Politics and Religion

Jizz is just pulling shit out of his ass.
LostSon 43 Reviews 20 reads
1 / 83

is a good barometer of the lefty lunacy in this country in real time.  Plus it provides a small glimpse into the psyche of the lefties who seem hell-bent on totalitarian control and Judgement of their fellow Americans.  

That's all.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 25 reads
2 / 83

Your point is well taken. I couldn't agree with you more. This board is toxic, destructive and full of hyperpartisan disinformation, projection, and insult. Nothing good will ever come from these types of malicious exchanges. I'm out.

followme 25 reads
3 / 83

The right to express your opinion,  it does seem you too like to throw around a little snark yourself from time to time, and who knows how much of what you complain about you do under your other name…..  more than you are willing to admit I bet.

Not that it is important or that I care but I’m assuming I’m one of the, “8 of you”
Do you include yourself in the 8 ……. or do you make it 9.


2024 = 28

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 20 reads
4 / 83

If I wasn't out I'd say you are deaf, dumb, blind and a few more insults. You are proving the original poster's point. What's the value of insulting each other ad nauseam? I have more important things to do than that. Don't you? If not here's some advice: don't drown in your self-imposed sewer or in the overestimation of what you think you know.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 23 reads
5 / 83

So you are repeating the advice I gave you once upon a time. How unoriginal of you. For someone who accuses others of repeating themselves, I find your plagiarizing regurgitation ironic at best and hypocritical at worse. Nevertheless, this thread was started as commentary and critique about arguing repetitiously which is exactly what you can't stop doing. How apropos and how pathetic. I announce I'm done with this pettiness, but you can't control yourself and have to continue with the insults and the abuse. Why am I not surprised.  Continue without me. I urge other reasonable members to do the same. Let the lunatics run the asylum.  

followme 26 reads
6 / 83

You announce that you are out. A few hours later you post again…. no doubt that you forgot that you said you are out…..then a few more hours later you post again announcing you are done and to continue without you. Just my opinion but you will be back posting. I’ll not predict how long it will take but I think sooner or later you will be back.

Just guessing but at your age things take longer to heal, so after getting the crap beat out of you on this board you need time heal, and to gather yourself ,  And being so thin skinned and a sensitive beta male it may take some time, but hey it is undeniably your fault, you brought it on yourself.  

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 20 reads
7 / 83

I'm trying, Ringo, I'm trying real hard to be the Shepherd.....and put this waste of time board in my rear view mirror....but you, and your redneck buddy, just keep it up with the insults and the vile comments inviting a retort. Show a little class, STFU, and I go away and you have this board all to yourselves.

cks175 43 Reviews 21 reads
8 / 83

Not everything here is hyper partisan. There’s intelligent and reasonable debate available, if you choose to debate that way.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 18 reads
9 / 83

Intelligent and reasonable, huh. I must have missed that debate.... or I missed out on what you are smoking.

followme 24 reads
10 / 83

Then two days later jizzy says  
“They pull me back in”

That is clear proof you are weak minded and easily controlled and manipulated.
No one is pulling you back in, no one is forcing you to post.  

You also said “Let the lunatics run the asylum”.  
Since you are back that means you are admitting to bring one of the lunatics and are trying to run it. Keep in mind that you throw as many bombs, insults as anyone else here, you are not innocent. You do as much if not more of what you bitch and moan about.  

So you want me to STFU, first I do not take orders from you. Second what are you going to do if I do not?   As evidenced by this post I’m not.

I was sure you would be back but I didn’t think it would be this soon.  But hey post when you want, where you want and as often you want.  Unlike  you I'm all for first amendment and the rest of the Constitution too.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 19 reads
11 / 83

…remember that time you kept insisting the ivermectin was horse paste and you kept denying it had anti-viral properties even when I posted a link to a systemic review of the drug and you still denied it because you didn’t read a link and I posted an image of a page from the link and you still said it wasn’t an anti-viral and I had to zoom in on the language from the link showing that it was with a red arrow pointing to the language saying “what the fuck is that?” And how did you respond? Instead of conceding the point you just shut up and stormed off in a huff.  

Good times.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 19 reads
12 / 83

At least 74 years old.  And he's an ageist about another guy's age?  ROFLMAO!!  followme is the oldest fart on this board!

On 1/27/2012 followme posted that he was "almost 62."  

That means today he is 74 years old.  But he was probably understating his age by 10 years so he's really over 80.

