Politics and Religion

Re: Kudlow is a joke. (Care To Address The Unconditional Ceasefire?)
cks175 44 Reviews 24 reads

*pats old Nicky on the head*

I repost Kudlow’s piece on Biden’s policy vis a vis Israel and the war on Gaza. Nicky grouses about Kudlow’s foreign policy credentials. Complains that I’m a hack.  

Doesn’t (can’t?) refute anything Kudlow has to say. Doesn’t take issue with one viewpoint. Maybe the thought of Nicky actually agreeing with Kudlow makes him cringe, so he stays silent on the topic.

Or maybe he thinks Biden’s call for a unilateral Israeli ceasefire not tied to the release of hostages is a good idea? Is that it Nicky? You think it’s in Israel’s best interest to enter an unconditional ceasefire?

-- Modified on 4/10/2024 11:03:43 AM

-- Modified on 4/10/2024 11:04:28 AM

Biden’s losing/lost his resolve on Israel. If we’re not careful, we could have another Afghan withdrawal level foreign policy crisis. Worst President ever.

From Lawrence Kudlow’s column in The Sun:

Of all the economic and other news items in the last day or two, I don’t want anyone to miss the important words of the defense secretary, Lloyd Austin.

Mr. Austin said at a Senate Armed Services hearing that there was no evidence Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians during the Hamas war in Gaza.

Mr. Cotton replied: “So you deny the accusation that you greenlit genocide?”

The defense secretary’s response was: “I absolutely deny it.”

Well, I’ll tell you. This is against the backdrop of recent actions and statements by President Biden and his various minions that suggest the administration is betraying Israel, and walking away from Israel’s commitment to destroying Hamas, and all the various attacks on Israel about civilian casualties and deaths and famine

Kudlow nails Biden in his conclusion:

Israel has not done this. Mr. Austin is correct. And Mr. Austin’s defense of Israel is just what Mr. Biden should be doing and should have been doing and saying all along.

I’m now waiting on Mr. Biden to publicly back up his Defense Secretary.

And then we’re all waiting for Mr. Biden to let Israel finish off the job by destroying Hamas, who are uncivilized barbarians and deserve to be destroyed.

He’s a coked-up Trump groupie who desperately wants a job in a Trump second term, which won’t happen.  He’s also most decidedly NOT a foreign policy expert, so his opinion on this is worthless. Only an arch political hack would quote him.

*pats old Nicky on the head*

I repost Kudlow’s piece on Biden’s policy vis a vis Israel and the war on Gaza. Nicky grouses about Kudlow’s foreign policy credentials. Complains that I’m a hack.  

Doesn’t (can’t?) refute anything Kudlow has to say. Doesn’t take issue with one viewpoint. Maybe the thought of Nicky actually agreeing with Kudlow makes him cringe, so he stays silent on the topic.

Or maybe he thinks Biden’s call for a unilateral Israeli ceasefire not tied to the release of hostages is a good idea? Is that it Nicky? You think it’s in Israel’s best interest to enter an unconditional ceasefire?

-- Modified on 4/10/2024 11:03:43 AM

-- Modified on 4/10/2024 11:04:28 AM

He is the definition of obtuse. Why do I need to refute every misguided point Kudlow makes if he's demonstrably unqualified as a serious poster on the subject he pretends to understand? He's an ECONOMIST. As such his views on foreign policy are based on ignorance. As a result he is WRONG on every count and I won't be baited to detail them as ChicKie is trying to make me do. What we have here is one partisan hack posting an opinion piece by another partisan hack. The result is useless as a subject to discuss because Kudlow's opinions have no value. Just like all of ChicKie's partisan hackery. Just what we expect from our self-proclaimed "most intelligent and reasonable" poster.
What a laugh.
*kicks ChicKie's ass again*

A “mistake”.

“What he’s doing is a mistake. I don’t agree with his approach,” Biden told U.S. Spanish-language broadcaster Univision in an interview
The cease fire should be implemented. When? “Now”.
Biden said Israel should agree to a cease-fire, flood beleaguered Gaza with aid for the next six to eight weeks and allow regional countries to help distribute the aid. “It should be done now,” he said
The President of the United States calls the Israeli approach a mistake.  Insists the cease fire be implemented now.  Reduces the leverage Israel has at the cease fire negotiating table. Gives the impression that Biden backs the calls for a unilateral ceasefire that Hamas supporters here in the US have been calling for.  A calculated political move aimed at disgruntled young voters, but yet another foreign policy misstep at the diplomatic level.

I didn't even bother replying to your last retort above because it was so weak anyone who looks at the branch knows you've lost your shit.
As for Biden and Bibi, why are you such a knee-jerk supporter of Bibi's government? I've always hated the guy and am happy if Joe jerks his chain. And, no, he didn't "reduce" Israel's leverage. It's Bibi's failed policies that have done that. To make your post even dopier, you opine that Biden's statement "Gives the impression that Biden backs the calls for a unilateral ceasefire." Huh? How? Nowhere does Biden's statement say or imply that. But keep on making shit up, ChicKie.

It’s good to see you FINALLY come around to the topic at hand, Biden and the war in Gaza.

unilateral ceasefire." Huh? How? Nowhere does Biden's statement say or imply that
Gotta disagree with you on the unilateral ceasefire point. While it’s true that Biden did not say “unilateral” ceasefire, he clearly implied it. The left in America has been calling for a unilateral ceasefire, and when Biden says “ceasefire NOW”, it’s clear he’s putting the onus on Israel to implement a ceasefire.

  This perspective ignores the fact that it’s Hamas who is blocking a ceasefire “now”, as they are the only party rejecting the latest proposals negotiated by Egypt, Qatar, the USA and Israel. But Biden places the requirement for a ceasefire now in a discussion regarding BiBi, not Hamas. His statement clearly was meant as a bone to throw to the American Left, and doesn’t help the situation in Gaza, but actually hurts it.

Despite your vaporings Bibi is a captive of the extreme right of his coalition

Two things can be true at once. BiBi can be beholden to the right AND Biden can take actions that hurts Israel’s standing in its war against Hamas. It was irresponsible for Biden to call for a ceasefire “Now” in a discussion about Bibi’s mistakes. That can only serve to embolden Hamas to dig their heels in deeper when it comes to reaching an agreement on the fate of the hostages.

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