you won't admit, or a conscience of stone.
  Then again, your idea of similar items, lipstick  and straws.
 I'm not sure the OP's Hillary quote was actually said by Hillary, but I have a few with date and event confirmed they were Hillary's.  
  I enjoy reading her lies the most.

 Google, Bing or Baidu :  Hillary Clinton quotes
Posted By: mattradd
That's when you know the person talking has 'got nothin!' When they bring out Nazi's or Hitler. You must be trembling in your boots at the thought of Hillary becoming president!   ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 492 reads
5 / 30

I'm responding to, in complaining about what Obama did, that Bush did in spades!  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 472 reads
6 / 30

Perhaps they can do what the Nazi's did to the male gays.  ;)

User1994 23 Reviews 557 reads
7 / 30

Staging a "spontaneous" campaign stop with planted "everyday people" and I haven't even mentioned that. And yes, the thought of Hillary getting elected would be terrifying if I believed it could actually happen.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 363 reads
8 / 30

Any country who treats women and homosexuals the way the Iranian Government does, doesn't  deserve any favors from a civilized nation.  

 I would like to  see the seized Iranian seized assets distributed to abused  women and support for Homosexual rights, world wide .


  Google, Bing or Baidu:   Iranian treatment of women and Homosexuals
Posted By: mattradd
Perhaps they can do what the Nazi's did to the male gays.  ;)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 495 reads
9 / 30

You should take an extra dose of your  truth serum prescription.  

 Don't say  "we" when "you" ask me a question, I could never be a commie.
     Yes,  I would give the Saudi's the finger.  
 The thumpers will never gain control in America, every year there  are less and less of them.  

  Five or six million thumpers in the U.S, seven million at the most, unless you consider all Christians  as Thumpers, but I doubt President Obama and +- two hundred forty million Christians  would agree with you on that.  

Google, Bing or Baidu                  Most Americans Say They're Christian
Posted By: Laffy
So, we give Saudia Arabia the finger too?And don't kid yourself.  If the Thumpers in this country had complete control, they would be EXACTLY like the Mullahs over there.

User1994 23 Reviews 460 reads
10 / 30

It's always, "It happens on both sides!"

I tell ya, those Repubs just get dirtier and dirtier every time a Dim gets caught. 😔
Posted By: Laffy
for 100 years (or more), right?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 424 reads
11 / 30

Half of  righties agreeing with a law that they believe will protect their constituents  from participating in Homosexual love when not desired , doesn't prove that half of righties in Indiana are Bible thumpers. It does prove they are likely homophobic which is not always a sign of  
   a religious person.
     You tend to generalize about groups you disagree with, like most bigots.  

  I know too many people, women included, some from the left, with not one drop of religious DNA in their body, who believe Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

  I don't agree with that position at all, I've never had a Homosexual seduce or steal a GF of mine.
  If that starts happening I might change my position .
     I know practically nothing about Nascar.   Give me a clue what Nascar's view has to do with  
   Bible thumpers and GOP presidential candidates.  
   Isn't Nascar a left wing organization ?   From the little I've seen,  they're  always going left.

    In my opinion Jeb is a lot like Hillary, if not for their name they would be unknowns.  


Posted By: Laffy
In Indiana, almost half of Righties said they agreed with the bigot law.  
 And ALL the Righty Prez candidates said they supported it too....even Jeb when he's been bragging he wasn't going to pander to those wackos.  
 If they were "that small", he'd tell them to screw off instead of supporting a law even NASCAR was against.
-- Modified on 4/16/2015 6:28:14 PM

GaGambler 513 reads
13 / 30

In many parts of the country, thumpers are still the majority, I know this from first hand experience where, "he is a great guy, he goes to our church" is almost a prerequisite for doing business.

Also thumpers, tend to vote as a bloc, making them a very powerful force in this country. It's only been recently that they have been getting any push back, which of course they call a "war on Christianity"  Any one who doubts this has only to listen to virtually any talk radio show for proof.

mattradd 40 Reviews 325 reads
14 / 30

So, how is this different from any other presidential candidate, past or present. If you want to go after her for something none of the others have done, or presently do, perhaps criticize her for her pant-suits!   ;)

Posted By: User1994
Staging a "spontaneous" campaign stop with planted "everyday people" and I haven't even mentioned that. And yes, the thought of Hillary getting elected would be terrifying if I believed it could actually happen.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 313 reads
16 / 30

...they're way off.  There are far more than 5-7 million thumpers in the US.  About 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christian.  If only 10% of those considered themselves to be devout, that would mean at least 25 million would be "thumpers."  