Are you righties gonna poke fun at followme's age?

followme 23 reads
13 / 83

The poster in the link is an alias, with one and only one post ever

At that time multiple aliases were allowed and I among others had many.
I also had at least 6 to 8 lefties spoofing my aliases and imitating me, bigpapasan among them and they  all would  try to smear and lie about me. I suppose they were jealous of my creativity.

You and one or two of your lefty pals for many, many years have been lying about me being old and that post was one of many.  it just rolls off my back.

You are and always have been filled with hate for no reason. It is not just me, you go after and try to smear and stab others in the back also. You must be and outcast and a very lonely person.
I know you will continue to lie about me try to smear me and stab me in the back. But it just rolls off because I consider the source and it is someone who is desperately trying to be relevant and failing.

Another failed attempted backstabbing.  

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 22 reads
14 / 83

It was a nice post.  Why would anyone "spoof" your alias by posting something nice?  The post did not "smear or lie" about you.  YOU wrote it.

The Old Fart doth protest too much, methinks.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 17 reads
15 / 83

Jane, you ignorant slut. Why do you want to start up with this shit again? Ivermectin is an anthelmintic not antiviral. Ivermectin is effective in treating intestinal worms not viruses. I won't read any of your links or stories to the contrary, nor will I respond any further to you unscientific claims.

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
16 / 83

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: in case you need any encouragement, Jizz…
Jane, you ignorant slut. Why do you want to start up with this shit again? Ivermectin is an anthelmintic not antiviral. Ivermectin is effective in treating intestinal worms not viruses. I won't read any of your links or stories to the contrary, nor will I respond any further to you unscientific claims.
Your koolaide stained brain is showing! 🤣🤣🤣

followme 21 reads
17 / 83

The post you wrote, using a spoofed alias, does lie by stating my wrong age. Perhaps to set up future attempts to  lie and smear me…….perhaps?.... Hmmmm you just did….how about that.

You have for years been trying and failing to smear me by lying about me being  much older than I am. ( seems that would make you the ageist) Why? Perhaps to try to cover up all your faults and character flaws.  

I’m not the only one. You viciously go after others too.  Always unprovoked and unwarranted.    


The fat slob doth lie too much meknows

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 17 reads
18 / 83

I'm just responding to another poster. What business is it of yours? If you would just STFU, I'd be happy to go away. But you can't control yourself, can you? Get yourself to a MAGA rally, or go see your congresswoman MTG, if you need to feed your brain with hate.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 19 reads
19 / 83

Get yourself educated on famous movie quotes and pop culture. There's a whole other world out there outside of MAGA world.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 18 reads
20 / 83

Jizzy’s still on this.  

Quoting from the “unscientific” Journal of Antibiotics:

“Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus”

impposter 49 Reviews 31 reads
21 / 83

And the other article you linked says, "Ivermectin proposes many potentials effects to treat a range of diseases, with its antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-cancer properties as a wonder drug. It is highly effective against many microorganisms including some viruses."  
NONE of that is proof that it is a safe and effective therapeutic for any of those things. You can piss into a petri dish and find activity against whatever is growing there (bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, fungi, ...). Now do the rest of the work to turn your piss into an FDA approved (safe and effective) drug for specific conditions.  
Now do the rest of the work and find the clinical trials on ivermectin. They continue to be mixed, depending on what is being studied and how the studies are done ... and, sometimes, who is doing the trials. E.g.,  
"Conclusions and relevance: Among outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19, treatment with ivermectin, with a maximum targeted dose of 600 μg/kg daily for 6 days, compared with placebo ***did not improve time to sustained recovery.*** These findings ***do not support the use of ivermectin*** in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19."

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: “unscientific claims”. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Jizzy’s still on this.  
 Quoting from the “unscientific” Journal of Antibiotics:  
 “Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus”

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 26 reads
22 / 83

You are really losing it dude. Not that you had that much to begin with, but man are you spinning out of control at breakneck speed. You just can't stop yourself and have to highjack a thread on an unrelated topic just to insult, attack, and spread your venomous hate.  Ageist. Bigot. Cultist.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 22 reads
23 / 83

Jizz made a simple claim. That ivermectin was not an anti-viral. This link shows that it’s been well established to have anti-viral properties among a host of RNA and DNA viruses.  

Let’s review IMP, how ivermectin got discovered in the first place. A Japanese researcher looking for the next penicillin took a soil sample from a golf course. He found a micro-organism that would release avermectin to kill all or any pathogens that might cause it harm. This compound was later isolated to ivermectin.  

The down side from studies is that if you know how to game the system you can game the results. If you underdose you can make it look like a drug doesn’t work. If you give a patient a drug late in the course of illness when it would be more effective early on (like all anti-virals) then you can make it look like it doesn’t work. If you give the drug to patients who you know are so ill that they’re going to die no matter what you do, then you can make it look like the drug doesn’t work.  

