Politics and Religion

So what's your idea? Again, you have none. So go home and cry about McSAME

Btw...  you CONSERVATIVES have NO IDEA what a socialist is.

Speaking of which:


A conservative republican named DUBYA.  Before him?  H. W. Bush.  Before him?  REAGAN.

2.  Biggest INCREASE in TAXES?

A conservative republican named H. W. Bush.

Funny, how it's really the REPUBLICANS that are the "socialists."

This is a true scientific experiment and the smart dudes in Hawaii came to the proper conclusion goood and faaaaast.  Yeeeeeaaaaaaaah!!!


This proves it; this proves it.  I only hope more true examples will occur in real time.  But if not, all you have to do is look at India and China.  They are proof positive that capitalism is AAAWESOME  AWESOME.

Well, at least they had the brains to call it quits after seven months.  

Massachussetts is in terrible cost over runs.  The Boston Globe described their health care system, saying, "With its massive cost overruns and missed deadlines, the healthcare reform law is quickly becoming the Big Dig of the next generation, an ambitious and beneficial but deeply flawed public initiative with back-breaking costs to the taxpayers.


I am sure that that disaster was brought into fruition by the best minds at Harvard.

Well, if two systems don't work, let's try another.


Secondly, we need some sort of healthcare system in our country.  Do you HONESTLY think that the one we are using right now is working?


What's your idea?  McSAME's?  Obama's?  All you're doing is saying IT'S SOCIALISM.  LOOK AT HOW IT'S FAILED!!!

Well guess what, they're trying.  What do you have to offer you conservative FUCK?

Come on.  What's your FUCKING SOLUTION?

How about you do this?  How about you watch this documentary.

We are the ONLY 1st world nation that doesn't have some sort of comprehensive coverage.  That is FUCKING INSANE AND STUPID.

No healthcare system is perfect, but guess what we still need SOMETHING.

If you have something constructive THEN BRING IT.  If you don't then go back and crawl in your FUCKING hole you REDNECK FUCK.

Gosh, I love dialogues with "Fucking," and "Redneck Fuck," "Fucking Insane."

WIthout asking my ideas, you assume I am close minded.

I am sorry. I am not the one who made Hawaii's system fail. Nor am I the one who led to the disaster in Massachusetts.


Btw...  you CONSERVATIVES have NO IDEA what a socialist is.

Speaking of which:


A conservative republican named DUBYA.  Before him?  H. W. Bush.  Before him?  REAGAN.

2.  Biggest INCREASE in TAXES?

A conservative republican named H. W. Bush.

Funny, how it's really the REPUBLICANS that are the "socialists."

You ask what I would do and then rant about Bush increasing taxes and size of government which is switching the subject.

However, to dispose of that quickly, I think he was wrong to do a lot of the things that increased government, and much of it was not acting on conservative principles.  

The answers to health care are not as easy as just let the government pay.  That would make it more expensive for who ever is paying for everyone else.

One thing - not the only thing, but I don't want to get distracted by multiple solutions - is less insurance for everyone.  Some things should not be covered privately or publicly.  Insurance should be for "budget busting" conditions.  Routine minor matters - injections, check-ups - should never be insured in any form. People who really can't afford it can be covered some other way, but the vast majority don't need a federal program.  

If everyone paid for a flu shot it would cost $X, the value.  If someone else pays it, it will cost X plus administrative.  The larger the admistration, the more the cost.  A plan that will cover 300,000,000 people will be rather costly.

The same economic principles apply to other insurance. You don't insure wind shield wipers or flat tires. You don't insure stopped up toilets or broken windows. You don't insure fan belts in your car.  You don't insure a sprinkler system in your yard or the smoke detector in the hall.

You could insure them, but that would make it more costly.  The same reason it would cost more to insure a flat tire, applies to insuring injections.

If everything is insured or paid for by someone else, there are no force in play to keep prices down.  Today, asprin in a hospital can cost $2 each - I have seen the bills - because the patient isn't paying for it, so who cares.

A "Binky," a wet rag with a nipple for a new born to suck on, cost $15 the last time I had a friend give birth to a baby in a hospital.  Let her buy the binky herself for $2.

Figure out what needs to be insured and insure that would be the first step.  People who can't afford it could be covered by a variety of programs.  

The next thing I would do is require a co-payment of a certain amount for everyone who can afford it.  Nothing should be free, because people will only want more than needed.  

A while ago, my doctor recommended that I get a procedure done, but I found out that insurance only paid part of it.  The fact that I would have to pay a fair amount made me ask the doctor about how necessary it was and whether there were other options.  I decided on a less expensive option, which worked very well.

If it had been "free" I would have just done it.  Hey, the extra $2,000 would not have been a concern. I would have just let The Ruler of the Universe help pay for it. (Thank you very much)

Those are a few quick ideas.

And again, I ask why is Hawaii and Massachesetts such a flop.

And don't fucking tell me that the fucking idiots are insane and are a bunch of rednecks. (Wow. I can talk like that also.)



You seem to think that and immediately label any Democrat or Liberal as such.  This is just plain wrong.  Additionally, why is it that every 1st world nation HAS some sort of Universal Heathcare (which BTW is NOT free in most countries), yet the US cannot?  Why is it that the US is the "most power nation on earth" and the "richest nation on earth" cannot solve the Heathcare crisis?

That was my point.  Instead, just b/c some state (e.g. Hawaii) tried to do something, you immediately come out say:


First of all, Hawaii's healthcare system was never meant to support EVERYONE.  This is something you implied.  THis is not the case.  The problem was that people who already had healthcare was abusing Hawaii's new system.  This is why it failed.

No one expects healthcare to be free, yet you seem to think that because I (and MOST other SANE people) support Universal Heathcare, that I expect some magic fairy dust to solve everything?  Please, give me a break.  In the other countries where there is Universal Heathcare (btw DID you see the Frontline Documentary that I provided the link for previously), these other countries DO have issues, but comparably speaking their issues are FAR less of a problem compared to ours.  If there's a "decent" system that we might be able to emulate, take a look at Switzerland's and/or Germany's healthcare system.

As for your ideas?  Thank you.

Apologies on the name calling, but frankly I am tired of being called a Socialist when it's the furthest from the truth.

Yes, we are the only 1st world nation that does not have universal care.

We are also the nation the developed laproscopic surgery which completely revolutionized surgical techniques and turned procedures that used to require days and weeks in the hospital into outpatient procedures.

We are the nation that invented the MRI, the CAT scan, and the heart lung bypass machine.

We lead the way in organ transplants and to date, are the only nation to successfully complete a simultaneous heart and lung transplant.

It is NOT a coincidence that the ONE nation who continues to employ a market based health care system is ALSO far and away the leader in the devlopment of lifesaving medical care.

Is our health care more expensive? Yes it is. If you have a case of the sniffles, Britain, France, Canada, and Sweden can help you out with that. If your child has Tetralogy of Fallot, better stay here to get that taken care of if you want the best care for your child.

I studied socialism for years in the academic arena, so I probably know more than most people

Here is one interesting thing to think about.  There is one area of medicine that keeps getting less expensive and better - plastic surgery.  

I had the Lasik surgery a decade ago when it cost $3K.  Today it is down to the hundreds. And it is better.

Every other area of plastic surgery is the same.
It is the only area of medicine where this happens.

What is unique about plastic surgery.  In the vast majority of cases, it is not insured.   Could there be some sort of economic force in play?

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