Politics and Religion

This is only the beginning If Obama loses
tallslim26 26 Reviews 3529 reads

My money would be on Chicago as the site of the first riot that would spark off god knows how many more in major cities across the country. Chicago will be the site of Obama's victory party and if there is no victory to celebrate then trouble will be on the way.

Anyway, below is just a taste of what's to come if he loses. In a healthier time, this type of thing would have been dealt with in a swift and decisive fashion.


Aren't we ever so tolerant in this country??

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 8:33:24 PM

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 8:33:50 PM

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 8:34:20 PM

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 8:34:51 PM

Will criminals be pissed if the democrats don't win the election? What are you trying to say here? Criminals support Obama?

No criminals wont be pissed if Obama loses, but blacks will be. Police all over the nation are gearing up for this scenario.

Many of his supporters will be at this rally in Chicago. The whole current enviornment is ripe for major unrest, the economy, etc.

I guarantee that if Obama loses, especially by a slim margin or if he wins the popular vote but not the electoral college, then cities will burn for weeks and Black rioters will target White people, its a forgone conclusion. The only Whites who will riot will be the hardcore commie lefties who will see this as an opportunity to raise some hell. Not sure if the Black rioters will share the turf with them or not.

Many of old Barack's supporters have no idea what the hell the electoral college is and these people will feel like the election was legitimately stolen from them so this will give them the moral justification to burn down cities.

And you can count on the alien bastards in the media to fan the f'n flames. You think those m'fers will condemn this behavior. Gotta bridge to sell you if you do...lol

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 9:15:54 PM

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 9:21:59 PM

That's a very learned, academic approach you took in reaching that conclusion.  I especially appreciate the way your opinion was based purely on facts instead of Limbaughesqe blustering.  Hats off to you, sir.  In an age where brainlessness often seems to prevail, you have shown yourself to be a true American.  There's hope for this country yet.

I guarantee that when the dust clears that America, or at least the progeny of her founders, will make it through the hell of what is to come in the years and decades ahead.

Tragically a better society cannot be built next to this current disaster. A necessary end to creating a better society/nation is the destruction of the old. Those who know what's going on in America and the West know that no one on our side needs to do anything to destroy the current ruling establishment. Their failed policies will do that work for us, what we must do is seize the moment once the current establishment crumbles.

Much that is good will be lost in the coming crash, but I hope that those of us who care can build a cleaner,more sane, more beautiful world.

Thank you sir for taking notice.

9-man1643 reads

You're equating the first, serious, Black candidate to the coming of widespread disorder and then the fall of the old order, and then you're going to seize the moment once the current establishment crumbles.

Who was it who had this exact scenario? Oh yes, I remember: Charles Manson. Not that I'd consider you a dangerous psychopath, but you should pull back and look at this again.

The current establishment is going to go into the ashtray of history whether Barak Hussien wins or not. Don't confuse me as really giving a damn who wins or loses, the current establishment's true rulers have selected these two candidates for the public to choose from and they are pretty much both shoe-ins to do just as they wish.

Though Obama is a curious case study as he has not proven time and again to be a willing servant the way McCain has, he will toe the line on the issues that matter to them, if he knows what's good for him. Not many candidates would see the light of day after their pastor, forget what he said about white people, didn't speak too kindly about a certain very influential 2% minority.

I'm sorry I don't see any other scenario but rioting if he loses. I mean the media has fostered this enviornment that whenever blacks, or other minorities for that matter, aren't happy about something or feel cheated, they just destroy everything in sight. Not to say that ALL blacks will riot, just the usual chunk of that population and maybe some others that haven't in the past. The same thing happened in France a few years ago and they still deal with it indeed to this day.

Obama winning or losing has not bearing on the fact that America is headed toward some REAL tough days ahead. The whole situation, the economy, everything, can be equated to the host organism just running out of lifeblood, there is just nothing left. The parasite, if you will, has sucked all the blood away. The country, the makeup of the population, is nothing close to what the founders intended. We are another Rome, a huge playground for a host of different groups that all have their own agendas.

There is a main reason China is emerging as a power, they have not

1. Allowed their nation,and most importantly their media, to be controlled by an alien group.
2- They are a nation that serves their people, the majority. If you are a member of another group and you immigrate to China, they don't adjust for you, you oblige them. Not so here and we are going to pay the price for this.

