Politics and Religion

Re: What’s a”Bumler sticker?”
LostSon 43 Reviews 18 reads

Bait for you idiot 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Keep up the good stalking as well 👍 and the lame attempt to deflect from the OP 🙄

Your side has become soooooo obsessssssed that, what appears to be a seemingly rational older gentleman would go key someones car!!! Over a political view????

Good grief! THE TDS is strong here.

Pinhead. Do you Ever read your posts before you hit send?I’ve trained your dopy pal so why don’t you shape up?

Bait for you idiot 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Keep up the good stalking as well 👍 and the lame attempt to deflect from the OP 🙄

Your side has become soooooo obsessssssed that, what appears to be a seemingly rational older gentleman would go key someones car!!! Over a political view????

Good grief! THE TDS is strong here.

The accused fully cooperated with LE, admitted having done certain things, was taken into custody, and is scheduled to appear in court the next day. He will probably get a lawyer, pay for the damage AND MORE (penalties; fines), and try to negotiate the felony down to a misdemeanor.  
Some people accused of crimes choose NOT to cooperate with gov agencies, do NOT cooperate with LE investigations, deliberately criminally obstruct justice, plot to hide or destroy evidence, deliberately disobey court orders, and otherwise delay and deny justice to be served.  
I think that everyone should obey the law or pay the consequences. Do you agree?

Posted By: LostSon

Yes you read that right! Felony property damage no less! Sooooo TDS doesn’t exist?

Posted By: impposter
Re: Justice Served; Full cooperation; No crying or whining
The accused fully cooperated with LE, admitted having done certain things, was taken into custody, and is scheduled to appear in court the next day. He will probably get a lawyer, pay for the damage AND MORE (penalties; fines), and try to negotiate the felony down to a misdemeanor.  
 Some people accused of crimes choose NOT to cooperate with gov agencies, do NOT cooperate with LE investigations, deliberately criminally obstruct justice, plot to hide or destroy evidence, deliberately disobey court orders, and otherwise delay and deny justice to be served.  
 I think that everyone should obey the law or pay the consequences. Do you agree?
Posted By: LostSon
 Yes you read that right! Felony property damage no less! Sooooo TDS doesn’t exist?

O M G 🤣🤣🤣🤣 GIMPY tries to pull a super subtle “BUT TRUMP” and even A VERY subtle attempt at virtue signaling, “look my side complies with law enforcement!”  


Oh please stop it hurts !

Posted By: impposter
I think that everyone should obey the law or pay the consequences. Do you agree?

ohhh I agree but let me ask, does your definition of everyone include all the BLM rioters or the ANTIFA rioters of the past few years that were encouraged by Dear Sweet Kackles??  

Now back to the OP your side has created people who are soooo wrapped around the axle that they would key someone's car over, again a political difference.

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