Politics and Religion

Question for the religious dudes here
Blowing Chunks 4774 reads

So I was having a group dinner with a bunch of friends and some friends of friends.  It turns out 7 out of 11 of us were fidels and the 4 of us were infidels. The 7 decides to turn the fucking dinner into some religious freak show and each of them ask each other who's going to pray to Jesus. They also claim they should do this every time we get together and take turns praying to Jesus!!!  

The 4 of us infidels look at each other and say, "did we sign up for a christian / catholic dinner? why are they trying to turn this into a religious thing?". I asked why they are shoving their religious practices down other peoples throat. They claimed they aren't and that we can start eating.  

Only problem is, they only said that because I spoke up. Truth is, the jesus worshippers were implicitly assuming that everyone would wait for them and respect their practices. The 4 of us were not up for respecting any of that because it is a direct sign of "implicit acceptance". We just started eating cuz it was the right thing to do (ie: we reject jesus and think he's just another fuckcing human being at best, just like albert einstein, charles darwin, Joe Pesci)

Question, would you christians/catholics be cool with it if non-christians/catholics prayed to dionysis/mithra/krishna/buddha or Albert Einstein or Charles Darwin, thanking evolution and survival of the fittest laws and the theory of relativity helping agricultural processes for bringing us this food on the table.  Would you Jesus worshippers be cool with it and wait for our prayers holding up everyone else's dinner automatically assuming that everyone should implicitly respect our non-christian beliefs? Would YOU wait for us to finish our prayers to some unproven invisible man up in the sky that nobody has EVER FUCKING SEEN?  

Would you christians be cool if we prayed to Joe Pesci expecting YOU to wait around to finish our lame ass prayers?

How about if the infidels even go so far as praying to the Milkway Galaxy or the Big Bang or the Super Strings god that Christians/Catholics woke up from their mass delusions of worshiping a false deity (a copy cat off Egyptian/ Greek mythologies) different from our own beliefs?  

How about we pray to the "Universe", reminding christians of how Jesus screamed out like a fucking pussy ass mother fucker "MY GOD MY GOD WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME??????????" before he died on the cross? How about we pray to THAT? Or why can't we pray about how Jesus has an utterly unprovable geneology in the new testament?? The utter discrepency that no scholar has the answer to?

Should we hold up other people's dinner too praying to our version of deity, before jesus-worshippers come close to respecting differences in other's beliefs and practices?    

America practices separation of church and state, why can't jesus freaks practice separate of church and group dinner especially when non-christians are involved?


-- Modified on 6/20/2014 5:01:07 AM

GaGambler926 reads

I always knew that you were "somebody" we all knew, but now there is no doubt who you really are.

BTW when you leave the board under one handle and sneak back in under another, you lose all the SPOTY points that you have accumulated under your old handle. Now what that means to you DA is that my moron is WAY out in front now. lmao

I attempted to defend my "honor" and was muzzled when trying to do so.

Posted By: GaGambler
I always knew that you were "somebody" we all knew, but now there is no doubt who you really are.

BTW when you leave the board under one handle and sneak back in under another, you lose all the SPOTY points that you have accumulated under your old handle. Now what that means to you DA is that my moron is WAY out in front now. lmao

GaGambler798 reads

but I will allow that the SilverFake is deserving of SPOTY consideration himself.

As for you, although you have forfeited your Pimples/BV SPOTY points, you are still gaining on the field with every post you make, so Fungus still needs to watch out, as you are likely to overtake him in no time.

Well it's not like I can trade those points for pussy, can I?

... so they're pretty worthless to begin with.

Posted By: GaGambler
but I will allow that the SilverFake is deserving of SPOTY consideration himself.

As for you, although you have forfeited your Pimples/BV SPOTY points, you are still gaining on the field with every post you make, so Fungus still needs to watch out, as you are likely to overtake him in no time.

Remember,  JCA existed before BV.  And pimples existed before BV.  
Remember, trophies existed before trophies.  
Why should his issue be our issue

Bill Maher devoted a whole segment to his trophies. Why should his issue, be the viewer's issue?

