Politics and Religion

Nero fiddles while Rome burns
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1734 reads

and all the useful idiots in the press giggle and clap like seals performing for fish



WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama exacted his revenge Saturday after weeks of attacks from his would-be Republican challenger Donald Trump, joking that the billionaire businessman could bring change to the White House, transforming it from a stately mansion into a tacky casino with a whirlpool in the garden.

With Trump in attendance, Obama used the White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner to mock the reality TV star's presidential ambitions and his professed doubts about whether the president was born in the United States.

Obama began his jokes with a wry reference to the birther movement, saying to those gathered: "My fellow Americans."

As the C-SPAN camera showed the back of Trump's head, Obama noted the controversy over his birth certificate and said: "Tonight for the first time I am releasing my official birth video."

Other political news of note  Reuters file NYT: Republicans seek wider field for 2012 race
Some party leaders worry that Republicans are making a bad first impression by appearing tentative about their prospects against President Barack Obama.

.Obama delivers birther jokes at dinner
The best jokes at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
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..Then, in a reference to some people's persistent belief that he had been born in Africa, a video of a scene from "The Lion King" played briefly before it was cut off. "Oh well," Obama said.

Obama took time to rib some of those among the Republicans jostling to succeed him. He said he'd heard that Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota was running for president, adding, "which is weird, because I hear she was born in Canada."

BLTWY: Best jokes at White House Correspondents' Dinner
"Yes, Michelle," Obama said, "this is how it starts."

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.He then singled out Trump.

Obama said the billionaire businessman has shown the acumen of a future president, from firing Gary Busey on a recent episode of "Celebrity Apprentice" to focusing so much time on conspiracy theories about Obama's birthplace

After a week when Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate, he said Trump could now focus on the serious issues: "Did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?"

Trump chuckled.

"No one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than 'the Donald,'" Obama said, referring to Trump's claims the same day that he was responsible for solving the issue.

For Trump's decision to fire actor Busey instead of rock singer Meat Loaf from his TV show earlier this month, Obama quipped: "These are the types of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well handled, sir."

As a coup de grace, Obama showed a screen with his vision of how Trump could bring change to the White House. "Trump" was prominently displayed in glittery letters, and girls could be seen with cocktails on a Jacuzzi-augmented front lawn.

-- Modified on 5/1/2011 2:04:09 AM

PunchingBag1063 reads

I don't want Trump to run!

Think of it this way:

Obama is a crafty person.  He wants to see the country destroyed, it's the only justification for his intelligence and his seemingly inability to solve our problems, when the solutions are often discussed in public and make sound, reasonable sense.  

Therefore, he must have only given Trump the victory because he wants to elevate his status in the eyes of his opponents.  Why?  Because he probably has enough dirt on the man to ruin him in an actual election.  

Anyone that Obama obviously wants to run against him is not someone I want to run against him.

Are you serious? Are you really serious?

It's one thing to disagree with someone politically. It's quite another to question someone's love of their country. You better have some evidence that destroying the country is their intention. An inability to solve our problems doesn't show anything except that either 1) Obama is incompetent, 2) We're neck deep in problems, or 3) both.

I'd go with both. But wanting to see the country destroyed? Really? REALLY?

There is only one person I can say for sure is actively working to destory our country. And it ain't Obama.

and all the useful idiots in the press giggle and clap like seals performing for fish


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