Politics and Religion

That's a good one lol eomregular_smile
Blowing Chunks 252 reads


You should forgive religion and it's mistakes of the past.

Religion today is about love, understanding, acceptance and all those nice things.

It is not like modern religion would cause religious wars, hate and bad nasty things.

Not like priests would rape children. Or pastors, preachers, reverends, or whatever would do it for money for themselves. Or somebody in the name of religion would strap explosives around themselves and blow up everybody around ... or hate homosexuals or non believers or different kind of believers.

Religion is about peace now.

So chill and join the club .

Please forgive God.

had that COEXIST sticker on his auto . Me wonder if he stills feels that way.

James I feel exactly the same. How ironic. Co-exist... guess the bombers didn't read the bumper sticker.

Never be peace.  Yes we can love one another but we can't get along.  
Coexist is a bs term.  Religious groups are designed fundamentaly to evangelize THEIR Own version of the twisted truth.  

The only time I believe in Coexist of I'm in an island full of hot women

...in reality, religion can be anything you personally want it to be. If you want to believe in Hippy Jesus, you can. If you want to believe in Lunatic Jesus, you can. Anyone can make Jesus into anything they want. You've got your White Jesus. Your Black Jesus. Your Mel Gibson Torture Victim Jesus.

Posted By: Robertini

   Man  is about love, understanding, acceptance and all those nice things.  
 It's  not like modern man of today would cause  wars, hate and bad nasty things or fight among themselves .  
 Modern men leading  North Korea would never yearn for  discord ,  speak with violence towards other people  , enslave their own or promote  hate ,  when all they choose to do is live their lives in peace and harmony .
 Modern  man would never rape babies and  children , or rape  women for wearing high heels and short skirts .
 Modern man would never rape his GF if he wanted sex and she said NO .  
 Modern man would never kill his wife in an angry rage of jealousy .

  Modern man is much too wise to ever drive his chariot  while drunk on wine like men of old times .  
   Greedy men would never steal  money .
  Man  would never blow up innocent people in the name of saving mankind from laws he does not believe are just  .  
  Ted Kozynski would have become a great mathematician living among peaceful men like himself ,  promoting happiness and harmony  if mean men had not incarcerated him for his valiant attempt  to save the world  .  
  Neo Nazi men of today  would never  hate homosexuals or other men of different colors .
 Modern Man  is  about peace and honesty now .
 So chill and join the modern man club  .  
 All modern men are awesome , not like those Pagan Romans and Christians in the past . .

As bad as religion has been in the past it's still absolutely evil and deluded in the present.
1) Millions of deluded Muslims who want to re-establish the "Caliphate" and return much of the world to the 13th century.  Don't believe it?  Go to Afghanistan and enjoy your ritual beheading.
2) The Catholic church has still not come clean on the extent of its complicity in a global ring of pederast priests.
3) The Jewish state continues to oppress Palestinians and is in the grip of the religious right.
4) Fundamentalists in the US continue to deny science and attempt to impose their views on abortion on the rest of society.
5) And what about the Scientologists and Mormons and their Magic Underwear?
I could go on, but you get the picture.

GaGambler231 reads

that said, I really can't blame her. but if she isn't a bitch what kind of deity invents something as cruel and diabolical as the "food chain"???

I haven't had an alcohol  drink this week , perhaps I would be a more agreeable comrade when drunk .

  1. I don't consider radical Muslims a member of modern civilized man .  
  2. The Catholic Church is guilty of  the same wrong  as thousands of families not of the Catholic faith , protecting their own from facing consequences with the law , for their primitive illegal actions .  
  The Catholic Church is not the inventor of pedophilia . I have my doubts if they are the leader , though I see the media makes them out to be .  
  Thank you for the new word . I had never heard of pederast or been attacked by a priest as a child .

  3. I'm not wise  enough to judge right and wrong between Israel and Palestinians . I only know from my own experience I have never personally met a Jew in this country preaching anarchy and death to other religions . I have heard those words  from a few Palestinians  crossing my path .  
 If I had only two choices and forced to move to a new neighborhood in America , and required to tell the truth , announce to my new neighbors , I am a heathen and either move in a neighborhood of  Palestinians or a neighborhood of Jews , I wouldn't think twice about taking  my chance of survival  in the Jewish neighborhood .  I would sleep soundly in my new  Jewish American neighborhood .  
 I doubt you would sleep as soundly as me , if you announced to your new Palestinian neighbors surrounding you , your ancestors are Jews you love .
  4 . I know numerous  heathens similar to me  that believe abortion is not something an  intelligent civilization  should be promoting or proud of .  
  Most of them are wise  enough to not try driving across a rising creek in the road ahead .  
  I realize it's a woman's right to abort or not , and not something that should be outlawed , it's still not a pretty picture in my mind .  
  I doubt I agree with every scientist that you find true  , doesn't prove I am wrong or you are right .
  If you don't see how many scientists in modern times have been wrong , or lied with false data  to pad their own pocket or  ego  ,  perhaps you are drunk .  
  5. I don't know much about Mormons except Romney had absolutely no chance getting elected unless he was a  Christian like Obama . There were nowhere near  enough birds of a feather in America,  for Romney to have a chance  .  
   As far as Scientology I do believe I have cured my ills with a positive mental attitude without a Dr. visit , though I have never paid someone for my own brain's  healing power or thought my infected tooth would go away ,  never to bother me again , without antibiotics  and a root canal .  

Posted By: inicky46
As bad as religion has been in the past it's still absolutely evil and deluded in the present.  
 1) Millions of deluded Muslims who want to re-establish the "Caliphate" and return much of the world to the 13th century.  Don't believe it?  Go to Afghanistan and enjoy your ritual beheading.  
 2) The Catholic church has still not come clean on the extent of its complicity in a global ring of pederast priests.  
 3) The Jewish state continues to oppress Palestinians and is in the grip of the religious right.  
 4) Fundamentalists in the US continue to deny science and attempt to impose their views on abortion on the rest of society.  
 5) And what about the Scientologists and Mormons and their Magic Underwear?  
 I could go on, but you get the picture.
-- Modified on 3/12/2014 8:25:12 PM

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