Politics and Religion

That's kinky...EOM
Cosette 400 reads


Cosette2580 reads

Planned Parenthood has produced a video to teach teen children how to engage in bondage, dominance, and sadomasochism (BDSM), CNS News reported yesterday. The video was produced by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which received $2.75 million in taxpayer funding in 2012.

CNS describes the video as, “a video specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and proposes "rules" to follow when engaging in these activities.”

“People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused—not true, it’s a total myth," the host of the video, Laci Green, informs its intended audience of teens, "BDSM relies upon and creates trust," she says.

“For teens who are sexually involved, Planned Parenthood is committed to providing resources for safeguarding their emotional and physical health,” the website says.

Teens are too young to give informed consent for sex at all -- period.

You cannot have sex with a 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 year old girl.  It is statutory rape because she is seen as being incapable of making a sound judgment on the subject.  That's also why she can't vote, buy cigarettes, join the army, buy a handgun, or be bound to a contract for repaying a debt.  

It is every bit as stupid and immoral to create a video on BDSM for teens as it would be to create videos urging them to smoke and carry handguns.  (And I'm a pro-gunner, but not handguns for teens, thank you.)

Now me, I happen to like tying girls up and stuff.  But I developed that taste in my 30's.  I grew up what I would call sexually normal, without having my ideas of sex warped and twisted by a bunch of nutjobs over at planned parenthood.  

Let kids be kids.  Let them first experience things like dating, petting, rejection, infatuation and all of the ups and downs of normal sexuality first.  Then, when they wish, they can seek out other stuff on their own ... as adults.

Only to find out, I'm too damn lazy to tie women up.

I can recall some psychological sexual(as in nonphysical) experiences from my child hood. Many young females would tell me their intimate sexual fantasies. I guess I have been analyzing female sexuality for most of my life.

John, I think you are equating sex to relationships. Then you say relationships are normal, do you think sex outside of a relationship is abnormal?

I think that during a person's development phase, sex is indeed tied to relationships.  While there is undoubtedly a drive for sex that is not specific to a particular person, sex is usually accompanied, in the developmental phase, by feelings.  Furthermore, people don't usually jump into sex all at once.  First they hold hands, then they kiss, then maybe they feel each other through clothes, etc.  

We're talking about kids here, and the development of kids.  

And no, I don't advocate that Junior's first sexual experience be with a 35 year old sex worker for whom he is the 865th sex partner. I advocate that Junior learn what its like to look at a girl and have a lump in his throat, and have to work up the courage to ask her to the school dance.

For ADULTS who have already developed and (hopefully) already developed some relationship skills, sex workers can have their place so long as handled wisely.  

Sometimes we become coarsened, and forget that sex is not merely a recreational pastime.  In many contexts, it can carry substantive meaning -- and kids should develop through that before being thrown into the BDSM pool.

Sexual fantasy role play, is a luxury. Plain ole sex should be enough entertainment for a teenager.


BDSM creates trust? People shouldn't trust anyone, in a capitalist world. Look where your tax money goes.


Posted By: Cosette
Planned Parenthood has produced a video to teach teen children how to engage in bondage, dominance, and sadomasochism (BDSM), CNS News reported yesterday. The video was produced by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which received $2.75 million in taxpayer funding in 2012.  
 CNS describes the video as, “a video specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and proposes "rules" to follow when engaging in these activities.”  
 “People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused—not true, it’s a total myth," the host of the video, Laci Green, informs its intended audience of teens, "BDSM relies upon and creates trust," she says.  
 “For teens who are sexually involved, Planned Parenthood is committed to providing resources for safeguarding their emotional and physical health,” the website says.

When I was a teen, if a girl so much as sneezed on my cock, I'd cum all over the place. IMHO, BDSM is for people who have tried everything else and have gotten bored with it.

Laci Green grew up in a pretty strict Mormon household, and had to escape the church and doesn't have much contact with her family. I wouldn't blame her if she had issues.


Posted By: willywonka4u
When I was a teen, if a girl so much as sneezed on my cock, I'd cum all over the place. IMHO, BDSM is for people who have tried everything else and have gotten bored with it.  

Laci Green grew up in a pretty strict Mormon household, and had to escape the church and doesn't have much contact with her family. I wouldn't blame her if she had issues.

GaGambler463 reads

I hate to make judgments on subjects based on snippets of information sometimes taken completely out of context, BTW who is CNS news?

One other thing that I see completely out of context just from the little bit you have posted is the quote that PPNNE "received $2.75 million in taxpayer funding in 2012" which is written in a manner where a casual reader might interpret it to mean that $2.75 million was wasted on this controversial video.

My kneejerk reaction to this is to agree with JohnGalt, but I have seen too many quotes taken out of context to jump off the bridge with him just yet. A link to the complete story would be quite helpful, and then most likely I will jump off the bridge right along with JohnGalt because on the surface at least, this sounds outrageous to me.

Cosette379 reads

The source seems to be an incredibly right wing news organization, so immediately I thought it was an exaggeration.

I'm a big supporter of Planned Parenthood, especially in NYC where prices are high, contraceptives, abortions, and women health checks are made affordable. I'm also from Texas where the goal has been to defund it despite Texas having some of the highest rates of teen pregnancy, and poor health for women, so I believe in the organization. Spending this kind of money on such videos made me think that seems frivolous, there's so many other things that it can be spent on.