I mean, I think you know my credentials, OK?  I was #1 on High Times magazine's list of pot comics in 2006. I should've also totally won in '99; I had an amazing year.  I also won High Times' best cable news show in '07 when they said, "When it comes to Cannabis advocacy on television, no one can touch Bill Maher."  (audience cheering and applause)

I was the keynote speaker at the 2002 NORML convention.  I was College Party Guru's #4 celebrity pothead of all time.  (audience jerks off and cums their pants)  And I am the proud owner of this trophy.  This is real.

Presented to me.  OK, sent to me in the mail, commemorating my induction into the Jose Cuervo Party Hall of Fame in 2000.  (audience farts and inhales)  OK?

I have spilled more pot than most of you have smoked!

So I believe I have the gravitas to offer some advice to Colorado, and everyone on saving this experiment in personal freedom

what does walking out accomplish when I've already spoke my mind

Every time you speak your mind IRL?

... and why debate something you can't prove, you can't stand religious people, yet you hang out with them, speaks volumes about you.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
what does walking out accomplish when I've already spoke my mind?  

gotta admit, ya got a point!! LOL

it's always the religion haters who's personal sphere is always clogged with jesus freaks, why is that?

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Every time you speak your mind IRL?  
 ... and why debate something you can't prove, you can't stand religious people, yet you hang out with them, speaks volumes about you.  
Posted By: Drunken Asian
what does walking out accomplish when I've already spoke my mind?    

I barfed when i saw this picture.
what a bunch of garbage,

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
... while standing in the elevator.

... in fact I hated religion, then I came to the realization that something I don't believe can't possibly affect me, in a psychological way.


I don't think you took the time to comprehend the lat line...

The Lord replied,  

“The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

Faith gave her the strength to carry herself. When she believed the "Lord" was not there for her, when she actually possesses the strength to carry herself. When she has "faith" in herself.

Are you telling me, that you don't have faith/belief in yourself.

Dumbass I spoke up way before I posted anything.  Learn how to read,  or are you going for the SPOTY trophy again under your new handle?  

Did you miss the part where I mentioned friends of friends showed up?  Maybe if you had some friends you'd understand the difference between friends of friends versus friends.  

I also don't avoid ppl based on their religious beliefs,  but based on how they act with it.  it's only when they start to shove their shit down other people's throat that I say something. It's pretty clear you're going for the dumbest poster of the year trophy as well as the stupidest poster of the year trophy.  Roflmao

You made an ass of yourself in front of your friends.


Posted By: Drunken Asian
Dumbass I spoke up way before I posted anything.  Learn how to read,  or are you going for the SPOTY trophy again under your new handle?  
 Did you miss the part where I mentioned friends of friends showed up?  Maybe if you had some friends you'd understand the difference between friends of friends versus friends.  
 I also don't avoid ppl based on their religious beliefs,  but based on how they act with it.  it's only when they start to shove their shit down other people's throat that I say something. It's pretty clear you're going for the dumbest poster of the year trophy as well as the stupidest poster of the year trophy.  Roflmao

And praying to some dead human corpse who croaked on some cross is a pretty fucking smart idea?  LMAO  

 you do realize that's about the same as praying to Ronald Reagan or jfk.  Jfk died in the car after getting his head blown off for us.  He is our Savior.  We should eat his flesh and brains as part of our custom. After all we're all a brilliant bunch of faithful Americans. He died for us and ressurected in our text books and media.  If you don't believe that he came back to life,  just watch all the jfk reruns on YouTube. I give you solid proof!  He lives within media clips!  Jfk resurrected and ascended to heaven.  He said "ask not what your country can do for you,  but what you can do for your country!"  he's our Savior!

Always talking about religion.

No where in this thread will you find me talking about religion.

