Politics and Religion

What companies or special interest groups lobbied Congress
Badboy1234 10 Reviews 108 reads

For Obama care. Awhile back I wrote to the Congressman for my district and both Senators requesting that information and neither wrote back with a response.

Can anybody explain to me HRC's plan on the failed Obamacare aka affordable care act.  Will she continue to fine (tax through IRS) those who cannot afford the rising costs of scam health insurance that is set up to never pay a dime until your health is so poor, that you may die anyway if you cannot come up with the high deductibles for necessary surgeries or treatment?  And more companies and doctors pulling out and would rather give a significant decrease in payment for cash payers out of pocket.

Could it be possible that it was designed to fail, so we can make the transition to single payer?  Or how will insurance companies be regulated?  Subsidies didn't work out so well for those still struggling to pay high inflation costs for basic needs like groceries.

I am so disgusted with the fines (taxes) on the poor.  That is my biggest grievance with President Obama's presidency.  As a small business owner, I had to make small changes to give myself a raise (per my accountant so I can personally afford fine next year)  Those costs were passed on to the consumer.  I raised my labor rate, and passed on to the consumer the use of credit/debit cards with surcharge.  That was the only way that worked for me to stay in business.  I gave my 3 employee's a raise as well.  One is now caught in the crosshairs of not being able to marry his baby's mother or she will lose her Medicaid, SNAP.  Even paying him a good salary, he still struggles to make ends meet.  I personally believe that anyone that makes less than 30K should be able to keep all their paycheck.  And work incentives given to women to re-enter the workforce that are caught up in it's cheaper to stay at home than pay daycare and lose all their benefits.  This is exactly why we have seen a decline in traditional marriage.  It's not in their best interests to marry and that's sad.

So which direction is HRC going to take to help the failing middle class to obtain healthcare?  Is single payer in our future or will our government let the poor die when they have a poor prognosis without treatment but cannot afford it!

LasVegan84 reads

post.  Reinforces the point just how complicated it is politically, to get anything done that will truly benefit the American people as a whole.

If Clinton does get elected, she can propose anything she wants, but it takes the congress to write a bill, ratify that bill and send it to the president to sign and enact as law.

Obamacare is definitely a very flawed program, but the complexity of the influence lobbyists have over the whole process is at the core of its problems.  Politically motivated governors opt out and create problems for healthcare beneficiaries in their state, in an attempt to; appease special interests, obstruct Obama, and try to make the program fail.  All to the detriment of Americans who have no real healthcare options.  Our republican congress is not any better.  All just to advance their own political aspirations.  Who knows what it would take to convince them we are all on the same team.

We are the greatest country in the world and have shown how innovative we can be time and time again. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know how the challenge to secure healthcare for all Americans can be a thing of the past.  We would need to get ALL of our politicians at both the state and national level, to roll up their sleeves, work together, forsake special interests, and put together a plan that not only served all Americans, but provided a respectable profit for insurance companies/healthcare providers.

-- Modified on 10/27/2016 10:45:04 AM

For Obama care. Awhile back I wrote to the Congressman for my district and both Senators requesting that information and neither wrote back with a response.

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