Politics and Religion

*whimper!* So sad to see you reduced to a single bark.
dncphilsdog 1981 reads

*snif* youi are not the master you once were.  Yip!  When I was  a puppy I so looked up to you.  Now you are just sad.

nuguy467021 reads

after more than two years of 'establishing' jobs', etc. this is what we can look forward too?
...that george bush did us in, didn't he!!

Predicting the future is easy after it happens.  There are a hundred things I could think of off the top of my head that will change the current course, whatever that course may be.  They would result in a landslide for Obama and the Dems, to a crushing defeat for Obama and the Dems, to a close election and gridlock.

Other options would result in war or peace or stability or chaos.

My favorite prediction used to be the slogan of the left who went to the USSR in the early days, and reported that they had seen the future - before the USSR collapsed.  Even then the future is iffy.  Can Mr. Dumptyovich be put back together?

China has incredilble problems and I wouldn't bet on the future there either way.  These include a population of decreasing women, increasing percentages of old people, horrific polution that makes L.A. in the worst days of the 50's look good, and a totalitarian government that is starting to open a little and internet access is increasing.  I would be very surprised if the leaders in China are not looking at Egypt with a little concern.

Posted By: nuguy46
after more than two years of 'establishing' jobs', etc. this is what we can look forward too?
...that george bush did us in, didn't he!!

nuguy46822 reads

War, peace, Stability or chaos.
 US in decline.

Priapus531198 reads

dude, you're so illiterate you couldn't even READ a book--------:)

GaGambler1530 reads

and once you have elevated your writing skills to a third grade level, then and only then you might want to take on writing an entire book.lmao

dncphilsdog2392 reads

No!  I'm your running dog!  Bow-wow-wow!!!  I bite, too.  And I have been wiping my ass on your carpet.
PS: Also, I've been up on your bed, phil, and I have fleas.

dncphilsdog1573 reads

...'cuz I just pissed on your shoe!  Woof!

dncphilsdog1982 reads

*snif* youi are not the master you once were.  Yip!  When I was  a puppy I so looked up to you.  Now you are just sad.

dncphilsdog1582 reads

...can't you see how futile it is?  You've been reduced to one-word come-backs by a canine!  You must be so humliated.  Now I own "bark."  You really shouldn't use it any more, though I'm sure you will since it's apparantly all you can say now.  Woof!  Rrrroowwllll!  Yap!  Grrrrr!!!!!

I will dig up some new words to describe some of your more insightful posts....lol

Posted By: charlie445
I will dig up some new words to describe some of your more insightful posts....lol

dncphilsdog1368 reads


-- Modified on 2/27/2011 11:54:42 AM

dncphilsdog1187 reads

I mean, bark, bark!

Priapus53931 reads

You remind me of a departed troll who posted illiterate threads because English was his second language----that the case with you or are you dyslexic ?

As for your subject matter, I'm not wild about many of the economic decisions BHO has made, but, the majority of the economic mess occurred under Geoerge Bush's watch, which of course, you conveniently neglected to mention.

SpellingTutor1265 reads


Its spelled Cockalorum

Merriam- Webster "a boastful and self-important person; a strutting little fellow

About the word:

If cockalorum suggests a crowing cock, that's because cockalorum probably comes from kockeloeren – an obsolete Dutch dialect verb meaning "to crow."

Farlex "cock·a·lo·rum
1. A little man with an unduly high opinion of himself.
2. Boastful talk; braggadocio.

alpahdictionary.com  • cockalorum •
Meaning: 1. A little man with an extraordinarily high opinion of himself, who 'crows' about himself a lot. 2. The 'crowing' of a cockalorum, cockamamie boasting, false self-praise.

Priapus532237 reads

why hide behind a cowardly alias ? Do you consider yourself a 3rd rate pedant because you're insecure about not progressing beyond the 9th grade ?! I think a little "cockalorum confidence" would be therapeutic for you. You could acquire that by obtaining that long delayed GED for yourself, which would get you over your "insecurity hump"------;)

-- Modified on 2/26/2011 10:49:45 AM

SpellingTutor938 reads

Priapus"why hide behind a cowardly alias ? Do you consider yourself a 3rd rate pedant because you're insecure about not progressing beyond the 9th grade ?! I think a little "cockalorum confidence" would be therapeutic for you. You could acquire that by obtaining that long delayed GED for yourself, which would get you over your "insecurity hump"