... or citizenship.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
And praying to some dead human corpse who croaked on some cross is a pretty fucking smart idea?  LMAO    
  you do realize that's about the same as praying to Ronald Reagan or jfk.  Jfk died in the car after getting his head blown off for us.  He is our Savior.  We should eat his flesh and brains as part of our custom. After all we're all a brilliant bunch of faithful Americans. He died for us and ressurected in our text books and media.  If you don't believe that he came back to life,  just watch all the jfk reruns on YouTube. I give you solid proof!  He lives within media clips!  Jfk resurrected and ascended to heaven.  He said "ask not what your country can do for you,  but what you can do for your country!"  he's our Savior!
-- Modified on 6/20/2014 1:46:58 PM

This ought to be something that's not done in polite company. No one ever talks about their last bowel movement when you're at dinner. No one should talk about their imaginary friends either.  

Maybe the rational and reasonable should start talking about science every time Jesus Freaks bring up their imaginary friends. Maybe that will shut them up.

Some people get the hint but a few freaks still pray in fears that their invisible man might not have heard the same fucken thank you prayer from a billion others every half a second.  Rofl.

GaGambler852 reads

and are terrified that they might get hit by the same lightning bolt intended for you when you shout out "Fuck God, do your worst" at the top of your lungs while they are standing next to you.

The irony that they don't seem to get is that they are afraid that their all knowing, all powerful, omnipotent, unfailing God, might "miss" when aiming a lighting bolt at the real sinner. lmao

Actually I have proof that either there is no God, God in not infallible, or that God has one very warped sense of humor. Those are the only possible explanations for the existence of a 100th trimester abortion like BV/Pimple/JCA lol

Their god is as accurate as say, a U.S. drone styke?

He's saying any god that allows collateral damage can't be all it's cracked up to be

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Their god is as accurate as say, a U.S. drone styke?

You've go to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.


Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
He's saying any god that allows collateral damage can't be all it's cracked up to be  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Their god is as accurate as say, a U.S. drone styke?

male chauvinistic belief shoved down your throat by jesus freaks and thumpers.  

Why are you so fully convinced that god is a man? or a single entity for that matter?
Cuz the comic book says so?  *cough* circular reasoning *cough* ROFLMAO

Where did I say God was a male. Holding others to other people's fairy tails again!

Posted By: Drunken Asian
male chauvinistic belief shoved down your throat by jesus freaks and thumpers.  
 Why are you so fully convinced that god is a man? or a single entity for that matter?  
 Cuz the comic book says so?  *cough* circular reasoning *cough* ROFLMAO
Giving the fact God does not discriminate, and will naturaly take the life of an unborn child. I believe the human envisionment of the creator, is much more aligned with that of the male species.

Sure "chauvinism" can be applied when using religion to divide people. Something you see mto enjoy doing yourself.(I see why you hate yourself now) However you can not escape the fact, that the natural order of all things is dominated by the male species.

“Listen up everyone; I’d like to make a toast to (fill in the blank).”? Typically the person being toasted is at the table but not always. Is it your style in these cases to announce to everyone “Fuck it, I never liked old so and so anyway”, and start eating? Is that how you roll? Is your reaction even affected by whether or not you like or even know the person being toasted?

Do I need to spell it out for you? There's no shoving of some invisible  deity or assumed implied acceptance of said deity or worshipping of some invisible savior involved when toasting to someone. That tradition is acceptable because no false deity is involved.  

You don't worship someone you're toasting to as your Lord Savior of mankind thanking him her every day at dinner, so it's completely different.  Your reasoning is totally flawed.

Yea, I get it that it's religion and you hate it and hate anyone that demonstrates it in your presence. We've already been over this again and again with you. Maybe you don't remember.

It's a long standing tradition for many religious people to do this before eating.  

So someone at your dinner table decided they'd like to say a few words, honoring someone else they felt deserved some respect at that moment. Your only complaint is, who it was they were honoring. You never answered my question so I can only assume you are OK accepting or at least tolerating any other words that someone might utter at your dinner table that honored someone or something, that you may or may not like (or agree with) as long as it isn't religious.

This must be the 50th time you've demonstrated what a tiny, tiny person you are. Not dumb just extraordinarily small.

-- Modified on 6/20/2014 10:58:40 PM

And if you just sit there,  you're a big man?  
If you say something cuz you have different beliefs,  you're a tiny man? Interesting.  