And they do vote in a bloc.  Ministers aren't just preaching from the pulpit, they're telling their flocks who to vote for.

mattradd 40 Reviews 357 reads
17 / 30

The Bush administration went after a liberal Episcopalian church for a minister criticizing the war in Iraq, yet the conservative churches and their clergy till their members not to pay their taxes, and tell them who to vote for.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 405 reads
18 / 30

I've heard guys tell other guys, you should go to the Big Shot Church, it's a great place to meet  new clients with money.  
   If they take that  advice and show up at Sunday church, I wouldn't call them Thumpers.  I would call them smart, aggressive, desperate salesman, looking for good leads.  
   If I was a salesman I wouldn't do that, I would feel extremely uncomfortable attending a  Church, and more uncomfortable being hypocritical.  
The Jehovah witness who  knocks on your door uninvited and attempts to read some of his/hers favorite Bible passages is a Thumper.  
  That's happened to me five or six times in my life.  
   I survived without converting to their belief or hurting them.  
   The Christian who confronts you at the gas station asking have you been saved, is a Thumper.
    That's happened five or six times in my life. They take the hint and give up quicker than the Jehovah's, usually about 10  seconds after I explain, if there is a Hell I'm likely going there when I die.  
    The Jehovah's are a bit more persistent but they seem nice enough, I try to not be rude, unless they woke me up when I was napping Saturday afternoon.  
   I can be polite and they will leave in 30 seconds.
    The Baptist who goes to Service, or whatever it's called, every  Sunday, and never proselytizes his beliefs to anyone outside his Church  I do not consider him to be a Thumper.  

  The Catholic who goes to Mass every Sunday and confesses his sins to the Priest so he is free to sin again on Monday with a clean slate, and never professes his beliefs to anyone outside his Church, I do not consider him to be a Thumper.

 From my perspective a Thumper is someone who aggressively promotes their religion or constantly quoting the Bible to someone who didn't ask for information.  
   I personally know none of those people.  

  If you are so  afraid of religions and their talking points, do yourself a favor, do like I do, don't listen to Religious  talk radio or watch God Damn Televangelists on TV.  
    You wouldn't surprise me if the next thing you say, you are using the ignore feature on TER because you  you can't stop yourself from reading  our  most adamant judgmental, bigoted, left or right TER posters, or whomever you don't agree with.  

   I believe you know, maybe not,  I went to private Religious boarding schools in my youth.  
   I never heard of any teacher abusing or molesting any students when I was there, unless you consider a swift ruler across the knuckles or a knock on the skull as abuse.  
    I did hear of some homosexual activity going on in that school.  I never heard of any forced homosexual acts.  
  Since I  wasn't raped or indoctrinated to Homosexual or Religious conversion  as a child,  I know for sure a Homosexual or a Bible thumper  has no chance of converting,  terrifying or abusing me as an adult.  
   That's why I   live and let live, to each their own, my way is my way, live your life any way you want, but I won't change my mind because you look at Religion differently than me , when your definitions and attitude toward Religion  are as  ignorant and  judgmental as those  you despise.  

Most guys have heard golfers outside the course tell other guys, Golfing is a great way to meet clients.
    Golf thumpers  don't frighten me in the least.  
  On the other side of the coin, people who don't believe  Golf is a sport aren't anymore of a threat to me than Homosexuals, Bible Thumpers, Casual Christians,  Muslims, Hindus , Buddhists, Krishna's  etc.    
Posted By: GaGambler
In many parts of the country, thumpers are still the majority, I know this from first hand experience where, "he is a great guy, he goes to our church" is almost a prerequisite for doing business.  

Also thumpers, tend to vote as a bloc, making them a very powerful force in this country. It's only been recently that they have been getting any push back, which of course they call a "war on Christianity"  Any one who doubts this has only to listen to virtually any talk radio show for proof.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 364 reads
19 / 30

Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other people.

 If  I told about all the different  types of people I've met, associated with,  and the experiences I've had, you would most likely believe  I am telling you a Big lie.  
  For a poor boy I've lived a  great life,  full of adventure with  thousands of awesome  experiences
 and more GF's than I remember, along with  a few I wish I could forget.  
   If I died tonight I believe I've had as much adventure and variety in life as 99 % of anyone I've met or read about, including Jesus.  
  I might not be well known across the Globe, or rich,  but if I was to  write a book about the Adventures of Quad, I might become more famous than I hoped for.  