Actually, I have no doubt,in the World of reality, I am much more self confident than you.
If spelling tutor was your idea of me trying  an  alias disguise , your mind is blind.
Every regular poster here, could easily tell, I am your spelling tutor,especially since I once again threw your cockalorum manner at you,after you corrected someone for to, instead of too.
 Do you get my drift?
In your defense,sarcasm tends to fly over your empty, dense space.
 Are you telling me your internet cockalorum confidence, helps you in public? I think not.
My wager says you are quiet and self contained in the real world,extremely  wary of allowing strangers in your personal space , lest you be revealed as the fraud you are.
Riddle me this! If I was insecure why would I admit to dropping out of ninth grade,or my superb janitor skills and if you were secure why not debate someone instead of changing the subject by correcting spelling. I doubt I am the only one that thinks it is odd, you don't correct your blow buddies when they misspell.
I am inclined to believe, the insecure would more likely exaggerate,belittle others, and boast online, where their real identity, is hidden from reality, while wary of attending a
Since aliases make you whine on time, I am going on a quadseasonal hiatus. Until further notice, I will be posting on P@R board,via alias other than quadseasonal.
 I won't always be flagrant in announcing my alias is me. I won't use quadseasonal unless you accuse the wrong alias of my identity.
TYVM for your input.. I was starting to feel some boredom in the air.
 Not sure if you read the TER  memo below.
See you in a day or two.
I'll be busy conjuring up aliases.
Have a great Night.

"Here are NINE very acceptable reasons for the use of an alias.

1.Use of topical humor when the alias enhances the humor

2.The creation of a character(literary license) to be used in an informative, fun, innocuously sarcastic, philanthropic, as well as topical way.

3.Anonymity for when regional or associational sensitivities may be of concern, particularly when there are members out there who will harass you on the boards when you disagree strongly with them.

4.Innocuous playing of "devils advocate" in a discussion or debate where one wishes to not be further/future aligned with one faction or the other.  If you look at the GD Board, there are providers who have flat out stated that they won't see someone based on some of their posts.  Why would any guy take the chance.

5.Avoidance of suffering political fallout for a comment that may have been wrongly construed in a possibly volatile discussion.  Some of these regular posters are hyper-sensitive, and also don't read the whole post before going ballistic.

6.Posting investigative reports, meet & greet announcements, helpful advice, or other similar types of useful information where the use of a user-name could prove problematic or open the poster up to incessant PM's and questions.

7.Concerns in revealing your review history.  This is a big one when you are posting about a particular provider that you are not going to name. In those situations, you open ALL of your reviewed providers to the public guessing who you are talking about.  It's not fair to the others.

8.Ability to contribute where you would otherwise feel embarrassed to speak candidly.  Some are just too shy, but will post under an alias.

9.To avoid a google search turning up your review history.  Some of these guys only post in alias for this reason."

Priapus53985 reads

your moronic writings & typing style make your posts a dead giveaway, no matter what alias you use.

Btw, do you look like Michael Steele ?

as the prototype for cockalorum, a word defined as a "self important little man."

SpellingTutor1895 reads

I would imagine a drunkard cockalorum like Pri, is often on his knees,pleading with the audience, hoping to be another Willy Loman?

I just want to be the first to say — enjoy your retirement!

Say what you want about "W" there was a Dem congress his last two years. Anything involving money, budget had to be approved by them. The Prez does not handle the purse. Even if he used his veto, the Dems had the votes to overturn. So let's place the economic mess where it belongs.

GaGambler1552 reads

Six years of GWB and a GOP Congress, and then the last four years can be firmly placed at the feet of the Dems.

At least the GOP is trying to make some meaningful cuts, not suprisingly the Dems are fighting these cuts tooth and nail. this should make for an interesting 2012 election season.

Personally I would not be surprised to see Obama reelected, but with a GOP controlled Congress. I would not be terribly displeased with that outcome. It sure beats having either party claiming a "mandate".

nuguy462617 reads

agree 100%.
some who are reading this thread, don't seem to get the point.

You are simply wrong on the facts re "the Dems had the votes to overturn."  A Presidential veto can  only be  overturned by a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate.  The Dems never had that by themselves.  In the Senate the Dems had a bare 60-vote margin for only a few months before Ted Kennedy got sick, and 60 votes is only good for breaking a filibuster, not to overturn a veto.  As Yogi says: "You could look it up."

which met, not matter what congress passed he was just going to do what he wanted to do in spite of them.

...about the same time that Dems were sworn in. We're still recovering from that bubble popping.

The Dems do get plenty of blame for not solving the problem like they should have. And Clinton should be blamed for signing into law banking deregulation that created this problem. We'd be in deep shit with just that to deal with. But with endless tax cuts, two foreign wars, unfunded expansions of Medicaid, we're in deep shit.

Unfortunately, neither party shows even close to enough leadership to solving these problems. I fully expect the next 5-15 years to be pretty shitty.

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