Anyway, tribal loyalty is what will, and really always has been, be important. The group that represents the majority here as well as in Europe,white people, doesn't seem to get this but they soon will, even if some members find out as they are bashed upside the head with a baseball bat by a member of another group who adhered to this rule.

I am not worried about how many people take heed of these words now, believe me, its happened before, in Egypt, In Greece, and in Rome, and it will happen here. Diversity was their strength too...lol

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 11:25:01 PM

9-man1713 reads

You're just inches from sounding like a neo-Nazi. One could already mistake you for one. And a very depressed neo-Nazi at that. The US is about to have its first Black president, and you down because of it.

To think I'm now the optimist here and most everyone else is in a whiners choir. There I was saying Failed State by 08 when Bush received another term. I overestimated him. It would have taken him till 2010.

I feel good about the fact that we're about to have someone who represents real change. The one thing I fear is the reactionary backlash, the seeds of which are being planted now.

Failures of States come about mainly for one reason: nation-states are mortal, like human beings, like everything we will ever make. It's a surprise that Nation-States are so durable because they only exist in the minds of human beings. As soon as the conditions favorable to the Nation-State changes, then its days are numbered.

What happened in Egypt, Greece and in Rome won't be exactly repeated here. We haven't had nation-states long enough to really do a sample of what kills them.

I'm convinced that what has been hurting the US most is its ideological embracing of greed in so many ways. We trusted it to do everything. Hence our economy is running into this mess.

But I don't think our nation is close to ending. It is entering a new stage, as it did after the Civil War, after the two World Wars.

When you write of tribal loyalty, remember it can't unite an entire race. Gangs, which are reassertions of tribalism, are far better at dividing people than uniting them. Gangs are often formed along national lines, like Irish or Italian gangs.

-- Modified on 10/24/2008 6:55:09 PM

re the Manson analogy, maybe he should take a break from repeated playings of "The White Album"?  Or at least the "Helter Skelter" track?

BTW, what ever happen to the poster who used thealias "Charles Manson"?  Or was it "Chuck Manson"?

9-man1712 reads

As long as there is no voter fraud or cheating on election day, which is something Republicans have almost guaranteed in their efforts to knock minorities off the voting rolls. The ACORN nonsense has really been poisonous, especially if it's used as a pretense.

Ugliness such as hanging Obama spooks for Halloween are some more ugliness. Or the dumping of a dead bear, shot in the head, with an Obama sign on him.

I doubt that McCain supporters, or whites in general, are going to be very sporting about losing. Please elaborate on what healthy "swift and decisive action" are you talking about? If it's the Rush Limbaugh "shoot to kill orders" it would be nice to have our National Guard out of Iraq so that they might be available quell some riots.

Fraud or cheating aside, a wise man once said that Democracy was the organized worship of jackals by jackasses. To be sure this election is the epitome of that statement. The real question isn't whether cheating or lack thereof will occur, rather how long will the citizens of this nation continue to labor under the delusion that democracy controlled by the media will ever result in anything different but the same old bullshit.

I can guarantee you that Whites, in any significant numbers are not going to cause any unrest. They have been turned into sheep by the media. Any kind of outrage is tolerated out of fear of the smear. Anyone who thinks a mob of Whites is going to form and rebel has no idea what they are talking about.

This robbery was a racial incident all the way. It is common knowledge, among those who aren't controlled by political correctness, that Whites are often targeted by Blacks for robberies, etc. Its easy to rob Whites because they won't fight back, it would be racist y'know. Blacks aren't afraid of fighting back. It is obvious that this criminal equated her sticker to her being racist and this guy is no isolated case.

Lets just say that swift and decisive action would be termed today as something horribly hateful and racist,lets just leave it at that.

9-man1478 reads

Most crime, though, is Black on Black. Do you think that's because they don't feel the brother will fight back?

No, Whites haven't been turned into sheep by the media. They just generally have more to lose, whereas the guy robbing them has less to lose.

Yes, it was racially motivated after he saw the sticker. A hate crime.