The fact that this happened to ivermectin, and kept happening over and over again shows that researchers not only knew ivermectin worked, but showed they intentionally set up experiments to obscure this fact. Why? Because mRNA vaccines would have been pulled from the market if any alternative existed due to the emergency use authorization.  

Now it’s becoming increasingly clear that not only did the vaccines (which aren’t really vaccines) not work for Covid, but are causing everything from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and cancer. There’s new research showing it even poses a cancer risk to babies still in the womb.  

followme 19 reads
24 / 83

Anyone and everyone can read what is posted and there are no rules that I know of that restrict anyone from replying to any post they want.  

O yeah remember when you told me to STFU …how’s that working?

Wanting to restrict someone’s freedom of speech that is very communistic of you  
You’ve done that several times the past few days  

We should start calling you jizzy the commie or jizzy the pinko.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 30 reads
25 / 83

It's remarkable how you twist and misrepresent everything to fit your personal agenda. Remarkable. No one is restricting anyone's free speech, but the first rule of the board is to stay on topic. When your Southern buddy replied to a post, totally not on topic, but solely with personal insults and antipathy, I called it out. And when you and your Dixie buddy continued the personal attacks, I informed you two that unless you two STFU with the insults, I will not exit this forum. Apparently you and your peach state buddy want me to stay after all. For me to leave this board all you two have to do is stop the personal  attacks and move on. The question is do you two have the impulse control to keep your invectives to yourselves?  I suspect you don't.  Prove me wrong. I dare you because I really want to get as far away from you two as I can.

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
26 / 83

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: IMP doesn’t know what “several studies” means.
Jizz made a simple claim. That ivermectin was not an anti-viral. This link shows that it’s been well established to have anti-viral properties among a host of RNA and DNA viruses.  
 Let’s review IMP, how ivermectin got discovered in the first place. A Japanese researcher looking for the next penicillin took a soil sample from a golf course. He found a micro-organism that would release avermectin to kill all or any pathogens that might cause it harm. This compound was later isolated to ivermectin.  
 The down side from studies is that if you know how to game the system you can game the results. If you underdose you can make it look like a drug doesn’t work. If you give a patient a drug late in the course of illness when it would be more effective early on (like all anti-virals) then you can make it look like it doesn’t work. If you give the drug to patients who you know are so ill that they’re going to die no matter what you do, then you can make it look like the drug doesn’t work.  
 The fact that this happened to ivermectin, and kept happening over and over again shows that researchers not only knew ivermectin worked, but showed they intentionally set up experiments to obscure this fact. Why? Because mRNA vaccines would have been pulled from the market if any alternative existed due to the emergency use authorization.  
 Now it’s becoming increasingly clear that not only did the vaccines (which aren’t really vaccines) not work for Covid, but are causing everything from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and cancer. There’s new research showing it even poses a cancer risk to babies still in the womb.  
Willy tries desperately to get through the blue stain on Imp's brain.  It turns out that mRNA is a failure BUT they gotta keep pushing it! cause ya know, can't admit they were wrong.  

Are you lefties STILL getting boosters?

impposter 49 Reviews 35 reads
27 / 83

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute has today decided to award the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19."

Posted By: LostSon
It turns out that mRNA is a failure BUT they gotta keep pushing it! cause ya know, can't admit they were wrong.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 19 reads
28 / 83

“The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute has today decided to award the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccine”

Odd that they awarded the Nobel to a couple scientists who made some modifications to the mRNA platform and not the scientist who discovered and patented the mRNA platform itself. I wonder why they didn’t do that, IMP. 😂😂😂 Could it be that the doctor who invented the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Mallone, said the technology was dangerous?

And wasn’t the Nobel award ceremony itself a bit controversial when the Nobel committee swept the dangers under the rug despite being asked about it?


followme 18 reads
29 / 83

Twists distorts misrepresents, lies and  makes up your own version about what is said.

In a post above you said “I’m out”

In another post above you said “I announce I'm done with this pettiness, but you can't control yourself and have to continue with the insults and the abuse. Why am I not surprised.  Continue without me.”

By saying the above you clearly and unequivocally stated you were leaving the board, as in not posting.  

Then you start posting again and all I did was point out you lied about not posting.  

If as you said you are “done with this pettiness” Why do you continue with it?
Let me help you answer that. You jizzy, are just as if not more petty than those you accuse of it ….your posts prove it.

