Politics and Religion

something has been trying to bite me around my ass
GaGambler 2580 reads

but it hasn't been the truth. It's been more like some scum sucking piece of liberal pond scum with muptiple personalaties. Ring any bells asshole?

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley and Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne, the top military and civilian leaders are searching for jobs at Monster.com. These Air Force bozos were having Colonels and even Captains responsible for nuclear weapons. I tell you folks, Gates is the best Secretary of Defense since Casper Weinberger and Melvin Laird.

Gates is demanding top performance and receiving excellent results . Medical care for our troops has improved. Waste is being eliminated and we are winning the war on terror.

The Air Force is still living in a cold war mentality and Gates told them to get with the program. Gen. Mosley and Wynne wanted more expensive bombers and fighters. Gates replied we need more inexpensive combat fighter planes that can support ground troops and drones. Drones that can hover over targets i.e. Al Qa'ida operatives, perform survellience or destroy with precision. In other words he wants the Air Force to get down, dirty and bloody.

Sen. McCain will be wise to keep Gates as Secretary of Defense. I wonder if Obama would be smart enough or care enough to recognize this man's talents and skills. I don't know if both the top military and civilian leaders of a branch of service has ever been ousted at the same time, but I like it.

-- Modified on 6/6/2008 12:06:39 AM

for 20 years and just recently realized he was a fucking bigoted idiot, what makes you think he can pick a Sec Def?

WillieTheBarTender1758 reads

Wright put his ass on the line.  Your Veep had "other priorities".  "His face, our ass" was what one dogface said about Nixon.

If that's what Wright means by talking trash, that's one hell of a lot more valuable than some asshole whose shit talk means that he doesn't know where he was for his drills, didn't bother to take the CIA seriously before 9/11, then couldn't figure out which country to invade afterwards.

But accepting your argument at face value, how do you explain McCain going out and looking for the endorsements of assholes like Hagee, Falwell, etc?
You can explain Wright's opinion short of insanity.  Do you see any other explanation for Hagee?

that lefties that "put their ass on the line get an "idiot's pass for life card" while Republicans who spend 6 years getting their arms torn out of socket are criticized for being flyboys.

If you can't tell the difference between a decision about who your pastor is for 20 years and which rightwing nut case preachers you go vote whoring for you'd make a fucking piss poor executive yourself.

WillieTheBarTender1956 reads

You have a problem with Wright, but not Hagee.  If Obama is male, he fuckin slept thru those sermons.  But McCain went out of his way to get the crazy preacher vote, and that has nothing to do with flying or POWing.   Wright is pissed off; Hagee is truly insane.

What I want to know is why Wright pisses you off, but Bush-Cheney doesn't.  I don't care if a guy wants to bitch, and I don't care what silly ass bumper sticker he likes, as long as he doesn't have other priorities when his country calls.

You really don't seem to give a shit what a person DOES, as long as he talks your game.  See, I'm not 19 any more, and I don't buy that shit.

but for the sake of arguement, it does'nt matter what he has said or done you think is so egregious. why don't you edify me and post all these horrible things that offend your sensitivities  and then i can decide if if hagee is an ass or you're a puss....

that said, mcain went to asswipe hagee to pander for votes ONLY and in the near term

Buttcrack went to Rev Wrong to learn how to live!!!

Buttcrack went to REv Wrong the pissed off Jarhead who is so fucking stupid (even Buttcrack Himself says so) he thinks Aids is a whitemans plot to teach his children how to think and live!!!

Buttcrack DID that for 20 years!!

You're the knucklehead who does'nt care what people do. You just seem to think being in the military give you rape and pillagfe right for the rest of your fucking life

maybe that's why Timmy McVeigh thought it was his license to blow up kids in Oklahoma...

im just sayin...

WillieTheBarTender2260 reads

sort of like negotiating with Hitler?  Is that your idea?


And a male politician goes to church to "learn how to live"?  What planet are YOU from?  Men go to church for one reason only, and that is because they think, sooner or later, it will get them laid.  I have yet to see a man who wasn't either a (1) pragmatic atheist who at the bottom doesn't give a shit about religion, or (2) the other extreme, a fucking looney, certifiably insane.  