Of all the GF's I've had in my lifetime as an adult, I've  never had one GF who  attended Church on a weekly, monthly, semi monthly or twice a year  basis.  
 Sure some of the preachers daughters  I dated when I was a teen, were forced to attend Church twice a week or more, until they moved out on their own.
   A  few of my  GF's went to Church on Christmas, Hanukkah, with family, or when their Grandma was visiting, one or two week ends out of the year.
  With 90% of my GF's, politics and religion were never discussed.  
  Politics or religion weren't something we woke up thinking about.  
   Most of my GF's have had the same affiliation with Religion as adults, as I have, the type of relationship with organized religion a  * Bible thumper would refer to as  a heathens life .  

   I can't explain why, I only know, more than a few of those ex GF's, I am almost sure they never  went to Church as adults,  certainly never with me, had the belief marriage should only be  between a man and a woman.
  A few of them have changed their mind and now support Gay marriage, like  President Obama.
   I disagreed with their point of view when they believed marriage should only be between a man and  woman, but I never felt the need to argue, or convert  them to the belief I have, anyone who desires  to marry a willing  adult, should be allowed to do so,  no matter if same sex, same religion, no religion,  opposite sex, or different religions.    

 If you have only had relationships with hookers you are looking at  a skewed reality with the different  realities of Gals in the civilian world.
  My first encounter  with Hookers was soon after I joined TER.  
   Generally speaking, from my experience, Hookers are the most non judgmental gals I've  met, though I don't believe it is non judgmental on their part when they try to tell me stories about Johns they see who like to wear diapers and be spanked or other personal preference.
   I hate it when they mock and laugh about  their customers behind their back.
   To each their own, I believe it is best for all to have respect for different perspectives
        and desires.
  I don't give a damn what any adult does with another adult  behind closed doors.

  If followme or nuguy asks me stupid questions or makes ridiculous assumptions about events and discussions in my life, I will reply to them.  
  Until then I will do as I please and reply to the most bigoted guy on TER , you,  
   the guy I strongly suspect, only fraternizes with people like yourself.  :-D

 * Bible Thumper : An  Evangelical  or Fundamentalist   Christian, loud and  overbearing among acquaintances and friends with his Biblical  beliefs, often thumping the Bible with his hand or fingers  he carries  everywhere.    Usually not a female though there are exceptions to every rule.
  Occasionally someone will become a Thumper when facing time for a major crime.  
  Usually his thumping will pass if found not guilty.

    I was only being sarcastic about Nascar since you brought it up, though I don't know much about the sport and their political beliefs,  except they DO always turn left.  

Google, Bing or Baidu : Barack Obama: 'marriage is between a man and a woman'  

Posted By: Laffy
for non-religious reasons?  .00001%?  Odd that you know SO many of them and I've never met one.  
 And if their reason is, "A gay person stole my boyfriend so that means they shouldn't be able to get married", that makes them bigots.....and idiots.  
 Oh, and spare me your cryfest about "generalizing about groups you disagree with" because your boyfriends followme and nuguy (and others) do that to liberals 24/7/365 and you losers calling me a bigot NEVER say a word to them when they do it.  
 Yeah, NASCAR is left wing.  (rolleyes)  
-- Modified on 4/16/2015 10:33:54 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 409 reads
20 / 30

...and at least half of your post is BS in order to make us think you're "all that."

There are no synagogue services on Hanukkah.  If your Jewish GFs told you they were going to synagogue, it's because they were sick of your ass and were probably going off to fuck someone else.

Hanukkah is a minor holiday.  It's really only celebrated in a major way in America to keep  Jewish kids from wanting to celebrate Christmas.

Google, Bing, Ask or Baidu:  Hanukkah synagogue

Baidu?  WTF is Baidu?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 411 reads
21 / 30

I was merely trying to explain to Daffy in detail, some GF's of mine  with no religious loyalty  believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.
  He expressed doubts when I mentioned my experiences with that, since he had never had the  same experience.  Now that seemed odd to me.