Now you change that and say you will stop posting if I and others stop saying this or that. I do not take orders from you. I will continue to post and or reply when I want, where I want, how I want, how often as I want  and as far as I’m concerned you are free to do the same, you do not need my permission as I do not need yours.
I do not take orders or ultimatums from you.  

Let’s be clear, I never said, suggested, implied directly or indirectly in any way shape or form that you should not post here or any other board or that you should go away or the like or that you STFU.  

The fact that you will stop only if I and or others stop shows that you are weak and easy to control and manipulate.  

Just pointing out explaining and proving your hypocrisy, lies, projection.

Again you telling me to STFU and you ultimatum is not working. What other stupid, ignorant infantile bullshit you got?

This post is longer than I had hoped but I wanted to explain it as simply as possible for you to understand, hopefully it was simple enough for you, I do however expect you to again twist, lie, dishonestly distort, misrepresent and make up your own version what I said. So go for it, unlike you I have thick skin and can take it.  


You’re Welcome    

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 21 reads
30 / 83

"I'm out,", or "I'm done with this," it's just their way of trying to look a little butch.  We all know a couple of bold bluffs does not turn an empty vessel into a Type-A, and they eventually figure it out, too.    

LostSon 43 Reviews 22 reads
31 / 83

Posted By: durran421
Re: IMP doesn’t know what “several studies” means.
The problem here is, never EVER will a hard left democrat EVER  give it half a chance. Why? Because they simply can't and WONT say Trump was right. Or.... Biden was wrong. They'd rather take the Vax, pretend it's working and DIE first before they'd admit otherwise. Now that's a damn shame.
Ain't that the truth ! ! !

IMPY ! ! ! Answer up! Are you still running out to get boosted?

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 21 reads
32 / 83

I knew you couldn't do it. You have no self control and are so easily triggered. All I requested was for you to stop the personal attacks and the personal insults. And how do you respond? With personal attacks and personal insults. You are so immature, so incorrigible, and so full of hate.

LostSon 43 Reviews 18 reads
33 / 83

Posted By: followme
Re: Who made you president of TER
Anyone and everyone can read what is posted and there are no rules that I know of that restrict anyone from replying to any post they want.  
 O yeah remember when you told me to STFU …how’s that working?  
 Wanting to restrict someone’s freedom of speech that is very communistic of you  
 You’ve done that several times the past few days  
 We should start calling you jizzy the commie or jizzy the pinko.
Hummmmm Jizzy the pinko? how bout, simply  Jizzypinko? Then again Jizzy THE pinko does have a nice ring to it.  

Ok "Jizzy the Pinko" it is! nice descriptor, cause really Lefties like "JTP" there really are about some nice speech suppression. Can't have any counter thoughts going on while they are screaming "their truth" out to the world.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 22 reads
34 / 83

You can have all the "counter thoughts" you can hold between your ears.  But what you'll never have are any coherent thoughts.  

followme 21 reads
35 / 83

I do not take orders from you and I do not cave to ultimatums from you. I thought I made the clear to you.

 You are the one who got all out of sorts when I called you out on coming back and posting after you said I’m out and continue without me …..at the time you had no conditions and now when called out and humiliated you do.

You making an ultimatum about what you call personal insults and personal attacks (which are actually statements of fact) is your dishonest and cowardly way of reneging on you saying I’m out and continue without me.

Look jazzy the pinko post where you want when you want and how you want ( I will do the same) but saying that you posting or not posting  on a particular board is contingent on what I or anyone else says or does not say shows you are a thin skinned coward who is weak.  Do you not see it is not working because no one gives a shit about what you want or demand, so just resign yourself to that fact.


BTW I know you actually do look up to me and admire me but I have told you countless times I will not let you suck my dick or lick my ass so stop asking.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 23 reads
36 / 83

The more you express yourself the more obvious it is that you are consumed by malevolence, hate, cruelty, and delusions of grandeur. Your words strongly suggest that you have an antisocial personality disorder. Unfortunately, sociopaths rarely recognize their pathology or seek the psychiatric help they so desperately need. A forum like this only exacerbates your sociopathy. What I am about to write is not an order or an ultimatum because we all know how you feel about that, but I would encourage you to stop ranting on this board and to get the mental health care that you need.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 19 reads
37 / 83

“you are consumed by malevolence, hate, cruelty, and delusions of grandeur.”

Jizz just made this up. Nothing he said would indicate this.  

“Your words strongly suggest that you have an antisocial personality disorder. Unfortunately, sociopaths rarely recognize their pathology or seek the psychiatric help they so desperately need.”