This is the video, it was educational to anyone new I suppose. It seems to be a channel where lots of other videos are hosted. I'm just weary of the price tag

GaGambler575 reads

The quote says that "Planned Parenthood of Northern New England" received $2.75 million dollars in tax payer funding in 2012. It NEVER says how much was spent on the video, for all we know the video could have cost fifty bucks. That's why I don't like out of context quotes, the whole thing might just be a "right wing hatchet job" on Planned Parenthood.

I bet you didn't expect kind of response from a "right wing nut job" like me, now did you? lol

Cosette379 reads

See, that's what I hate about the extremes, they could easy get your attention by the substance of something, no need to go beyond and basically twist words that are borderline lying.

I'm definitely conflicted...taking costs out of the equation I wonder if it's in the best interest of the organization to promote it.  

I'm a huge believer that sex education is important in this country, but it feels there's so many more urgent problems and topics to address? A 22 yr old speaks to people younger than she is, so 13-19 year olds, I'm not sure if the entire wave of sexual experiences needs to be shown to teens, as someone said that can be perceived as a "luxury", let's focus on safe practices and respecting each other sexually. Heck, even gender identity seems more important.

But I could also be hypocritical simply because I'm not a big BDSM participant.

GaGambler382 reads

It's nowhere near what the attention grabbing headline would have led you to believe.

In defense of the topic itself, with modern technology and social media it's not like teens like in a vacuum where talk of BDSM and the like aren't talked about or even partaken in. Having the facts presented in a rational fashion beats learning about it somewhere else. Like in church where it would be demonized without any real information about it being given, or almost as bad by "friends" who routinely give out false information. With all it's faults I can't see this being any worse.

RokkKrinn478 reads

I wouldn't care about this one way or another, but for the fact that Planned Parenthood receives a substantial amount of support from the government (yes, yes, much of that support comes indirectly, via "community organizations", but the funds still come out of my wallet when all is said and done).  If kids (teens?) want to learn about kinky sex play, I don't really have a problem, but do it the way everyone else does--sneak a peek into Dad's porn stash (or these days, I guess, just search the web) and find out all the info you might ever want.

And btw, for those contending that "BDSM is for when you get older", I sorta call BS.  Just as there are people who simply "knew" that they were gay (bi, trans-gendered, whatever) from childhood, I "knew" I was a kinkster while still a child--didn't know "the facts of life" but I was always turned on by bondage scenes in comic books, cartoons, the old Adam West Batman show (wow, I loved Julie Newmar!), etc.

Didn't get to start playing actively until college, but would have been more than happy (and more than ready) to do so, if any if my high school GFs had been ready as well.

RokkKrinn374 reads

…but there are so many more (to my mind, at least) objectionable things to which kids are exposed that nobody seems to give a fig about.

Just as one example (and No, I'm not a prude), I can't believe the kinds of "lyrics" one can find in the popular rap and hip-hop songs that so many teens are so fond of.  So much of it is n----- this, my ho that, f--- that b----, etc.  All of that stuff comes from the private sector, and movements to get the music industry to be a bit more circumspect and self-policing are always given short shrift.

But at least I'm not forced to support it if I don't want to.  I can take my ears and my dollars somewhere else (and if I had kids, I could exercise some amount of discretionary authority over what kinds of music that kid could buy from iTunes).

If I had a teenaged kid who wanted to go learn about BDSM, we'd be having a loooonnnnggg talk about more fundamental aspects of human sexuality before that kid would be allowed to go off to a Planned Parenthood center to (heh) "learn the ropes"--but when it comes with a government imprimatur, it's bascially conveying a message (at least to a lazy, non-proactive parent) that "it must be ok, because if it wasn't, the government wouldn't be paying for it".

Whatever.  I know I'm rambling now…flame away..

Mine can only be used for acts of war.
But we don't get to choose. Do we?

RokkKrinn455 reads

..it's called voting.  I agree that often the two-party system doesn't offer us truly distinct choices (on matters of war and peace or many other issues)--but the People are as much at fault for not demanding better choices as are their elected leaders for not offering any.

Until the People stop Bookfacing, Twootering, twerking, and Biebering, and tune back in and pay attention long enough to get pissed off and do something (like vote them out, let's say, or getting involved in the Article V movement to amend the Constitution), we will continue to be offered lackluster, virtually indistinguishable candidates for public office….

..and we will deserve to be offered such poor choices.

but an educational BDSM movie for teenagers gives me the creeps... they should be taught about birth control and leave the imagination and exploring up to them.

Did you know the frontal lobe and emotions aren't developed on young adults to until around age 26?  I think full fledged BDSM is not healthy for pre-teens and teenagers.

My partners from my early 20's (still friends with every ex) that I practiced BDSM with are all very extreme in their sex lives today and takes a lot to get off, such as cross dressing in public places.  One old boyfriend is gay now.  I was around 20 when I experimented with women.  Women have always been very fun to me and no emotional attachment.  Swinging, fantasy and role play are an escape for me in a healthy relationship that doesn't have insecurities, jealousy...  

I don't see Taylor Swift's audience at that same emotional level for that kind freaky and kinkiness.   Why would they want to teach that is beyond me.  I can't believe I am going to say this, but I am happy my daughter went to a Christian school that said prayer and the pledge of allegiance everyday.  And that she chose to wear a promise ring until a couple of years ago.  And that she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, could win Ms. Georgia.  She is 23 and single, getting her life together and waiting on the soul mate and children.  That is healthy to me, and it would be abuse from me to tell her about my sex life or ever try to coerce her into something I chose at a time in my life, that worked for me with what I needed to accomplish.  Some thing you should just find on your own path.~

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