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mattradd 40 Reviews 103 reads


You want to get under the Donald's skin, run this article by him. On second thought, since he doesn't read, a cable news cable needs to run it!  ;)

saltyballs111 reads

So, the only question now is who is who's bitch boy?

Posted By: mattradd
You want to get under the Donald's skin, run this article by him. On second thought, since he doesn't read, a cable news cable needs to run it!  ;)

Interesting that he doesn't have any normal friendships, and aside from his wives and siring kids, not very in depth relationships with anyone. That an odd, possibly dysfunctional, relationship with his papa growing up. And his refusal to acknowledge the little German town his ancestors came from.

Odd. Very odd. Utterly odd. Odder than odd. Quite odd.

told about how Trump was asked, who was his hero, and he couldn't think off anyone. He said anyone would have had one, or would have at least known to have someone in mind already, even if it wasn't true, knowing he would be asked someday. Perhaps he just didn't want to say Putin. ;)

Bear with me a bit.
Think of him as two people in one. Donny the chubby boy and The Donald the businessman.
Donny wants to be liked (loved).
The Donald is courting Donny, trying to be the guy who gets them love.
Donny doesn't like The Donald.
So The Donald sells himself to Donny. "I'm very successful." "I'm the only one who can make it happen." "It's going to be great. You have no idea how great it's going to be." "Nobody respects women more than I do." Whatever he thinks Donny wants to hear to make him like The Donald.
And The Donald wants other people to like Donny.
So he tells everybody how great Donny is.
If a lot of people like Donny, Donny will someday like The Donald, be grateful for everything, all the admirers, the big home, the wife and kid The Donald got for him...

See how it works? Nothing sexual, nothing The Donald takes for himself very much, it's really all for Donny so Donny will like him(self).

That's how I see it. Nothing so wrong in that. Lots of people are two persons (or more) like that.

the panelist on that segment I mentioned. That he could imagine Trump looking around for a mirror! ;)

But, seriously, you are sounding eerily like Newt with his Big Trump, Little Trump. lol Though I think you are on the right track, I see it a bit differently. One of the panelist, on that segment, is a Trump biographer; I can't remember his name, but he was set up to do a series of 6 interviews with Trump. He said he got to the point where he actually felt sorry for this rich, powerful and famous man, because he felt Trump was so empty inside. At the end of the 4th interview the biographer said to Trump: "I'm actually beginning to like you!" He said, Trump leaned in, his face soften and opened up, but then quickly reclined back and his face hardened and closed up again. That was the last interview with him that Trump allowed. It's been my observation, that when a child has been frustrated long enough at his or her attempt to receive love from the parents, they give up on being loved, and strive for power, and/or to be admired. Being admired is much, much different than being love for just who you are. Once something like being loved is longed for so long and deeply, it becomes way too painful when than person begins to receive it. His or her response is put up defences against it, and if and when it is presented to that person, s/he repels from it.

The biographer and Gingrich actually have a vantage point we don't, of course. It just sounds...strange.

He has had to distort reality, it seems, to change his failures into successes. Of course, people who win lose more often than most. Because those who give up after their first or second try not lose once or twice. But the schmuck who keeps messing around with stuff loses over and over and over until he connects once or twice. If that ain't good enough for Trump, he's got to distort his perception in order to say he won. So all he gets is a distorted reality on top of it all, hence the nickname Crazy Fucking Loser.

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