Nothing he said even remotely indicates ASPD. Sociopathy is characterized by having a total lack of empathy. They’re often petty crooks, drug addicts, have long criminal histories, often torture small animals as children, and sometimes become serial killers. They often can be quite glib and superficially charming, and often do strange things like use made up words and terms. None of this fits with his statements, and Jizz is doing his usual thing of just talking out of his ass about something he knows nothing about. The only reason why Jizz even knows about ASPD I’d wager is because he probably has either been diagnosed with it himself, or he has a family member who has it. I could totally see Jizz’s brother having it.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 19 reads
38 / 83

Willy you are the biggest pseudo expert on this forum with your own personality disorders. No amount of white knighting will change my opinion of your buddy's antisocial and narcissistic behavior.

cks175 43 Reviews 22 reads
39 / 83

Jazz is really good about pulling shit out of his ass and then refusing to let go of it. He’s completely derailed multiple threads here. I don’t think he’s got ASPD, but it’s possible he has an afflicted family member.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 14 reads
40 / 83

So now your diagnosis, Doctor Jizz, is that not only does he have Anti-Social Personality Disorder, but he in addition to that has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Wow, amazing armchair diagnosis you’ve made there genius.  

Let’s see, sociopaths are primarily characterized by having a lack of empathy. I’ve watched hours of interviews of people with all kinds of mental illnesses in my abnormal psychology studies, and sociopaths always do the same thing. They evade responsibility. You know, like you do when caught red handed being an idiot. Ask a sociopath, “why did you steal the Rolex?” The sociopath: “I didn’t steal the Rolex.” You ask, “here’s video proof of you stealing it”. The sociopath: “that wasn’t me, it was someone else”.  

Sociopaths have no empathy. They see other people like rocks. It makes no difference if you hit them with a hammer. Sociopaths do not care about what other people think of them because they don’t even see them as people.  

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, on the other hand care very deeply about what other people think. People who have NPD suffer from extreme anxiety stemming from low self esteem. As a coping mechanism they become unbearable braggarts. They might insult everyone around them to keep from getting criticized themselves.  

So is it consistent for a person to care about what other people think to the point where it becomes crippling (NPD) with someone who *also* doesn’t even see other people as people (ASPD)? Hmm. Maybe not.  

What should we conclude from this? That often the same person can have more than one mental disorder. For example, people with borderline personality disorder also frequently suffer from depression. But you do NOT see sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder in the same patient.  

Therefore, we conclude that Doctor Jizz is a know-nothing idiot.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 13 reads
41 / 83

Actually personality disorder patients can, and often do, display traits of more than one disorder or psychiatric pathology.  

And another thing ... remember when you portrayed yourself as a woke liberal on this board? And now you present yourself as a staunch conservative. What's up with that radical transformation? Perhaps a multiple personality disorder? And why do you say "we conclude". With whom are you sharing your brain? Are those voices in your head disturbing you?

LostSon 43 Reviews 12 reads
42 / 83

Posted By: willywonka4u
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, on the other hand care very deeply about what other people think. People who have NPD suffer from extreme anxiety stemming from low self esteem. As a coping mechanism they become unbearable braggarts. They might insult everyone around them to keep from getting criticized themselves.  
ohhhh, so that's why Icky absolutely despises being called a coward for being a draft dodger to get out of Vietnam then.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 22 reads
43 / 83

Look, you got caught pulling shit out of your ass talking about a subject you know nothing about. Conceding the point will not diminish you. Rather, humility breeds respect. Perhaps you ought to reflect on that.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 21 reads
44 / 83

That's rich coming from you who is always feigning subject matter expertise about everything. So what's the story on your reverse metamorphosis from bleeding heart liberal to wacky, right-wing, contrarian, conspiracy theorist? Did that happen when you went off your meds?

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 23 reads
45 / 83

I guess it is because I've been over this many times. I'm only leaving when the insults and personal attacks stop. Until then I'm here to retort. Nothing would please me more than you spewing your extreme right-wing agenda and wallowing in the hate without me.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 18 reads
46 / 83

I could ask the same question of you. Are you obsessed with my posts or do you have way too much free time? Get a job. Get a hobby. Get a life.

followme 21 reads
47 / 83

And again no one is going to cave to your ultimatum. No one is going to comply with your demands. No one is going to take orders from you. You jizzy the pinko are trying to get others to stop posting, trying to suppress free speech.  

Jizzy the fact is you do not want to leave here otherwise you would (without making a big deal of it) just stop posting here regardless of what others say or post. You are just playing victim and have a persecution complex. But it is clear you have been well trained and have the irresistible urge to reply. Pavlov would be proud of you.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 18 reads
48 / 83

Yeah, right. 18 quotes to find and to repost in 3 minutes. Sure everyone believes that. Not only are you obsessed with me you lie about your obsession.  Get a life.  