It isn't isolated in the sense that he's the only Black person who thinks that way, but it's isolated in the sense that not many feel that way. Most, Black people are not going to riot if Obama loses. In fact, I'm almost certain that there aren't going to be any riots; as I said, as long as the election is clean enough.

It would be racist if the swift and decisive people punish the wrong guy, or the whole neighborhood.

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 10:32:18 PM

Certainly not all blacks will riot. But many will, even some who might not have before.

Do you not think that the media will fan the flames by not condemning it? Hell I think some in the media (Keith Olbermann) will lose their composure on election night and go into a hate filled rant about the wickedness of Whitey if Obama loses. If blacks riot, the media will excuse it and take the position of, "oh they are just letting off steam, they feel cheated." This even as people are being murdered and millions of dollars worth of damage is done.

True there is alot of black on black crime, but whites simply couldn't pray on blacks the way blacks pray on whites in America today without their being some kind of national emergency.

That black criminal who assaulted the woman in Pitt has about as much chance of being charged as a "hate criminal" as I do arranging a GFE date with Roseanne Barr ----zero chance. I can assure you that will not happen.

Believe me black people are not at the root of the problem in America. Neither is Obama. Anyone who thinks that's true is too simplistic and will never get to the root cause of America's, the West's, hell the world's problems.

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 11:41:02 PM

There will be no riots if McCain loses, and you know that, but just not man enough to admit it..You can only wish that Republicans are also seething with anarchists ..
Instead you dare to suggest that halloween juvenile antics, are similar to robbing and beating a young lady..
Sorry Bucky you are way off base..

9-man1878 reads

Militias and White Supremacist elements will work quite differently, with a build up of incidents. It will happen if Obama proves himself to be what the consider "socialist" or actually liberal.

You riot when you have no power.

I wouldn't call what a middle-aged man does juvenile tactics.

I didn't say Halloween antics and such are the equivalent of robbing, beating and maiming a person. But that beating and maiming was done by one guy. The actions of one guy have no connection to the whole rest of the Obama campaign, have no connection to the rest of African-Americans. Incidents of which I mentioned might have been "cute" by comparison, but there have been more of them, and some the latter ones have been less cute.    

The point being: you could expect some Black anger, some suspicions that the election is going to be stolen by Republicans. I've seen some serious discussions regarding this. People are on the alert for election fraud, which is why I think none will take place.  

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 10:48:02 PM

of November. If Sen. Obama wins and starts to threaten the civil liberties of the right to bear arms and worship freely their Lord, people will become agitated. Clinton did this in 1996 and you had unauthorized militias springing up in Texas, Montana, Arizona.

Timothy McVeigh who bombed the OKC building was despicable and cowardly and his actions were predictable. Obama, may very well elicit ugly reactions.

-- Modified on 10/23/2008 11:44:35 PM

BOTH would recognize the current potential for widespread violence - it is real.  Both would be wise to set aside individual aspirations - and think to the good of the country - and they would issue a joint - PERSONAL - appeal to the nation as a whole - pleading with all, that no matter who wins - civil obiedience... must be followed....  

McCain - for all that he has allowed to be said on behalf of his campaign, Obama for not calling a halt and denouncing voter fraud and the media for speculation on violence... all will be guilty - but not held accountable...

Where is the media in explaining the electoral college????   where is the media in providing guidance wrt constitutional law - and exactly what the constitution says about the powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government?

Obama's statement, and McCains statement wrt this incident - were no where near strong enough... nor were they issued jointly... to be effective that is what will be called for.

Do I agree with you???  Certainly - but here is a twist... Obama - if elected, will need to understand that his election is not, nor can it be perceived to be a license to provide handouts... endlessly...  that will, as someone posted, drain the blood from the carcus... completely.  AND he must INSIST on ALL obeying the law... already I have heard some (both black and white) comment that when obama becomes pres... it will be party time and 'the man' will "Get his!"  and that is NOT in the paper, rather it is what I have personally heard some say....

-- Modified on 10/24/2008 6:52:02 AM

9-man2153 reads

Or might have suffered from some of that "swift and decisive action." The description could have fit any Black guy from 6' to 6'6"

9-man1281 reads

There is something that gets to me. How was she planning to fake having a "B" carved on her face?

Liars, damn liars, and Republicans.

-- Modified on 10/24/2008 5:41:34 PM

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