You're the knucklehead who's so illiterate that you get English backwards, that I don't care what they SAY, only what they DO, but somehow you manage to turn that right aroound, because you're a Republiscum who is convinced that teachers failed you because they couldn't shovel smarts into your brain.   If that's not socialistic, nothing is.

wqhen i have more time iu'll shop you where your wrong about the rest but for now i gotta tell ya,
this line made me laugh!

"you're a Republiscum who is convinced that teachers failed you because they couldn't shovel smarts into your brain"

lol, good line

WillieTheBarTender3106 reads

if Flatulence is what they like to speak, there's no sense speaking fuckin Latin.

so O'bananas went to rev wrong for speaking lessons....i get it...make sense when you think of it...probably study some old Hitler shit too...

both were good at selling horseshit to racetracks.

Tusyan1885 reads

Wow,  McCain must be really desperate if was looking for an endorsement from Falwell since the guy's been dead for more than a year.

WillieTheBarTender2232 reads

and got the endorsement b4 falwell went to his reward

between an airman or soldier; a colonel vs an admiral; an M-16 vs a AK-47; D-day vs. a D-cup or the chain of command vs a chain letter. Sen. Obama is notably uncomfortable discussing military service as the most honorable duty to our country. He rather associate and befriend those who damn and curse America.

For example, Sen. Obama has never acknowledged that the freedoms he and his terrorist friend William Ayers covet is provided by those who salute the flag rather than burn it. I have news for Sen. Obama, wearing a flag pin on your lapel does not make you patriotic but rather pathetic.

The donning a flag lapel pin belately, only illuminates Sen. Obama's lack of patriotism and his contempt for the honorable men and women who proudly serve this country.

Sixty-four years tonight, soldiers, sailors and airman were preparing to strike a dagger through Nazi tyranny. Yes, America had a lot to proud of that day. I suppose Michele Obama would beg to differ.

-- Modified on 6/5/2008 11:57:41 PM

WillieTheBarTender1589 reads

Wright served - while Cheney had other priorities, and Bush doesn't knwo WTF he was.

Damn straight I'd be pissed off too.  I don't know why you dumb fuckers elect people like that and then bitch about people's patriotism - if you served for yellow ribbons, that's cool, but my people are worth more than that, and it's an insult to ask them to work for chickenhawks for yellow ribbons.

anon11122451451 reads

You are going to have to give him another nickname.  I like Curious George way to much to have him besmerched this way.

Obama is a dangerous prick and we need to take him as a serious threat to our republic and our way of life, not liken him to a cute cartoon character.

since is real bad.  All that garabage that he has be telling black people in his church has hurt them!!!

That kind of talk just makes them give up because Wright said that they are victims and such.  So black kids go out and rob banks, have bastard kids, sell drugs, etc. etc. cause they've been told that they cannot make it in the "white man's world."

Since he's been a preacher, he's done more harm than good.

WillieTheBarTender2331 reads

blaming what one person does on what another person says, jest causes social rot.

Sounds to me like you're one of those folks who jest cain't  control thesselves.

Nobody would ever do anything their preacher din't tell them to do.  You must know this from being a preacher's zombie yourself, eh?

GaGambler3918 reads

Hard to deny the truth. All you libs want to be victims, it sure cuts down on any type of personal responsibility doesn't it?

We are so oppressed, the white man is keeping us down. I served in the military so the world owes me for the rest of my life and anything bad I do from here on forward is the fault of the White, Fascist, Republicons.

JackO, get over yourself and your so called military service, most of us served and we don't expect any special treatment for it. It used to be a given that most men served in the armed forces. Few of us are heros, you especially.

I am so tired of hearing how anyone who serves is automatically a hero, WTF ever happened to just doing your job? Millions have served, millions more will in the future. I don't want to denigrate their sacrifices, I'd just like to put them into perspective.

WillieTheBarTender2434 reads

like Republiscum who can't read, & everybody who just has to do whatever bloviation their preacher farts that day, etc etc.

Yeah, you're a RepubliCon, because nobody else has a copyright license to turn words 180 and claim you have the truth.  You wouldn't know truth if it bit your ass.

GaGambler2581 reads

but it hasn't been the truth. It's been more like some scum sucking piece of liberal pond scum with muptiple personalaties. Ring any bells asshole?

EnglishProf1623 reads

but we have to warn you, they could make you literate and change your RepubliCon affiliation.

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