Politics and Religion

Re: MSMangry_smile
mrhuck 15 Reviews 194 reads

...I guess the Obama's really are opposite genders from what they appear & who ordered the pizza ? I guess the right wing crowd learnt pretty good from those cagey lefty's how to make-up fake news.

86H13LTP1422 reads

could have come up with .  

Williams - the bird I flying in was taking heavy ground fire and after Katrina , the bodies were floating everywhere. NOT  

Hillary - We landed in a LZ being shelled and then took sniper fire NOT  

Lefties are the Kings and Queens of Fake News . Just look at Ferguso

PMS-NBC Big Wig# 1: "Ok, we got a fake news segment we need to air tonite. I was thinking Matthews, or maybe O'Donnell. We need someone trustworthy."

PMS-NBC Big Wig #2: "I was thinking Rachel. She would be perfect to front this. She is smart, witty."

Coffee Boy: "What about Brian Williams sirs?"

MSNBC Big Wig #1 and #2: "YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! He is PERFECT!"  

Of course all you will get from the lefty's here is more Faux News this and Faux News that. lol

Does it get any more "faux" then PMSNBC? :D :D

TwoMints180 reads

They lack self awareness

...I guess the Obama's really are opposite genders from what they appear & who ordered the pizza ? I guess the right wing crowd learnt pretty good from those cagey lefty's how to make-up fake news.

...he deserved what he got, but what he did was to EMBELLISH a true story.  He did fly in a helicopter, but it was not shot at.

There is not a kernel of truth in fake news stories.  They are made up out of whole cloth.  The purpose is to generate hits and earn the fiction writers money.  It's dummies like you that don't know the difference between fake stories and exaggerated ones.

Good to know you belive that telling a lie based at least in part on some truth is never as egregious as a flat out total lie

...too busy trying to get your net worth up to 50K so you can be "richer than most" and figuring out what you're going to do with that Social Security you're counting on so much.

But this musical meme doesn’t really apply to my adult life. I accumulated all my wealth using my brain. My college education has served me well while I contributed to the forward movement of technology and society in general. I’m nearly 100% certain you have personally used equipment I’ve designed. I’ve done so little physical labor that the ladies in my life usually complement me on how soft my hands are. My career and  has allowed me to accumulate a financial nest egg that leaves me better off than most people but not so well off that I can afford to leave SS and Medicare on the table.  

At first I thought you simply didn’t understand what I was communicating but now I see your issues are more deeply seated. I truly am sorry you seem to be so jealous of my position

...who is better off than most people.

Like GaG, I'm not counting on Social Security.  I'm not sure it will be around, or around in the same form when I'm eligible to receive it.  I don't know how much I'll get, but it probably won't be enough to pay for even one hooker a month.  I didn't contribute much to SS and I don't have any IRAs because my earnings for the last 25 years have been unearned, and I've made more money every single year than the year before.  I don't own any stocks either.

I did physical labor when I was young.  The education I received doing this work, combined with my college education and post graduate degree, is why I am as successful as I am.  There's a lot you learn in the real world that you never learn in college.  The fact that you brag about not doing any physical labor shows a great deficit in your education.  What I learned doing physical labor has been invaluable to my success.  I could have never learned those things in college.

Maybe if you had done some physical labor, you might have become as successful as I am and not have to count on Social Security.  You could take an example from Dr. Jerry Buss, the late owner of the L.A. Lakers.  Buss's family was extremely poor but he eventually got a Ph.D in physical chemistry and went to work for Douglas Aircraft, developing rocket fuel and other classified products.  I’m nearly 100% certain you have personally used products that Buss worked on.  Buss also taught chemistry at USC.

When he died, Buss was worth over $600 million.  Do you think he accumulated his wealth by only using his brain as you have done?  No, he wasn't a drone like you, working his ass off for someone else and then counting on Social Security.  Buss took a chance to try to get more and achieve the American dream.  Buss and a friend from Douglas, Frank Mariani, decided to try their hand at real estate.

They scraped together a few thousand dollars and took out multiple mortgages to buy a 14-unit apartment house in West Los Angeles and, to save money, did all the repairs themselves at night after working a full day at Douglas.

Once, Buss found a damaged wall in a vacated apartment when he went to see it after work.  Buss didn't have the proper materials to fix it and didn't have the time to go buy them, so Buss peeled off his T-shirt, stuffed it into the hole and plastered over it.  From that one building on which he did the "physical labor" himself, Buss grew it into a net worth of a helluva lot more than the $50K that you consider to be "richer than most."

But you keep using your college education and grind away at your job, ed, and then collect your Social Security.

BTW, I'm glad women "complement" you on your soft hands.  Do they also compliment you on your spelling?



-- Modified on 12/13/2016 4:41:08 AM

Thank you for the additional details that most likely reveal the sources of your psychological problems.

Your continued predilection to making incorrect assumptions never fails to amaze me. Your assumption that I’ve never done any physical labor is quite misplaced. I said my wealth wasn’t based on it. I do agree that hard labor for others does indeed provide a certain education. The ensuing calluses do fade and disappear with time.  

It’s obvious your issues are not just with jealousy. It’s now become clear that a sense self-inferiority has become a major driving force in your lack of interpersonal skills. My estimate is you aren’t even consciously aware of it. You may believe that your apparent obsession with me is due to some perceived harm I’ve caused but it’s merely a trigger for your boasting and excessive self-superiority overreaction.  But please do continue to invent circumstances you think I live under and continue to comment on them. I’m sure it will better assist people to understand who you really are.

BTW, I don’t “consider” $50K to be richer than most. It’s a fact

What Brian Williams has done is much, much worse. He is a known commodity. He was a trusted, accomplished figure on a mainstream, national channel. Trying to mitigate what he did because he told half truths, white lies or as you state, used "exaggeration" is imbecilic.  

You are also factually incorrect, Bigpapasan. Williams made up out of "whole cloth" that there were "floating bodies" just outside his hotel room. There were in fact, zero. That's not an embellishment, that is a lie. Our side looks silly and uninformed when we start making these type of ignorant comparisons. Let the Right hang itself and let them own this sort of chicanery. Lets not support it when our side gets caught doing it. Mr Williams engaged in fake news. Let's face it, confront it, call it out when it happens but lets not excuse it. We should strive to be better then our opposition.

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