Politics and Religion

I've noticed that MOST, if not all nutjobs are more vocal than reasonable. eom
joleneineugene 1990 reads


According to the poll in the link below there are more of you than makes sense.  So listen to your Uncle Karl, a/k/a The Prince of Darkness.  Apparantly he's right every once in a while.  In this case, it's clear he's not trying to shine a light of truth, it's just simple political pragmatism.  But, hey, if ya'll want to help Bachmann, Palin and other wingnuts drag the GOP further into marginalized irrelevance, be my guest.

... deliberately keeping the birther issue alive to divide and marginalize the Republicans. See Rove on The Factor. Did I say "spin" about the No-Spin Zone?  Give me five lashes with a wet noodle.

notOnMyWatch1686 reads

I always thought the birthers were just stooges set up to cause distractions to prevent discussions of more important issues screwed up by the republican party.

No one could possibly be that stupid, could they???

nuguy461079 reads

show the certificate.
why is everyone dodging the question?
why berate the questioner?
why do all of you get so emotional?

Here are a few facts:
1) The laws of Hawaii forbid the release of anyone's birth certificate.
2) Gov. Lingle, a Republican who was in office when Obama was elected, checked and confirmed the existance of the Obama birth certificate months ago and told eveyone to get over it.,
3) For those of you who are still doubters, there is an effort to change the laws in Hawaii and release the certificate.
4) The Kenya birth certificate was exposed as a fake months ago
5) If Karl Rove, or any other Republican, had any evidence Obama was not an American citizen it would have been exposed years ago.  What Rove is smart enough to  recognize is that Birthers come across as wingnuts to most reasonable Americans and alienate them from the core Republican message about jobs and the economy, damaging Republicans' chances in 2012.  
So, as a Democrat, I encourage all Birthers to continue in their deluded ways and thereby help with Obama's re-election campaign.

nuguy461143 reads

first said he was there..then he has seen. and would release....and then pulled back friom his remarks..
so hide behind a law....? solid baby, solid!  it's not like it's his SSN!

Thanks for missing the main point from Rove.  I hope all Birthers are as clueless as you are and keep beating this long-dead horse, ensuring Obama's re-election.  Thank you for your support!

GaGambler1221 reads

and we saw how well that worked of for the Dems in 2004.

BTW The birthers are "no less" clueless either. Most of them, (with the exception of Mein) are no smarter than NuGuy.

It would be wise for the Democratic Party to encourage the birthers to make as much noise as possible, it would make it so easy to paint the entire GOP as a bunch of morons the same way that Pri brands the entire Tea Party movement by the acts of a few nutjobs in the Party. albeit those particular nutjobs are rather vocal.

Right.  That's exactly why I encouraged nuguy to keep up his rants on the subject.  If I were the DNC I'd be paying these people.  It's long been the case that elections are won and lost with the 20-or-so percent of independent voters, not with the extreme left or right of the two parties.  The 20 percent who count the most always are turned off by extremists like this.  So Birthers, rant on!

of Bachmann and or Palin would run. Because of TEA party support for both, the establishment don't know what to do so, they are trying to chip away a little at a time to keep both from running.

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