Politics and Religion

Up to the point people start taking him seriously
2465305 70 Reviews 169 reads

It will fizzle out soon......."You're Fired" works much better than "If you smell what the Rock is cooking".

Posted By: mattradd

All this controversy surrounding Comey, and leaks to the Russians is probably just running off Trump like water off a ducks back. But, hearing the Rock is polling better than him will hit him like a rock! ;)

All this controversy surrounding Comey, and leaks to the Russians is probably just running off Trump like water off a ducks back. But, hearing the Rock is polling better than him will hit him like a rock! ;)

GaGambler211 reads

Oprah is twice as likely to win and Michelle Obama almost five times as likely to win according to the current betting line by Paddy Power.

I remember hearing Hillary Clinton having a 98% chance of winning too. How did that work out for you?

Don't you just love this age of the internet where anything, no matter how fucking dumb, can get credence by ending up on Raw Story, The Daily Kook or Huffpo.

It will fizzle out soon......."You're Fired" works much better than "If you smell what the Rock is cooking".

Posted By: mattradd

All this controversy surrounding Comey, and leaks to the Russians is probably just running off Trump like water off a ducks back. But, hearing the Rock is polling better than him will hit him like a rock! ;)

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