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I wonder if he was lunch or diner


And you lefties want to re-elect this doddering fool  


Maybe real fuck-up joe was shaking hands with the ghost of his uncle.  

2024 = GOP

That's how bad it is. Why was Biden even thinking about cannibalism in the first place? Because someone told him about the things going down in Haiti, and Biden doesn't know the difference between Haiti today and New Guinea during World War 2.

think should be president, the one who has said he was a truck driver, remembers when his son came home in a flag-draped coffin, and now who's uncle who was drowned was really eaten by cannibals.  And the libs wonder why war is breaking out all over.  It's because there is no bully or tyrant in the world who believes Biden will do anything, so they keep escalating to see what they can get aways with.  By the time they discover the tipping point, it will be too late.

The article cited by the OP says, "Others were simply bemused by the remarks. “I am lost for words actually,” said Allan Bird, governor of the province of East Sepik, who was recently selected as the alternate prime minister for the opposition. “I don’t feel offended. It’s hilarious really. I am sure when Biden was a child, those are the things he heard his parents say. And it probably stuck with him all his life.” "  Some PNGans did take the remarks badly but I don't think that there was any evil intent. (Cannibalism was officially banned in PNG in the 1960s. Whether it continued after that, for ritualistic purposes, I do not know.)  
The thing is, to Biden, the story, even if not accurate, taught him the importance of "no man left behind" as a principle of the US Armed Forces. To Trump, Cadet Bone Spurs, it will always be, "I don't get it. What's in it for them? They're a bunch of suckers."  
IMO, Trump's "moments" are far more serious, are indicative of serious psychological disorder, and are more dangerous. "Windmills cause cancer." "Frankly, we DID win this election." "I had the biggest inauguration crowd ever!" "Fake news!" "Covfefe!" "Person, woman, man, camera, TV." 'My uncle was a Professor at MIT. That makes me a stable genius.' "We can just inject bleach, right?" "COVID will be over by Easter." 'I believe Putin over and above US Intel.' (To the Australian businessman visiting MaL) 'Here is some top secret US submarine nuclear missile info for you ...'  (To Mark Meadows ghost writers visiting Bedminster) 'These are the plans to invade Iran General Milley gave me. See? I was right! Oh, but this stuff is top secret. Don't tell anybody.'  
Aug 21, 2023 — "Ex-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows reportedly wrote in a draft of his memoir that his old boss, former President Donald Trump, left a top secret Iran war plan on a couch at his New Jersey golf resort during an interview with a ghost writer. Meadows told prosecutors from special counsel Jack Smith’s team that he heard about the shocking incident by the writer and a publicist but soft-pedaled it in the final published version of his book because it could be “problematic” for Trump, ABC News reported. ..."
MANY people would prefer candidates other than Trump and other than Biden. Unfortunately for them, if nominated I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: This is the guy that the libs here . . . .
think should be president, the one who has said he was a truck driver, remembers when his son came home in a flag-draped coffin, and now who's uncle who was drowned was really eaten by cannibals.  And the libs wonder why war is breaking out all over.  It's because there is no bully or tyrant in the world who believes Biden will do anything, so they keep escalating to see what they can get aways with.  By the time they discover the tipping point, it will be too late.
We can pile on both sides. I think it tips heavily in favor of Biden. You might see it the other way.

So when someone has memories with holes in them, they just make up stuff to fill in the blanks.  I caught my dad doing this when he was 91, and by the time he passed at 95, you could mention one of his siblings, uncles or grandparents and he would make up a whole story on the spot about that person that might has one or two fun facts, but otherwise was complete bullshit.   The longer they linger in dementia, it gets worse.  I think we can all agree Biden is worse than he was in this regard four years ago.  

There is a big difference between normal aging and dementia. Trump's "strength" or power over his cult is in his oratory. More and more frequently, Trump is forgetting words or unable to read them correctly from the teleprompter. He is using "nonsense" words more often. (I do not mean "nonsense" content: "We could inject bleach." I mean words that are not real words.):  
"u-licious Grant" "space cap-sicle" "infantroopen" "renoversh" "anonommess" "the oranges, the oranges [origins]"  
"... Saudi Arabia and Russia and ?glugg aahhhh? "  
("Willie Horton on steroids")
(Biden aging; Trump dementing)
(Biden aging; Trump dementing)

Posted By: impposter
Re: This is one of the signs of dementia . . . . .
There is a big difference between normal aging and dementia. Trump's "strength" or power over his cult is in his oratory. More and more frequently, Trump is forgetting words or unable to read them correctly from the teleprompter. He is using "nonsense" words more often. (I do not mean "nonsense" content: "We could inject bleach." I mean words that are not real words.):  
 "u-licious Grant" "space cap-sicle" "infantroopen" "renoversh" "anonommess" "the oranges, the oranges [origins]"  
 "... Saudi Arabia and Russia and ?glugg aahhhh? "  
 ("Willie Horton on steroids")  
 (Biden aging; Trump dementing)  
 (Biden aging; Trump dementing)
What is it that Trump did to you personally that makes you hate the man sooo much?  

Seriously? like Robert Dinero hates him with a PURPLE passion. I used to suspect "BOB" just got on the lefty bandwagon but doing some digging I now believe Trump started banging Dinero's fav hooker and she quit seeing Dinero in favor of Trump. Now Dinero will hate trump till the stars fall down from the sky!

So back to the question what did Trump do to you Impy?

Imp makes an intelligent reply pointing out that you righties are vaporing about Biden when Trump does the same thing and worse and all you can do is whine about how much he hates the guy. Not even an attempt to rebut what he said. Weak.

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