Politics and Religion

What difference, at this point, does it make.sad_smile
User1994 23 Reviews 285 reads

Suppose Obama and the whole gang were proven directly involved. What would change? Nothing. The Leftist media would still be printing the same old witch hunt stories, the low-info voters would still be obsessed with seeing Kim Kardashian's new baby, and the Pubs would tell the American people to go f' themselves before they'd do anything about it.

Posted By: JackDunphy
They have the emails. They don't have the emails. They were saved on the drive. They trashed the drive. The have them again. WHAT A CLUSTER FUCK of govt incompetence.  
 Koskinen HAS to step down now, doesn't he? Much like Shinsecki, he has NO clue what is going on under his watch. He is either in on a conspiracy or he is extremely terrible at his job.  
 Being the nice guy I am, I'll say he is grossly incompetent until I see evidence he is corrupt as well. Either way, he needs to get Obama's foot up his ass on the way out the door. Yeah, THATS going to happen soon.  
 Speaking of Obama, wasn't this the scandal that Barry said not only wasn't there any large scale corruption, there wasn't even a "smidge" of wrong doing? How long ago was he telling us "its just a few rogue agents in Cincinnati!" lol  

JackDunphy1988 reads

They have the emails. They don't have the emails. They were saved on the drive. They trashed the drive. The have them again. WHAT A CLUSTER FUCK of govt incompetence.

Koskinen HAS to step down now, doesn't he? Much like Shinsecki, he has NO clue what is going on under his watch. He is either in on a conspiracy or he is extremely terrible at his job.

Being the nice guy I am, I'll say he is grossly incompetent until I see evidence he is corrupt as well. Either way, he needs to get Obama's foot up his ass on the way out the door. Yeah, THATS going to happen soon.

Speaking of Obama, wasn't this the scandal that Barry said not only wasn't there any large scale corruption, there wasn't even a "smidge" of wrong doing? How long ago was he telling us "its just a few rogue agents in Cincinnati!" lo

followme313 reads

The emails could put lerner in prison, but more important, will they prove that obama was directly involved.

Will we hear obama say "I'm not a crook"  

Thank You  
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

They'll just put another career bureaucrat in there. Never forget how the Democrat members APOLOGIZED to him at the recent hearings. The poor thing, if only he had more funding. And many of you think we need even more spending, more agencies, more laws and more bureacrats. We just need the right people to make the machine work better. Right.

Suppose Obama and the whole gang were proven directly involved. What would change? Nothing. The Leftist media would still be printing the same old witch hunt stories, the low-info voters would still be obsessed with seeing Kim Kardashian's new baby, and the Pubs would tell the American people to go f' themselves before they'd do anything about it.

Posted By: JackDunphy
They have the emails. They don't have the emails. They were saved on the drive. They trashed the drive. The have them again. WHAT A CLUSTER FUCK of govt incompetence.  
 Koskinen HAS to step down now, doesn't he? Much like Shinsecki, he has NO clue what is going on under his watch. He is either in on a conspiracy or he is extremely terrible at his job.  
 Being the nice guy I am, I'll say he is grossly incompetent until I see evidence he is corrupt as well. Either way, he needs to get Obama's foot up his ass on the way out the door. Yeah, THATS going to happen soon.  
 Speaking of Obama, wasn't this the scandal that Barry said not only wasn't there any large scale corruption, there wasn't even a "smidge" of wrong doing? How long ago was he telling us "its just a few rogue agents in Cincinnati!" lol  

GaGambler323 reads

I am happy we have the loony left to fight the "religious right" by the same token we need the Tea Party and company to keep the left in check, or else they will undo everything this country stands for.

It's not hyperbole when the Tea Party claims that the goal of the left is to create a socialist America, just like the left has a huge point when they claim that the religious right wants this country to be run  in accordance with the Bible. Neither side is to be trusted, the only thing we can really hope for is that the two sides cancel each other out.

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