Politics and Religion

Re: Please read my post before responding.
mattradd 40 Reviews 22 reads

Like you said, they corrected it! ;)

I'm glad people are holding them accountable, and when they do, NYT makes the correction.

JackDunphy1156 reads

NY Slimes editorial finds way to slam Sarah Palin in there article about the shooting yesterday. Once again, they trot out there the thoroughly debunked theory that Palin incited Gabby Gifford's shooter.  

You know its bad when Jake Tapper has to chime in to slam the Slimes shoddy work.

What a fucking disgrace the media is right now. But JFSF wants me to lap up every thing they tell us as fact. If the Slimes continues with their dishonesty and fake news, their rep could fall as fast as that of WaPo's.

Try and be honest in your presentation! ;)

Read the editorial itself. Don't rely one what Jake Tapper says or the Daily Caller! ;)

"Was this attack evidence of how vicious American politics has become? Probably. In 2011, Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl. At the time, we and others were sharply critical of the heated political rhetoric on the right. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map that showed the targeted electoral districts of Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs. But in that case no connection to the shooting was ever established."

Seems like the NYT editorial is more honest than the Daily Caller article. ;)

balller33 reads

Lib opinion and Lib editorial

Same with WaPo, LAT, Trib . . . .

Anyone who doesn't know that is a dumbass!

I mentioned at the top that it was an "editorial." So YOUR take on my "presentation," and what I actually posted, is at odds.  

Editorials often refer to news to make their point, and this time, AGAIN, the Slimes "news" was "fake news."

The last sentence of the paragraph that you quote ("But in that case no connection to the shooting was ever established") was a CHANGE to the original editorial TWELVE HOURS AFTER they were embarrassed by even people on the left who noted the Slimes dishonesty.

The Slimes made a connection between Palin and Gifford's shooting back when it happened, and did so again today, and you want to WK for the Slimes and shoot the messenger.

Like you said, they corrected it! ;)

I'm glad people are holding them accountable, and when they do, NYT makes the correction.

86H13LTP47 reads

yes we think they're fucked up for doing it but they know who the scums are  

One America News is the answer - no political bias .  Just reporting

There is simply no such thing as "no political bias." It doesn't exist on the left and it doesn't exist on the right. We ALL are biased as that is a part of being human.

All I ever ask if for the media to be fair. Fair is NOT rigging a panel the day that Comey testified and having ALL NINE panelists pummel Trump and side with Comey, as CNN did.  

There were tons of people who would have defended Trump and CNN couldn't manage to find one. They didn't want to find one.  

CNN has completely given up any objectivity it used to be so proud of in return for ratings. I have no problem with that, as long as they don't keep bullshitting us that they are "centrist."

BUT OAN is no different than Fox or CNN or MSNBC in terms of bias. The only question is how the bias manifests itself and what do they do to counteract it.

...for being a voice of moderation on the subject of an incendiary press, of course the apparent left leaning bias by much of the written & broadcast press is frustrating to most people who's political thought's lean right of center. I think we need to look at the motivation of any supposed news media outlets before taking their opinions too seriously, we must weigh in our own individual minds the level of what to believe & remember that the news media outlets are  commercial enterprises there to earn ratings & sponsorship money, so if you don't like what they say hit them in the pocket-book go after the sponsors.

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