Politics and Religion

Re: P&R Poll ////Three eom
Harry5390 89 Reviews 1581 reads


RightwingUnderground2586 reads

Show of hands now. How many think

1) jack0's multiple aliases are employed because he thinks it helps get his point across better.


2) jack0's uses the multiple aliases because it helps him slip into character and he believes he can think more clearly after taking on each persona.


3) jack0 has no control over any of it.

Jack0sAgent2139 reads

4) It's entertaining simple rightwing fucks


5) Nobody else cares.

RightwingUnderground1706 reads

4) It's entertaining simple rightwing fucks


5) Nobody else cares.

. . . or ?

OR ? ! ? !

Even jacko can't perceive the motivations and emotional drive behind his own antics - LOL.

He DID throw an "and" in the mix so there is a glimmer of sanity.

Nah, More like his personas simply don't agree on 4) or 5)

GaGambler1388 reads

Like JackO. Do you get to vote once for every personality? I say, One dick, one vote. Which would exclude most of JackO's dickless and brainless personalities.

GaGambler2551 reads

Like JackO. Do you get to vote once for every personality? I say, One dick, one vote. Which would exclude most of JackO's dickless and brainless personalities.

do they voyt twice?

or not at all?

and is the "one man, one vote" trope just a tease or a cruel irony in their case?

biggertitman1189 reads

who's jack0? and why should we care?

RightwingUnderground1685 reads

He's only here to amuse us. You can see from his post count that he is responsible for 20% to 30% of all posts here, but you can't see him. He is invisible because he only posts under his many many alter personalities. You also might not remember reading any of his posts since he rarely has anything cogent or informative to say.

What I want to know is, who is sparker?

-- Modified on 6/2/2008 9:06:06 PM

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