Politics and Religion

Right, Willy, Idaho is just one big happy gun playgroundregular_smile
marikod 1 Reviews 171 reads

Willy, you are so right – guns don’t kill people, people do:

"The Kootenai County, Idaho Sheriff’s Office says a 7-year-old Coeur d’Alene boy  has died in an accidental shooting at the end of a family hunting trip in northern Idaho. Officials say 36-year-old Robert Bartlett of St. Maries was putting a rifle in a vehicle Saturday when it discharged, striking Connor Bartlett. The boy died on the way to the hospital. Conner lived in Coeur d’Alene with his mother and attended Skyway Elementary. Grief counselors were at the school yesterday. The sheriff’s office says detectives continue to investigate the shooting. This was the second gun accident involving a young child to happen last week in Idaho. A 2 year old Rupert boy died last Thursday after being shot by his three year old brother. That shooting remains under investigation."

Btw, thanks for inviting me to that gun show to show me how safe gun shows are:

GARDEN CITY -- Deputies are investigating a report of an accidental shooting today at Expo Idaho's Fort Boise Gun Show.
Authorities say someone at the gun show picked up a large-caliber handgun and unintentionally fired it.
A single round from the gun fired into a display, hitting two other guns which sent shrapnel flying and hitting two bystanders.


      More likely to be killed by a “fucking bear”? I fear you are not smarter than the average bear, Willy::

      "The latest shooting death occurred October 28 when John D Ivey was guiding a party of Elk hunters for an Elk River outfitter. Ivey apparently was 25 feet in front of a hunter when the clients slung rifle became entangled in brush, investigators said. As the hunter tugged on the gun, it fired once, Ivy was killed instantly by a rifle shot to the head."

       Gun violence is down? You are  not including suicide stats are you?

"A report from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare shows that 199 Idaho residents died from being shot in 2010, and most of those deaths were self-inflicted.

The Times-News reports that 183 of those deaths were found to be suicides. According to the report, just 12 gun deaths were found to be homicides, three were because of an accidental discharge of a gun and one was of undetermined intent."

      And all that is just from the first page of Google. Can’t say I ever planned to go to Idaho anyway but I think this seals the deal

...about to pass a law allowing students to carry guns in school.  It passed in the House 25-10 and will most likely pass the Senate.  A Boise State biology professor wrote an Op-Ed addressed to the Idaho state legislature asking for clarification about how and when to defend himself...


The Idaho State Senate held a hearing on the proposed law.  The chief of police of Boise signed up at 8:00 AM to speak against the proposed law but was not allowed to speak.  However, a representative of the NRA was allowed to speak for 40 minutes.  When the Idaho Republicans were asked if they did the bidding of the NRA because of its campaign contributions, they all said in unison: "I da ho."


A few interesting facts about Idaho. Idaho has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country. 55.3% of people from Idaho (Idahoans?) are gun owners. With a state clock full of so many guns, you'd think that their gun murder rate would be sky high! And you'd be wrong. Idaho's gun homicide rate is only 0.8 out of 100,000, making Idaho the state with the 6th least amount of gun violence in the entire country.  


The professor also makes rather absurd comments, like being "outgunned". This is a favorite talking point of the gun grabbers. Apparently, if someone is armed with an AR-15, that makes them bulletproof unless you also shoot them with an AR-15, or perhaps, a tank. You'd think that a biology professor could figure out that a well placed round from a simple .22 pocket pistol could get the job done.  

Self-defense is pretty simple. You can't act unless you fear for your life, and can demonstrate that if you didn't act that you'd likely be killed or seriously injured. In all other instances, you're breaking the law by so much as drawing a gun from your holster in public.  

I would figure that the last place someone who had an irrational fear of guns would work would be in Idaho. You're probably more likely to get eaten by a fucking bear or stampeded by a herd of elk than get shot by a gun owner in Idaho.

GaGambler237 reads

You would have sworn it was Marikod's words that you were reading???

