Politics and Religion

"All That" ?
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 411 reads

I was merely trying to explain to Daffy in detail, some GF's of mine  with no religious loyalty  believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.
  He expressed doubts when I mentioned my experiences with that, since he had never had the  same experience.  Now that seemed odd to me.

   I found it ridiculous he believes someone who has the belief marriage should only be  between a man and a woman is sure to be a Religious bigot .  
    If I'm lying about having non religious GF's in the past who believed marriage should be reserved between a man and a woman, may the Lord strike me down and send my soul to Hell.  
        Admitting I'm a poor boy is your idea of BS to make the crowd of twenty  think I'm "all that"?
   With millions more women than men on this planet , almost any  guy not shy or insecure can certainly find  more women they he could handle in his lifetime .
        Your idea of adventure might be visiting a Hotel in a foreign land .  
      I have mentioned on TER more than once  I enjoy camping in the wilderness, swimming and surfing, all low cost adventures .
   I also enjoy snowboarding though  it can be cost prohibitive for a poor boy  like me.  
   I honestly  don't care what guys here think, I'm accustomed to men not being attracted to me.  
                No big deal from my perspective or well being.  
   I hope you  realize  this is Politics and Religion not swinging singles chat and meet.
   I haven't noticed any women posting here  lately.  
                 Who do you think I was trying to impress?                
    I thought "all that" guys tend to constantly talk about  money they have, the cars they drive, the Presidential Rolex they wear and  exotic lands  they frequent twice a month  ?  
   You won't hear me doing that.  Ever since my brother  quit working for an airline  I'm stuck in Mayberry without  a Buddy pass and no cash for bus fare.  
   The only reason I own a Rolex ,I bought it  in front of the Smithsonian, for twenty bucks less than a Timex.  The gals I meet at Walmart don't notice my Rolex is fake.  
         If you thought I was bragging you were mistaken.  
  I didn't claim my GF's were all hot babes.  Even an ugly dog can find a mate if he's willing  
   to talk.  I have no problem talking to women.    
  Why guys like you, who act like jealous women, when there is  nothing to be jealous about, I have no clue .  
     I've never claimed GF's haven't cheated on me and I seriously doubt  I won't find another  
     who will.    
   I'm not the jealous type, so all is well, except sometimes they become agitated when I don't act like I care where they are, or what they are doing.

   What part of my thread do you feel is B.S.
   I do have references that will vouch for my  honesty.  
       Baidu is China's version of google.
   Have a nice night, don't act so insecure about something that doesn't threaten you,  you'll sleep better,  and you just might find a woman who will love you  for other than money.  
  For your sake I hope she doesn't cheat on you, I suspect you are the kind of guy who would never get over that.  
              Perhaps that already happened and caused your permanent  "tude"  :-D  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...and at least half of your post is BS in order to make us think you're "all that."

There are no synagogue services on Hanukkah.  If your Jewish GFs told you they were going to synagogue, it's because they were sick of your ass and were probably going off to fuck someone else.

Hanukkah is a minor holiday.  It's really only celebrated in a major way in America to keep  Jewish kids from wanting to celebrate Christmas.

Google, Bing, Ask or Baidu:  Hanukkah synagogue

Baidu?  WTF is Baidu?
-- Modified on 4/17/2015 2:39:36 AM

Posted By: Hillary Clinton

We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.
Posted By: Adolf Hitler

Society's needs come before the individual's needs.
-- Modified on 4/16/2015 10:52:39 AM

That's when you know the person talking has 'got nothin!' When they bring out Nazi's or Hitler. You must be trembling in your boots at the thought of Hillary becoming president!   ;)

When you bring up Bush on a current event  with absolutely nothing to do with him, I know you got nothing but shame you won't admit, or a conscience of stone.
  Then again, your idea of similar items, lipstick  and straws.
 I'm not sure the OP's Hillary quote was actually said by Hillary, but I have a few with date and event confirmed they were Hillary's.  
  I enjoy reading her lies the most.

 Google, Bing or Baidu :  Hillary Clinton quotes

Posted By: mattradd
That's when you know the person talking has 'got nothin!' When they bring out Nazi's or Hitler. You must be trembling in your boots at the thought of Hillary becoming president!   ;)

I'm responding to, in complaining about what Obama did, that Bush did in spades!  ;)

Staging a "spontaneous" campaign stop with planted "everyday people" and I haven't even mentioned that. And yes, the thought of Hillary getting elected would be terrifying if I believed it could actually happen.

So, how is this different from any other presidential candidate, past or present. If you want to go after her for something none of the others have done, or presently do, perhaps criticize her for her pant-suits!   ;)

Posted By: User1994
Staging a "spontaneous" campaign stop with planted "everyday people" and I haven't even mentioned that. And yes, the thought of Hillary getting elected would be terrifying if I believed it could actually happen.

Posted By: JFK
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
What's the difference?

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