Politics and Religion

Re: Madison. . .
JLWest 1808 reads

Agree with you about the children. Dumb ass parents put them in that position.

Let me see if I got this straight.  In the current electioneering the POTUS and VP decide to come up with some kind of program for their wives to push. That way they can get in front of the public and yuck it up for the party on the public dime. So they come up with Jobs for Vets. Might as well get the kids in on this also.

They were willing to pimp out their families for a few cheap votes. Hell of thing to do to your kids. And then their dumb enough to send them to a NASCAR race.

People see thru this.

They know they are being used. There at the race, spending hard earned money for a  weekend of fun for their families and resent being used by the fat cats in D.C.

Had I been there I would not of booed. However, I would have kept my hands in my pockets. And don't get me wrong. Repub's pull the same stunts.

Bottom line the politicians don't have a fucking clue.

There were kids there and I was embarrassed for our southern sport.  so tacky, even if you don't like their husbands or the first lady spending all that money.

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 11:09:45 AM

JLWest1365 reads

Politicians without a clue. Most NASCAR  fans are working class blue collar. Nothing wrong with that. So the clueless in Washington D.C. send their wives onto that group to ask for jobs for Vets. Nothing wrong with asking for jobs for Vets.

But at an NASCAR race. Hell there isn't four people in the stands that could give anyone a job. Most of the people in the stands are worried that they will have a job Monday morning.  The fans are sitting there watching these two pampered high spending women from D.C. asking them for something  the fans can't possibly do a damn thing about. And as a matter of fact both of the ladies husbands haven't and probably can't do a damn thing about Vet job and on top of that the POTUS cut Vet benefits what 6 weeks ago.

I suspect most of the fans also thought it was a political move to get votes.
It's about time everyday people took off the gloves as started expressing their real feelings to the political ruling elite class.

I understand your feelings and feel the same way, except this was a fun sporting event with children there.  I guess the lesson is on them that they should stay in their rich little circles.  I was still embarrassed for the children standing with the ladies and felt a deep shame.

JLWest1809 reads

Agree with you about the children. Dumb ass parents put them in that position.

Let me see if I got this straight.  In the current electioneering the POTUS and VP decide to come up with some kind of program for their wives to push. That way they can get in front of the public and yuck it up for the party on the public dime. So they come up with Jobs for Vets. Might as well get the kids in on this also.

They were willing to pimp out their families for a few cheap votes. Hell of thing to do to your kids. And then their dumb enough to send them to a NASCAR race.

People see thru this.

They know they are being used. There at the race, spending hard earned money for a  weekend of fun for their families and resent being used by the fat cats in D.C.

Had I been there I would not of booed. However, I would have kept my hands in my pockets. And don't get me wrong. Repub's pull the same stunts.

Bottom line the politicians don't have a fucking clue.

it should have been obvious they would not get a warm welcome from a NASCAR crowd.  But First Ladies always choose a particular area to focus on and she chose helping military families as her mission shortly after coming to the White House.  Laura Bush chose education.  It goes with the position.  Of course, anything a President or First Lady do has a political component but this is not, as you suggest, some new thing whipped up because of 2012.

I agree-however-remember-the Philadelphia Eagles Fans Boo'd Santa Claus !! And-I would think that most of us NASCAR fans are not O'Bama/Biden Supporters-and my thought is that this was a pure political gesture in the first place and it is what it is-I would not have boo'd them because that isn't what I do-but..... I also would not applaud them......

Her husband I can understand, but Michelle? Are these batter covered greese filled hicks really going to be that pissed at the suggestion of eating of fucking carrot you grow in your yard?

but anywhere else I'm fine with.

Nice assessment of the NASCAR crowd.
Spoken like a true hypocritical liberal.

Do you know what that word means? I don't eat fried foods.

Timbow1378 reads

“For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I’m Really Proud of My Country " :)

Huh??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Surely you jest !!??

Priapus532960 reads

take your moronic posts to the GOP log cabin board, where it belongs------;)

It just proves to everyone else how pathetic you are.
You really need professional help with your lonely, impotent existence.
In your head, little man. hahahahahahaha

Nascar has a vast range of pay grades attending their events, including many well off business owners .
There are some nasty people in every crowd.

Booing the ladies promoting Joining Forces was done by the ignorant minority.

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