I would be interested in knowing what the qualifications for an "on campus" permit entailed. Attention grabbing headlines rarely tell the full story. If BP has a case to make against this law, i'd be interested in knowing ALL the facts before making a decision.

I vaguely remember biology- something to do with frogs. What do I have to do to convince you that I'm REALLY an Unemployed Porn Star? Unlike the rest of you guys who make dubious claims of being millionaires, I can prove that I'm unemployed and if you ever saw me in action, Mr I Come Four times A day, you'd certainly agree that I'm a star , although more of the Toby Keith variety these days LOL.  

       But here is the business case against the law in two words - liability insurance. Schools will see their premiums go sky high or they will not be able to get it.  What a dumb ass law - right up there with giving concealed carry permits to the blind.

Willy, you are so right – guns don’t kill people, people do:

"The Kootenai County, Idaho Sheriff’s Office says a 7-year-old Coeur d’Alene boy  has died in an accidental shooting at the end of a family hunting trip in northern Idaho. Officials say 36-year-old Robert Bartlett of St. Maries was putting a rifle in a vehicle Saturday when it discharged, striking Connor Bartlett. The boy died on the way to the hospital. Conner lived in Coeur d’Alene with his mother and attended Skyway Elementary. Grief counselors were at the school yesterday. The sheriff’s office says detectives continue to investigate the shooting. This was the second gun accident involving a young child to happen last week in Idaho. A 2 year old Rupert boy died last Thursday after being shot by his three year old brother. That shooting remains under investigation."

Btw, thanks for inviting me to that gun show to show me how safe gun shows are:

GARDEN CITY -- Deputies are investigating a report of an accidental shooting today at Expo Idaho's Fort Boise Gun Show.
Authorities say someone at the gun show picked up a large-caliber handgun and unintentionally fired it.
A single round from the gun fired into a display, hitting two other guns which sent shrapnel flying and hitting two bystanders.


      More likely to be killed by a “fucking bear”? I fear you are not smarter than the average bear, Willy::

      "The latest shooting death occurred October 28 when John D Ivey was guiding a party of Elk hunters for an Elk River outfitter. Ivey apparently was 25 feet in front of a hunter when the clients slung rifle became entangled in brush, investigators said. As the hunter tugged on the gun, it fired once, Ivy was killed instantly by a rifle shot to the head."

       Gun violence is down? You are  not including suicide stats are you?

"A report from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare shows that 199 Idaho residents died from being shot in 2010, and most of those deaths were self-inflicted.

The Times-News reports that 183 of those deaths were found to be suicides. According to the report, just 12 gun deaths were found to be homicides, three were because of an accidental discharge of a gun and one was of undetermined intent."

      And all that is just from the first page of Google. Can’t say I ever planned to go to Idaho anyway but I think this seals the deal

GaGambler195 reads

At least safe from getting shot by someone other than yourself. I don't know how many people were killed by bears fucking, or fucking bears, whichever you prefer, but if the number is north of 16 Willy would be proven right, and even If this proves Willy wrong and lets say the number of people killed in Idaho by fucking bears or elk is a big fat whopping ZERO, than gun deaths other than suicides top deaths by elk and bears by a maximum of 16 total deaths for an entire state. I can live with those odds.

I haven't once seen anyone blame rope when someone hangs himself (or herself). Not once. Strange how that works, eh? You know what else I've never seen? I've never seen anyone blame gravity when someone jumps off a bridge or a building.  

But surely, the USA, with it's estimated 300 million guns, would have a suicide rate that is far higher than other first world nations that don't have guns. After all, guns cause suicides.  



Idaho is a big fucking state. It's bigger than all of New England. 1.6 million people live in Idaho. I guarantee you, that at this very moment, somewhere in Idaho someone is trying to fuck their cat. In other words, with enough people over a large enough geographical area, you can find all kinds of fucked up things happening at least once.

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