How would you react if people held up your dinner praying to Buddha or to dark energy, a big man like yourself should wait around and tolerate that.  Right?    

You never answered this question.  Would you be tolerant and wait around if some religious dude who worships some other god you don't care for and held up your dinner?  

Let's say an arab held up your dinner with a group prayer to Allah?  

What if Buddha follower kept making noises with his loud ass instrument when you're trying to eat and he said something wishing everyone to reach Nirvana through the 8 fold path or to be reborn as some other form in life? How about if an Egyptian dude held up your dinner praying to some Egyptian sun god you never even heard of?  
See how ridiculous Christians are,  assuming everyone believes in Jesus at the dinner table? It's stupid to impose this on others and offensive.  

Also it's interesting how you couldn't read what I implied about proposing a toast.  Since you seem to need it all spelled out,  yeah a toast is cool cuz it's not religious and isn't a worship of some false deity I reject. You really couldn't figure this out from my two posts?

Being tolerant of other people indicates you'd be a normal man, not big.

Saying grace normally takes just a few seconds. If your food is getting cold say something like, "hey, speed it up, I'm hungry." instead of totally ignoring them and disrespecting their traditions.

Not all religious practices are proselytizing. I realize you don't understand that (hence your ridiculous hypotheticals) and it subsequently leads to your intolerance.

Most people stood there and watched, I guess those guys were the tolerant normal ones? respectful of their traditions?  

If a million people does something stupid, it's still a stupid thing. why do you assume everyone needs to be respectful of a stupid practice worshipping a deity we flat out reject and consider a false deity? it's offensive to shove that shit.

There's absolutely no need to turn a group dinner into a religious dinner when non-christians are in the same room. It's the christians who are intolerant of other people's beliefs, because they all assume everyone worships their invisible man when some of us actually reject that bs.  

My point is proven by the fact that just the act of speaking up  people start thinking I'm the weird one when in fact it's always been the other way. So was the guy who spoke up about how stupid human sacrifices are.  


and do you realize you resort to abusive ad-hominem whenever you have nothing substantive to retort with. look up what that means if it's way over your 1 brain cell. lmao

so we know it's you. Jurassic Park, that would be a great name for an Asian porn actor.

Romans 1:20. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

A dead painter, which we've never seen, but has walked on this earth, has paintings that still exist today. His paintings are enough proof that he existed.

-- Modified on 6/21/2014 6:09:05 PM

"my god my god why have you forsaken me???"  -  this is exactly what Jesus said before he died on the cross. This is factual not something I made up.   It's also the reason why Muslims and Jews reject this Jesus being a god.  Jesus is just another human corpse. Over half the planet reject Christianity and worship something else.  They do not worship the same deity.  And IMO everyone of them are worshiping a False deity due to the stories they have ripped off other stories.  

In case you missed my prior posts,  
How is it possible that horus, dionysus,  Osiris,  Mithra,  Krishna have very similar attributes like December 25th,  born of a virgin,  performed miracles,  known as the truth,  the light and the way,  God's annointed son,  transfigured on the mount,  buried for 3days, resurrected....  Does this story sound familiar???? These stories existed thousands of years before jesus.    

When I reject Jesus there are very specific factual reasons why I reject the bs story.  It's because Jesus is a copy cat story ripped off ancient Greek and Egyptian mythologies. Do your research and figure this one out. if he even existed,  he is just another human being who cried out "my god why have you forsaken me?".  

An almighty god crying to himself why he has forsaken himself?  LMAO


This is what divides different religions off the old testament.  Christians who follow Jesus try to explain this saying that he was quoting from proverbs passage and claim that prophecy is complete.   Other religions consider this as solid proof that he is just another human being.  

If we were to look at this scientifically,  we can think in terms of occums razor,  nature tends to follow the simplest route and simplest explanations usually have the correct answer. Electricity travels thru the shortest path and so does light and sound and other things in nature.  

Christian explanation is quite complicated and no evidence of any kind. And how likely is it that a person dying on the cross would be saying something to quote some passage rather than being literal?  Who screams out at 3pm "my god my god why have you forsaken me?" only to back paddle?  