LostSon 43 Reviews 15 reads
49 / 83

Posted By: durran421
Re:  Is your mental capacity that far gone?
Well that was easy. My point was just proved precisely.
Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: I guess it is because I've been over this many times. I'm only leaving when the insults and personal attacks stop.
Also Jizz- "Nothing good will ever come from these types of malicious exchanges. I'm out."  
 Also Jizz - "If I wasn't out I'd say you are deaf, dumb, blind and a few more insults"  
 Also Jizz - "I announce I'm done with this pettiness, but you can't control yourself and have to continue with the insults and the abuse. Why am I not surprised.  Continue without me. I urge other reasonable members to do the same"  
 Also Jizz - "but you, and your redneck buddy, just keep it up with the insults and the vile comments"  
 Also Jizz - "Jane, you ignorant slut. Why do you want to start up with this shit again"  
 Also Jizz - "If you would just STFU, I'd be happy to go away."  
 Also Jizz - "You just can't stop yourself and have to highjack a thread on an unrelated topic just to insult, attack, and spread your venomous hate.  Ageist. Bigot. Cultist."  
 Also Jizz - "It's ugly watching your mental illness on display"  
 Also Jizz - "Show a little class, STFU"  
 Also Jizz - "The question is do you two have the impulse control to keep your invectives to yourselves?"  
 Also Jizz - "Well you would certainly know about stupid. I'll make it simple with ABCs for you too, hillbilly boy."  
 Also Jizz - "Gobsmacked by your relentless redneck reactionism"  
 Also Jizz - "I have no doubt that hillbilly bitches love their dumb redneck dickwads....probably the dumber the better"  
 Also Jizz - "you are the biggest pseudo expert on this forum with your own personality disorders."  
 Also Jizz - "Embrace being an Ageist, a Bigot, and a Cultist just like you accept being a redneck fool."  
 Also Jizz - "Bubba is so clever and is showing off his ,vocabulary.  You are still an Ageist, Bigot, Cultist"  
 Also Jizz - "What I am is indignant and outraged by your bigotry, cruelty, and hate towards others."  
 And finally, as i started....Also Jizz - "I'm only leaving when the insults and personal attacks stop."  
 I could go on but why. When I say we really have something not right AT ALL with this guy. I'm not joking one bit. But hey, don't take my word for it. It all right here for all to read. Only the post remover himself can be the only one to save you now Jizz.

WOOOOW 😳 😳 😳

Seriously Durran lays out Jizzy the pinko’s obsession for all to see…

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 22 reads
50 / 83

Not an ultimatum. Not a demand. Not an order. Merely a simple request. However, in your warped mind, being civil to a liberal is acquiescence.  Always insult and attack your enemies on the left. Where have we seen that before?  In your warped mind it is you who is acting like you are being persecuted and victimized  .... just like the leader of your MAGA cult who radicalized you to act like that.  Lastly, using the label "pinko" speaks to your fascism. #followmeintofascism.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 16 reads
51 / 83

You may be lost but you found fascism.  

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 20 reads
52 / 83

Actually I found the greatest amount of hypocrisy in the MAGA cult formerly known as the Republican party.  As for the name calling, that's a deal. I only insult in response to being insulted and attacked. I'll even stop calling you a redneck although you said once that was a name you were proud of. Whatever. The question is are you a man of your word?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 16 reads
53 / 83

Tell me, Jizz, out of all the major political players in the US today, who would most likely try to put Jews in gas chambers? Is it MAGA, or leftist pro-Hamas loons on college campuses?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 23 reads
54 / 83

I think it’s pretty natural for people to become more conservative as they get older, but on most issues the political parties just changed. You’d have to be blind not to notice that most (maybe all) of the Bush era neocons joined the Democrat party. I have always been anti-war. The GOP waged pointless wars when Dubya was in office, today it’s the Democrats doing it. I have always been opposed to the corruption of major financial institutions, big pharma and the like and pro free speech. 20 years ago this made me a leftist. Today it makes me a conservative. You’re more likely hear pop stars defend censorship today than free speech. But pop stars used to defend free speech. Remember?