   I found it ridiculous he believes someone who has the belief marriage should only be  between a man and a woman is sure to be a Religious bigot .  
    If I'm lying about having non religious GF's in the past who believed marriage should be reserved between a man and a woman, may the Lord strike me down and send my soul to Hell.  
        Admitting I'm a poor boy is your idea of BS to make the crowd of twenty  think I'm "all that"?
   With millions more women than men on this planet , almost any  guy not shy or insecure can certainly find  more women they he could handle in his lifetime .
        Your idea of adventure might be visiting a Hotel in a foreign land .  
      I have mentioned on TER more than once  I enjoy camping in the wilderness, swimming and surfing, all low cost adventures .
   I also enjoy snowboarding though  it can be cost prohibitive for a poor boy  like me.  
   I honestly  don't care what guys here think, I'm accustomed to men not being attracted to me.  
                No big deal from my perspective or well being.  
   I hope you  realize  this is Politics and Religion not swinging singles chat and meet.
   I haven't noticed any women posting here  lately.  
                 Who do you think I was trying to impress?                
    I thought "all that" guys tend to constantly talk about  money they have, the cars they drive, the Presidential Rolex they wear and  exotic lands  they frequent twice a month  ?  
   You won't hear me doing that.  Ever since my brother  quit working for an airline  I'm stuck in Mayberry without  a Buddy pass and no cash for bus fare.  
   The only reason I own a Rolex ,I bought it  in front of the Smithsonian, for twenty bucks less than a Timex.  The gals I meet at Walmart don't notice my Rolex is fake.  
         If you thought I was bragging you were mistaken.  
  I didn't claim my GF's were all hot babes.  Even an ugly dog can find a mate if he's willing  
   to talk.  I have no problem talking to women.    
  Why guys like you, who act like jealous women, when there is  nothing to be jealous about, I have no clue .  
     I've never claimed GF's haven't cheated on me and I seriously doubt  I won't find another  
     who will.    
   I'm not the jealous type, so all is well, except sometimes they become agitated when I don't act like I care where they are, or what they are doing.

   What part of my thread do you feel is B.S.
   I do have references that will vouch for my  honesty.  
       Baidu is China's version of google.
   Have a nice night, don't act so insecure about something that doesn't threaten you,  you'll sleep better,  and you just might find a woman who will love you  for other than money.  
  For your sake I hope she doesn't cheat on you, I suspect you are the kind of guy who would never get over that.  
              Perhaps that already happened and caused your permanent  "tude"  :-D  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...and at least half of your post is BS in order to make us think you're "all that."

There are no synagogue services on Hanukkah.  If your Jewish GFs told you they were going to synagogue, it's because they were sick of your ass and were probably going off to fuck someone else.

Hanukkah is a minor holiday.  It's really only celebrated in a major way in America to keep  Jewish kids from wanting to celebrate Christmas.

Google, Bing, Ask or Baidu:  Hanukkah synagogue

Baidu?  WTF is Baidu?
-- Modified on 4/17/2015 2:39:36 AM

followme 410 reads
22 / 30

9 States in 11 years as I recall.

I've heard of getting run out of town but the entire state ...you must have set a record.
not one to be proud of ....well not for most people

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 462 reads
23 / 30

I've mentioned my thoughts on this  in the past, five  years ago on TER , when I first heard  the term Tea bagger  used when referring to  the Tea Party.
   The very first time I heard the word Tea Bagger, was probably twenty  years  ago, by a non religious, Red neck, Homophobic cracker, making ignorant anti Homosexual jokes at a party, years before the  Tea party of today was invented.
   I have had a few Gals tea bag me without my request but it wasn't my cup of tea . :-D
   If you desire  to carry on looking like a Homophobic jerk, or a closet Homosexual,  though I believe you are not the former, more likely  the latter, since you have so little experience with women,  you do have the  freedom and my blessings  to do so.  
  I am only giving you my two cents from what I've read about some Homosexuals feelings, when they hear the term tea bagger used in a derogatory manner.  
  How you spend the two cents  is your personal choice.  
  To be clear, I don't care or would think any less of you, if you are Homosexual, a frustrated closet Homosexual or the  straight Jerk you typically display.
   I do love your passionate nature.  :-D
      Don't get me wrong, your words toward the Tea party  doesn't affect me in the least, but it does sound rude and homophobic  when used in a derogatory manner if you know the original meaning of the words.  
  Hopefully I am clear, I have no desire to attend a  Tea Party event or any Tea Party loyalty, though  I would like to see Government waste  cut as much as possible, without harming  the  
truly in need.  
   I doubt many Homosexuals  visit TER,   I suspect there are some  here who believe  tea bagger used in a derogatory manner  is as offensive as the F..... word TER does not allow, also known as a cigarette in England .  
   Tea Party Numb Nuts, Tea Party Morons, Tea Party Dim Wits, Tea party Lunatics,  Tea Toilet  Party , are alternatives without offending some in the Homosexual  community  .
 Don't take my word for it, below is a Gay guys  opinion of the term.  
   Most likely you will discount his words since he is a voice from  the Right.    