If I scream out "I'm gonna whack those 5 O with my 9 mm"  and I get arrested for saying that,  would the judge believe me if I say "I was just quoting from a song your honor,  it fulfills me when I say it".  

Occums razor...   Simplest explanations.  Jesus is not god. A prophet maybe,  but not the almighty

And guess who's the one getting real defensive and resorting to name calling,  Abusive ad hominum mean anything to you?  

You do realize there are far more ppl who reject Jesus bs story,  
are you going to call everyone a dumb ass if they flat out disagree with your beliefs?  That's typically the route some Christians take and exactly what I mean by "shoving religion down other people's throat"

Their prophet was mortal to?

... is Allah a deity?

 I was under the impression that in Islam, Allah is everything there every was, and will be. That does not sound like a deity to me.

Since you can't get a simple point, I'm done telling funny stories about how people judged me when I went to church. Because you take an innocent little funny story and consider it a bible thumper yelling at you. You're all over the place and make absolutely no sense.

-- Modified on 6/22/2014 12:24:41 AM

When was the last time a thumper admitted to being a thumper

But you have difficulty seeing and accepting people unless they behave in ways you approve.

When was the last time a narcissist admitted to being a narcissist?

... of course that makes me feel less narcissistic, then I can't help to think that makes me a bigger narcissist.

Knowing is half the battle. Sure makes life easier, most of the time.

He may not know the difference between making a toast and trying to play telepathy with an invisible cloud being, but hey, nobody's perfect.  

Three cheers for Ed!

you should really understand something, even just a little bit, before you criticize it.

The custom commonly called "saying grace" or "blessing the food" is a deeply ingrained practice for many religious people. Indeed it is truly is nothing more than a toast, honoring that which they feel is responsible for providing the food. It is a far cry from proselytizing. It's a simple procedure, takes only a few seconds and only offends those looking to be offended. Should these people be restricted from eating in public if this is a required procedure of their faith?

-- Modified on 6/20/2014 11:57:12 PM

are so bothered by this. Their arrogance and intolerance do come with a price. They see offense EVERYWHERE!! I've asked this before, ever notice how its always the god hating intolerant bigots who seem to be surrounded by "religious zealots" who are "constantly trying to shove religion down their throats"???

Real life aint enough, now DA is dreaming up hypotheticals to get offended by!!

Willy and DA hearing a prayer:

Your assumptions are so wrong.    

But guess what,  many people in America believe that false deity.  Goes to show just how dumb most Americans are lol

GaGambler868 reads

In this day and age it is virtually impossible for a person to achieve national office without at least professing to believe in some invisible man in the sky. Religious people are much more likely to trust and/or vote for someone of a different religion than they are someone who rejects all religions. Believing in a deity is virtually synonymous with being a "good person"

Forget electing a black man, or a woman to the office of POTUS, when we elect an atheist or agnostic, only then will I believe that we have turned the corner.

Sorry Ed and Buggy, but until it is not considered political suicide to admit that you don't believe in "god", I will continue to maintain that religion is being shoved down our collective throats.

venomous behavior. It's not the agnostic that are acting like vampires in the day light when they see a cross on a far away hillside that's been there for 50 years as an act of "cramming religion down their throats" or "trying to establish a theocracy". Atheists give hyperbole a bad name.

I draw the distinction from the agnostic because of the lack of overt hostility. Indeed, I think the more conscientious believers would relate to the agnostics doubts. They are not that far removed.

There are of course the intolerant religious folks who are the flip-side of the coin as the pants shitting atheist IMO. It sounds like you're been located in something of a hotbed of religiosity. sorry bro

I don't know of any atheist who shoved their prayers down my throat before dinner.  I get along fine with atheists even though I'm not exactly an atheist.  Jesus freak thumpers on the other hand, different story.

When was the last time you saw an antheist or a non-religious guy holding up other people's dinner with their prayers after prayers after prayers?  THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. Clearly, you don't seem to realize this difference. Who's shoving their religious practices down others throat?

what i do see is one PSA (henceforth, PantsShittingAtheist) trying to make a city take down a frigging cross off a water tower that's been there for a century. It  bothered nobody until the miserable spritited PSA happened to see it and shrivel like a vampire from day light at the "venomous" sight of a couple of 2x4's on a water tower.

