Politics and Religion

OC, just because you & fellow board TPr's are pissed, doesn't make it so.
Priapus53 1969 reads

At least not for now.

I see-----GOP is not culpable in super committee
debacle? Perhaps OWS counter rallies to TP'rs emerge about how
GOP tax policy favors top 3% ? ( despite fact I dislike both groups ).

I can't totally predict what's gonna happen, but neither can you.

Priapus532845 reads

If the arrogant overconfidence of those on the board & on the news is any indication, I'd say yes. The same hubris that had BHO & the Dems pushing "Obamacare" on an unwilling public, that lost them the house----but here's the caveat-----NOT the Senate. Why ? Because of crazed flakes like Sharron Angle & Christine O Donell that cost the GOP an easy win in in the Senate. That same public reticence is now showing up in the polls-------why is BHO leading all GOP comers & Dems leading GOP in generic congressional races ? Perhaps the public doesn't like a movement largely comprised of angry, older white , crazed Evangelicals who want to turn the clock back to the 19th century. I didn't think this possible, but chance of GOP losing house seats ( Dem retaking ?-----BIG stretch ) & holding onto Senate. Slim possibility, but interesting to see how this plays out in coming year.

After nearly a year of "TP governance" the public doesn't seem crazy about them, despite what some out of touch types on this board profess.

Have you noticed that there haven't been many Tea Party rallies since last year's election?  When we get closer to the general election and we have a $15 Trillion debt and a government "Super Committee" arguing over who is to blame do you think maybe the TP message of a smaller government will resonate again?  The TP will reemerge just as every thing is coming to a head.

But that's too far off for Pri.  Let's talk about a generic Congressional poll in 2011. All the answers are right there.

Priapus531970 reads

At least not for now.

I see-----GOP is not culpable in super committee
debacle? Perhaps OWS counter rallies to TP'rs emerge about how
GOP tax policy favors top 3% ? ( despite fact I dislike both groups ).

I can't totally predict what's gonna happen, but neither can you.

What you don't get is that TPers are not loyal Republicans.  The TP was created specifically because the Republican Party became as much a party of Big Gov and Big Spending as the Democrats on their worst day. The TP is trying to influence the Republican Party back to its supposed principles of limited Gov.  The Republican are culpable as well for this Super Committe bullshit and this is exactly why the TP is necessary.

I will concede what you and inicky said about them picking some totally incompetent candidates just because they parrot the TP.  I hope they learned their lesson after Delaware.

PS_ I have not nor will I ever attend a TP rally.

I don't expect the Dems to gain any seats in the Senate. They may lose seats. But I would be surprised if the Dems don't have major gains in the House.

Recent ones in Michigan, New Hampshire and elsewhere show Romney leading Obama.  I also think the Tea Partiers will be out in force next year, at least until a Republican nominee is picked.  But if it's Romney, they will melt away.

Priapus531213 reads

As for as NH, Romney comes from neighboring Mass., so those states could be aberrations. As for the rest of what you say & outcome of election, who the fuck knows ? Will be a close one, tho. Neither of us is Nostradamus, despite our massive egos----;)------LMAO !

Snowman39880 reads

Tea party members are productive members of society with jobs, not bottom feeding parasites like a lot of the OWS crowd. The reason they are not out in force, is because they are at work. A concept I am not surprised a liberal democrat would not nderstand.

Come election day, they ill b bck out, and hand liberals their asses just like in 2010

Hell, even Mr . Tingle up his leg as lost the faith.

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