As far as “conspiracies” go, anyone who’s even remotely familiar with the scientific method knows that the only good hypotheses are the ones with predictive power. If you make claims that are proven right, then maybe you have a far better grasp of things then the people who made wrong predictions over and over and over and over and over again. To call the former “conspiracy theorists” is the peak of stupidity.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 19 reads
55 / 83

willy doesn't know jack shit about "the scientific method."  The first step of the scientific method is to QUESTION.  willy always trashes mainstream/"legacy" media but he never QUESTIONS his own links from righty media to see if they're not bullshit.
Not very scientific, willy.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 22 reads
56 / 83

The first step isn’t to question. The first step is to form a hypothesis. 😂

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 18 reads
57 / 83

So much bullshit to unpack here. However I have neither the time or the interest in doing so point by point. Suffice it to say I think you are full of shit about everything.  No surprises there.  

followme 17 reads
58 / 83

jizzy is not smart enough to comment on any of it.

But really if you do not have the time or interest why did you even reply?

At jizzy the Pinko We LaUgH

followme 22 reads
59 / 83

And backpedals in a desperate attempt to save face now he is begging by getting on his hands and knees saying he is making a simple request.

Not going to work.

At jizzy the Pinko We LaUgH

LostSon 43 Reviews 20 reads
60 / 83

Posted By: followme

 At jizzy the Pinko We LaUgH
Indeed and I gotta say the more I say it "Jizzy the Pinko" is just the best.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 21 reads
61 / 83
jazzman121847 105 Reviews 21 reads
62 / 83

I'm sure you are knowledgeable about being on your knees, but you know nothing about civility. What I do know is that you're a fascist but that's nothing to laugh about.

followme 23 reads
63 / 83

It is difficult and they could be mistaken to be the same and that is because they are actually twins. They are the bag twins, douche and scum.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 18 reads
64 / 83

Spain was a fascist state for most of the 20th century. They didn’t invade anyone. Didn’t commit any genocides. Things were more or less fine.  

Meanwhile communists killed 100 million people, and reliably created such human depravity that people had to resort to cannibalism.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 21 reads
65 / 83

For all his pretentious pontificating, willy doesn't know jack shit about science.  You can't form a hypothesis unless you  
first QUESTION what you are observing.


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 19 reads
66 / 83

In fact, you know less about EVERYTHING than everyone on this board.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 23 reads
67 / 83

...on the scientific method since you seem to be so interested in it.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 16 reads
68 / 83

Like I said, the first step in the scientific method is to form a hypothesis. Mind you, if you’re working in a particular field then you already are familiar with the research.  

The key to a hypothesis is that it makes a prediction. Y is caused by X because of Z. Then you test your hypothesis. Then you bend over backwards to falsify it.  

Is this how all research is done? No. One of the biggest problems in science today is that big firms will just collect data. With no rhyme or reason. Someone then goes and looks for a pattern or signal in the data and then retroactively forms a hypothesis around it. Why is this a problem? Because you’re fitting your hypothesis to the pattern and not the prediction.  

One of the major reasons why many research papers get rejected is because of an ill-formed hypothesis.  

So your graph that was made for elementary school science classes is cute, but it’s technically wrong.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 17 reads
69 / 83

"What's so bad about fascism?" You can't be serious. Have you heard about Hitler or Mussolini?  

And in Spain, under Franco's fascist regime, Spanish citizens were subjected to human rights abuses which included the establishment of concentration camps, forced labor, and executions. But to willy "things were more or less fine."

I oppose communism as a form of government too. Your defense of fascism confirms my conclusion that you, and your fellow MAGA cultists, are fascists.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 21 reads
70 / 83

You had anarchists doing all kinds of awful things. But after the war was over Spain was pretty much fine. Don’t get me wrong, it still wasn’t a free country, but I think any Russian living under Soviet communism would have traded placed with someone living in Spain under fascism without a second hesitation.  

The left is weirdly obsessed with fascism. I have no idea why. The communists made the fascists look like Ward Cleaver.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 17 reads
71 / 83

I think Willy aka Ward Cleaver is just trolling us now because he can't be serious. Both fascism and communism are illiberal, non-democratic forms of government that have brought on orgies of violence and repression. Only a fascist would make a case that fascism is acceptable and communism is horrific. They both are horrific.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 18 reads
72 / 83

Obviously, the ideal form of government (or the least worst) is what we (on paper) have. A Constitutionally-limited Republic. But if you were to imagine a hypothetical scenario where you lived under other forms of government, common sense would tell you that any rational person would have preferences.  

If not a Republic, then the next least worst would be a monarchy. Preferably where the King or Queen cares about his own people.  

After that, some form of civil dictatorship. I’m not sure how I’d define this, but I’m thinking about whatever Russia is today.  

After that, a fascist state like Spain.  

After that, a fascist state like Nazi Germany.  