OMG!! The dread!!!


You've been warned!!


I never said I'm an atheist. There are over a dozen instances where I have said I'm an "agnostic theist" but you seem too stupid to understand the difference between an atheist vs an agnostic who rejects christiantity.  
There's no need to take down a cross off a water tower because that's an historical architecture, a passive one that isn't actively shoving stuff down other people's throat.  

But shoving religious practices down other people during dinner time is fundamentally wrong. We don't share the same religious beliefs? Hello?  It's a concept that you thumpers can't seem to understand.  

So here's a question for you. Why don't YOU wait around for me to finish my group prayer to JFK. While I'm at it, I'd like to pray to Horus, Attis, Osiris, Krishna thanking them for being the original story where Jesus ripped his story off.  And I'd like to pray that Jesus worshippers woke up from their mass delusions worshipping a false deity.  

Clearly, you don't mind being inconvenienced. Now let me do this every fucking time we have dinner together. Poor little needle dick is such a big man I'm sure he'll wait around for me to pray to George Washington.  

Wait, let me pray to Ga Gambler and Inicky too. I think there's a better chance that Gambler will listen to my prayers of not wanting religion shoved down my throat before dinner than praying to jesus. ROFLMAO

This is America, Religion never trumps business, except when religion is the business.

The distrust and animosity exists on both sides. Curing that is not a one sided affair.

But someone had the brains to break free from that stupid practice.  Seems you're the type who would have continued to avoid using river water cuz it's been the tradition like saying grace.  

If we give an inch,  the few seconds turn into a gateway for them to impose more of their religious practices. Why should a jesus-rejecting-person wait around for ppl who are worshiping a false deity at dinner table?  

Just cuz it's been the tradition?  Did you know religious pukes made human sacrifices too,  that was the tradition back then. Lo

Some might say it is the same god but it's most definitely not.  

Christians believe in the trinity and accept Jesus.   Muslims reject Jesus as God but just another human.  They pray to two different false deities lol

You're the one holding these religions to those standards...

Making you a Religious zealot.

A person minding his own business is hardly a zealot. The imposers of stupid practices are.
Dumb ass


an immoderate, fanatical, or extremely zealous adherent to a cause, esp a religious one


Posted By: Drunken Asian
A person minding his own business is hardly a zealot. The imposers of stupid practices are.  
 Dumb ass.  

I'm a zealous believer of "Leave me the fuck alone at the dinner table"

I'm not a religious person, but then I've already told you that in the past so I don't understand the non sequitur hypothetical.

Just like how religious pukes think it's a disrespect if we don't wait for their shit,  it's a sign of disrespect to expect others to wait around when we reject that deity.  

My point is it goes exactly the same way.  

Just cuz people tolerate it doesn't make it a right thing to do when there are others in the group who do not worship the same deity.  

Christians therefore have no table manners and that's a fact.

As long as my food wasn't getting cold. If so, I'd hurry things along.

This whole thread demonstrates how you think it's your right to not be at all inconvenienced by anyone religious yet you clearly have no problems being off putting towards them.

-- Modified on 6/21/2014 2:04:00 AM

Ask yourself, who's the one trying to hold up other people's dinner with their dumb religious practices half the group doesn't give one bit of a shit about and does not wish to be a part of worshiping a false deity?  

I for one never hold up other people's dinner imposing my beliefs down their throat.  Why should I inconvenience anyone with my shit and on the flip side why should I be inconvenienced by stupid religious practices.  

As I said, this is America. We believe in separation of church and state, why the fuck can't we practice separation of church and dinner?  

Just cuz YOU are cool with getting run over by religious pukes does not mean others are cool with it. Some people perceive it as a sign of disrepect just the same as religious pukes perceiving my intolerance as disrespect.  