  I agree with you, Jehovah's are relatively harmless.  
  From a different perspective I won't go into, this  late at night, I believe  you and people like you,  are more dangerous to the welfare and peace of the community and tolerance among all,  
 than any Christian I've ever met.  

  Have a nice night, if I dream about you, you'll be on the bottom where you reside.  :-D
Posted By: Laffy
They try to ram their fairy tale down everyone's throats thru laws.  
 I think the "Witnesses" are less harmless because I've never heard of them trying to change our laws saying we HAVE to follow THEIR way.
-- Modified on 4/17/2015 1:46:23 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 355 reads
24 / 30

After hearing all the stories told from my Mormon relatives, who left the church, and the people I've known who have left various cults and the Church of Scientology, I never had the interest or stomach to sit through it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 421 reads
25 / 30

grow and maintain your flock is to instill an atmosphere of threat and persecution. A good economy, shopping malls open on Sundays, Sunday football game, ESPN, are all greater threats to churches than the ISIS.   ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 421 reads
26 / 30

...some news for you, buddy - if someone is dropping their nutsack into your gaping mouth, "she's" not a "Gal."  But it took a lot of courage for you to admit you've been teabagged.  Way to go!

BTW, where did you get the "fact" that there are only 5 to 7 million thumpers in the U.S?  From Baidu?  I suggest you Bai-don't use that search engine anymore.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 448 reads
28 / 30

Since  you are too ignorant to understand  simple facts, I'll clue you in,  millions of Homophobes are also Card Carrying  DimWits.
  You unwittingly  added yourself to their Homophobe list.
   More likely millions more Closet Homosexuals in the DimWit Party spewing their Homophobic nonsense like you just did, to protect their image,  than Thumpers in the GOP you can "legitimately" count.  
    Some news for you, monkey cum for brains, if they were not  Gals and I was fooled,  I feel no shame, they  still looked and felt good enough for me.  :-D
   Even though the few gals who  tea bagged  me made me realize, being tea bagged wasn't my Cup of Tea, the rest of their sexual prowess made up for that. :-D
    Why would it take COURAGE  to admit I might have been with a man and did not know?  
   If I was with a man and DID know,  I wouldn't feel shame.  
 Evidently closet Homophobes like YOU see things differently than I.  
   Why is that, would you feel shame if you turned Gay ?
  If I turn Gay I would feel no shame, or feel I was courageous if I announced to the World I have changed my sexual preference.
    Being Gay, or casting all inhibitions aside and  preference for females, and going from Heterosexual to Homosexual  is nothing to be ashamed of, from my perspective.  
  I never claimed I might not become Gay before the end of my days.  
          How about you?
  Second time I've  asked that question .
      Mouse got your Tongue ?  
    The  modus operandi of most closet Homophobes are usually, they have nothing against Homosexuals and support their rights, BUTT they wouldn't even allow a woman to touch their Ass.  
    An inquiring mind would like to know, is there ANY  possibility, you might free your spirit and try some sexual time with a man ?  
  Third times a charm, in not so many words, you got my drift yet ?    :-D
   Thanks for letting us all know with you own words, you are   Bigoted  against Homosexuals as well as Christians.  
  Add  to that, your hatred of the White race, you're  in first place  for  Grand Master Racist Bigot on TER  P&R.  
   I've always believed  automatic affirmative action giving passing grades for slow learners, only lowers their self esteem,  instead of helping them succeed in the World .  
                      Thank you for confirming my beliefs once again.  
   You sure do make a habit of proving how Big a loser you truly are, and how right I am.
  I will give you credit where credit is due ,You did show courage to attempt  matching  wits with a ninth grade  drop out ,who never cheated on a test,  or had a passing grade he didn't earn.

 By the way, I've made a copy of this reply so if you attempt to  edit and delete,   your Freudian slip is on record.    
               Suck in your Gut and try again if you dare ,  Big Loser !   :-D

Posted By: BigPapasan
...some news for you, buddy - if someone is dropping their nutsack into your gaping mouth, "she's" not a "Gal."  But it took a lot of courage for you to admit you've been teabagged.  Way to go!

BTW, where did you get the "fact" that there are only 5 to 7 million thumpers in the U.S?  From Baidu?  I suggest you Bai-don't use that search engine anymore.

mattradd 40 Reviews 442 reads
29 / 30

can havoc. These crazies can justify everything they do, in the name of God and their prophesied 'end time, which many times has been changed after it didn't come about.

followme 394 reads
30 / 30

If you are not a tea bagger, then you must be one of the ones getting tea bagged

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