After that, a communist state with free markets like today’s China.  

After that, a communist state like the Soviet Union.  

And the worst would be a communist state like Cambodia under Pol Pot. They killed like a quarter of their entire population. In terms of the percentage of the population killed, it makes the Holocaust look like a trip to Disneyland.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 15 reads
73 / 83

First you ask what's so bad about fascism. Now you try to parse the word horrific. What's wrong with you?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 17 reads
74 / 83

…is to act like Hitler was the most awful human being to ever live. That nothing is worse than fascism. And then they liberally apply the label to anything they don’t like. It’s pretty obnoxious, and it denigrates the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust. But even as bad as that was, it was nothing compared to the 100 million people communists killed in the 20th century. And the terrifying thing is that the very same people who liberally apply the label “fascist” to anything they don’t like keep supporting the kinds of things that communists did to bring forth their revolutions, be it in the Soviet Union, China or Cambodia.

One of the more remarkable (if I can use that word) things about fascism and communism is that they had some real differences. Fascists tended to slaughter peoples external to them. Communists tended to instead slaughter their own. Fascists drew from their own history and their countries historical legacies. Communists tried to rewrite history and destroy their historical legacies. The communists in Cambodia said that the revolution marked Year Zero, and all things on the calendar came after. They tried to change not just the government, but peoples beliefs, customs, their cultures. Anyone who didn’t get with the program was executed. They believed that human beings were a tabula rasa. A blank slate on which they could write anything they wanted and change human nature to abide by their whims. But we now know this is anti-science. All animals have their own evolved natures including human beings. And because of this, this granted the communists a narrative by which they could execute anyone they wanted. And they did. A quarter of their entire population.  

Nothing is worse than communism. It is a thing of hellish nightmares.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 17 reads
75 / 83

The threat to democracy in the US is from right-wing fascism not communism.  The left does not support communism. The very progressive fringe of Democrats does prefer democratic socialism. However, democratic socialism and communism are very, very different ideologies despite the efforts of the right to try to equate the two. Surely you must remember this from when you were a liberal which wasn't all that long ago.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 17 reads
76 / 83

Of course you make this claim without any justification or supporting evidence. Maybe you should read, and try to understand, my entire post. There's a huge difference between democratic socialism and communism. I'd be happy to explain the differences if your mind wasn't so closed.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 16 reads
77 / 83

Weasel out of what? You are intellectually incapable of articulating, much less proving, whatever you allege so you revert to bullshit by saying my words prove your point. What a lame and ineffective argument. Engaging with you is a waste of my time.  Go ahead make some stupider reply.

followme 18 reads
78 / 83

In your miniscule little mind engaging with him is a waste of your time, why are you engaging with him?
Guess at your age you have a lot of time to waste.  

I suppose you are now going to reply (because you lied about going) and drive this thread further to the right of the page and most likely have it removed like you did another thread where you got embarrassed and humiliated to no end.

At jizzy the pinko we laugh

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 18 reads
79 / 83

Listen, fascist, I'll engage with whomever I choose whenever I choose. Even if it's a waste of my time (and it most certainly almost always is), I'll do it if for no other reason than it triggers you. You are so full of hate and anger that you erupt at the slightest provocation. Get to an anger management class ASAP. Now repeat after me 'Goosfraba'.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 15 reads
80 / 83

Can I make a request guys? After a thread gets so many replies it’s hard for me to read them on my phone and follow who is replying to what. So I kindly ask that after a while we retire a post and if need be continue the conversation in another post. I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but it’s driving me nuts.

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
81 / 83

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: This post has like 100 replies or something now.
Can I make a request guys? After a thread gets so many replies it’s hard for me to read them on my phone and follow who is replying to what. So I kindly ask that after a while we retire a post and if need be continue the conversation in another post. I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but it’s driving me nuts.
Go to "Flat" viewing at the top of the thread.

followme 27 reads
82 / 83

I never said that you cannot engage with whomever you want whenever you want. And by implying I did, you are a lying pinko. Now if you remember, though at your age that might be difficult, it is you jizzy who told me to STFU wanting to suppress my free speech.  Yeah that was you jizzy the pinko  Then when confronted you cowardly backed down begged for forgiveness and said it was a request. So jizzy the pinko how is telling me to STFU working out?

Jizzy says he triggers me in a post that he is having a shit fit  

Now go ahead and waste your precious time replying to this post, in fact I order you to reply.

 At jizzy the lying Pinko we lAuGh

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 18 reads
83 / 83

Follow me to fascism is losing his shit again. Such anger. Such rage. Repeat after me: GOOSFRABA.  

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