Like I said, it goes both ways.  
You give a religious puke 1 inch, they do try to take a mile (over time). I cum from a christian family so I do know what the fuck I'm talking about.  I have no regrets changing dinner practices with my relatives / family and I firmly believe I have every right to do so because not everyone wants to hear about some prayer to some dead corpse or some invisible man noone has ever seen every god damn time we have a family dinner.  Like I said, Christians are the ones who have no table manners cuz I'm not the one holding up other people's fucking dinner shoving my beliefs down their throat every time we eat.  

Get a clu

Why didn't you just start eating, while they was praying?

I guess you never get invited to weddings.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Ask yourself, who's the one trying to hold up other people's dinner with their dumb religious practices half the group doesn't give one bit of a shit about and does not wish to be a part of worshiping a false deity?    
 I for one never hold up other people's dinner imposing my beliefs down their throat.  Why should I inconvenience anyone with my shit and on the flip side why should I be inconvenienced by stupid religious practices.  
 As I said, this is America. We believe in separation of church and state, why the fuck can't we practice separation of church and dinner?    
 Just cuz YOU are cool with getting run over by religious pukes does not mean others are cool with it. Some people perceive it as a sign of disrepect just the same as religious pukes perceiving my intolerance as disrespect.  
 Like I said, it goes both ways.  
 You give a religious puke 1 inch, they do try to take a mile (over time). I cum from a christian family so I do know what the fuck I'm talking about.  I have no regrets changing dinner practices with my relatives / family and I firmly believe I have every right to do so because not everyone wants to hear about some prayer to some dead corpse or some invisible man noone has ever seen every god damn time we have a family dinner.  Like I said, Christians are the ones who have no table manners cuz I'm not the one holding up other people's fucking dinner shoving my beliefs down their throat every time we eat.    
 Get a clue  

Glad you finally got the gist of my post.  

Moral of the story: Don't hold up a non-religious person's dinner with stupid fuckin group prayers we don't give one bit of a fuck about. Some of us are infact going to just start to eat whether it offends them or not. If it offends the religious pukes, awesome... cuz it offends me too if they really expect a non-jesus-follower to wait around for something we consider total fucking nonsense.  

I do not wish to show any kind of respect to their false deity or to anyone holding up my dinner with their nonsense they could have kept to themselves.  

Separation of church and group dinners. Some people do fight back when dumb religious practices are shoved down their throat. Some people fight stupid traditions and refuse to be pushed around by stupid

It’s not clear exactly how long these “pukes” held up your self-gratification but you’ve somewhat acknowledged that in general, these things only take a few seconds. Maybe next time you suggest a buffet instead. That way it’s much less likely you’ll be attacked by gang prayer.

All sorts of people do all sorts of annoying things. You choose to either tolerate or accept the annoyances or move on. But based on your dozens and dozens of the same bitching over and over and over, the only thing that disturbs you is religious people. You seem obsessed by it. I was simply trying to help with your affliction since you asked for input. Clearly you actually didn’t want the feedback. It was just one more opportunity to rant. It’s interesting that you come from a religious family. I can now more fully understand your present state of mind. I doubt very much they matched my family’s association with very strong religious ties, hence my lack of religious associations today. But I still get along fine with them and their friends.

So where are we now? In order to self justify your obsession you are forced to go back over 500 years in time to find examples worthy of a counterpoint?

I think I am now going to accept you as an annoyance and move on

Since few seconds of your time is not a factor for you even when the act itself violates your beliefs,  would you mind bending over for a tranny and let him do his thing for a few seconds?   It only takes a few seconds and he's not shoving anything down your throat...  Just your butt.  LMAO  

Same analogy.  You clearly don't mind being pushed around by the pukes so just saying.

of being raped by a clergy member. The act is carried out by a person, not that person's religion.

Beliefs are supposed to be violated, they're beliefs afterall.

The point is not that nothing matters as long as it is quick.

The point is that normal people can put up with minor inconveniences, especially for a short periods of time. Everyone makes value judgments regarding the severity and duration of the inconvenience vs. their desire to maintain a relationship with the "offender". For you, anything religious is a huge offense, no matter the duration. I get that. I'm beginning to wonder if there's an entry in the DSM that's applicable here.

Pushed around? I can pretty much guarantee you've never been happily married or in any relationship and never will be. You find it deplorable to think of anyone else first. You must be the center of your own universe. This does not mean that you think everyone must pay total attention to you. It means that if anyone does anything that prevents you from paying attention to whatever is on the top of your list then damn them

There was never a point in my life after puberty that I was single for longer than 3 months or so.  

Why do you think I was gone last year?  I was with a girl who wanted me to stop hobbying.   Right now,  I'm with a girl who lets me play a little with other girls too,  including her friend.  ;)

You're not happy in your relationships unless you get to do exactly what you desire most.

Are you seeing escorts,  married man?

You're one of the more reasonable debaters, I'll give you that. At least you don't resort to irrelevant ad-hominems or dumb attacks (in most cases).  sorry about your wife

Of course you don't include calling religious people "pukes". That's not an ad-hominem attack?

The usual response to my complaint is those folks aren't here participating in the debate, so it's OK. Well, they aren't here to defend themselves so it's a bit like talking bad behind someone's back. I think that's why, in part, I defend them.

Also, while I am not religious, many of my friends are so yea, I take it personal.

Doctor Gonzo shares most of your views about religions, yet in the almost 10 years we have both been here I do not believe I can recall him ever using such a term to describe religious people. He seems to get his viewpoints on the table without it.

-- Modified on 6/23/2014 8:15:55 PM

This was years ago, but I would pray discreetly before my meals at lunch at work, and the entire table would get very silent and people would snicker and say rude comments while I was praying. They actually waited for it. My dad also confronted me, saying I was flaunting my religion. I replied, "If I were trying to show off, believe me. I wouldn't be praying in front of people. People disrespect me every time they catch me praying." But I did it as a habit, whether alone or with people. Quietly and discreetly.

Now I'd be like "Hey, fuck you. You don't like it, then go eat somewhere else." lol. But back then  I was trying to be a good Christian, lol.

If people didn't make such a big deal out of it, it wouldn't have even been an issue.

I got more shit as a Christian just for living a church filled life than I do as a hooker. Imagine that.

We want people to be accepting of us, but we can't accept someone else's beliefs and actions?  

Perhaps when you swore, they should have replied, "You shouldn't shove your language down our throats." and when you offer them pork, they should shun you forever for offering them something they would never eat on a Friday.

Here's a little joke for y'all, and a toast to Drunken Asian...

"One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him.

The scientist walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no longer need you. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don't you just go on and get lost."

God listened very patiently and kindly to the man and after the scientist was done talking, God said, "Very well, how about this, let's say we have a man making contest." To which the scientist replied, "OK, great!"

But God added, "Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam."

The scientist said, "Sure, no problem" and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.

God just looked at him and said, "You go get your own dirt!"

-- Modified on 6/21/2014 6:08:07 PM

Second,  what would you do if someone you're havin dinner with had a completely different belief and actually expected YOU to respect their beliefs and wait for them to finish praying to buddha,  Joe Pesci or JFK? Or to Allah thanking him for flying two planes into the WTC?    

As ridiculous as it is praying to Joe Pesci ,  or Allah, or JFK, some people consider praying to Jesus just as funny and ridiculous.  Even more ridiculous cuz the story of Jesus has pagan roots where they changed his birth date and story from spring to winter,  copied off Egyptian Greek mythologies. Do your homework and start by finding out how Jesus got the birthday of December 25th when he was never born on that date if at all.  Guess what other Greek God's share the same or similar story as Jesus and they existed thousands of years before jesus.  

Over half the planet reject Jesus,  btw.  Not just me. The reasons for rejecting Jesus are equally valid and factual.  

Are you going to show them respect, wait around, and then start your own group prayer to Jesus after they finish praying to buddha,  or jfk? Or Joe Pesci?  

The act of waiting around for them would indicate implied acceptance or respect for their false deity,  so do you wait around or do you pray simultaneously

I wasn't attacking YOU, just debating.  
and I'm sure you'd agree Liquor is my chill pill lol

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