Politics and Religion

Is that 51% from a single (Fox-news-based) survey
joleneineugene 1313 reads

or is it the average of several polls from several people better than you at analyzing information?

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 10:27:58 AM

nuguy466832 reads

when mr O won, he said the repubs can come along, but they would have to sit at the back of the bus...he won, he said!  so....the wisconsin gov wins election and the unions block the bus from even moving..speak out of both side of your mouth????

GaGambler1895 reads

Maybe named liorr and Rjai? rofl

Get rid of one, and another is waiting in the wings to take his place.

Ok Pri, the "balance of power" remains the unchanged, we have another RWT to take the place of the one we lost. Now I guess we need to find another LWT to replace ben who also seems to have departed. lmao

Priapus531397 reads

Btw, GaG, wtf does RWT & LWT stand for ? All these fucking acronyms are giving me a headache--------:(

GaGambler1893 reads

RWT  Right Wing Troll

LWT  Left Wing Troll

As champion Whack a Troll player here, I thought you would get that right off. lol

Platypussy" Nuguy is such a moron even SOTF & other board conservatives have put him down
Posted by Priapus53  , 2/20/2011 6:29:24 PM  

Btw, GaG, wtf does RWT & LWT stand for ? All these fucking acronyms are giving me a headache-

 Your  reasoning powers are so low I wager you having problems counting change.
BTW By the way HYN Have you noticed IALHMYANAF If any liberals have mentioned you are not a fool.
TWBASWMR That would be a  search with minimal results...EFYBB except from  your blow buddy.
YAAFT   You are a foolish tool
KIU  Keep it up
IHFLAY   I have fun laughing at you

Priapus531761 reads

which is typical of a 9th grade dropout; get that GED & you'll learn how to spell.

"EFYBB"----where did you learn that ?---from your dearly departed & banned BFF ?-----LMAO !

My sparring with someone who is "intellectually challenged" could be construed as "cruelty to animals"-------;)

a "friek" is one " who is on a lower standard of speech and communication with the rest of the world."  Since morons are on a pretty low standard anyway, a "frieking moron" would not be a complimentary term at all.

      I think you should ask Quad to give you lessons on urban slang. Since you seem to encounter so many "morons" and "idiots"
on this Board, I'm surprised you don't know the word.

Priapus531525 reads

Btw, Quad, being a 9th grade dropout, seems to suffer from a "lower standard of speech & communication with the rest of the world", particularly with his P&R posts. He needs to pick up a copy of "Elements of Style" post haste. ( He's probably never even heard of that book ).

I also see that since Liorr has been banned, that you've become Quad's "BFF";-----I find that rather pathetic-------:(

when you are purporting to correct someone else's spelling.

     Plus when someone is using slang what better choice than the Urban Dictionary.

     Finally, with respect to your continued references to Quad being a "9th grade dropout," have you ever noticed that his sentence structure is almost always grammatically correct, his vocabulary quite extensive, and his command of irony and nuance quite impressive?

     You're not charging for your self-proclaimed "detective skills," are you?

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 11:46:41 AM

Besides, I was cheering on marikod. I like a good scrabble game and he's bested you in this one.

But, since you've decided to break the truce, I'll tell you that I think you're intelligent - when you're not behaving like an idiot, then I think you're just being stupid.

As for comparing me to anyone, that's plain silly. I'm only left wing in certain subjects. I'm only right wing in certain other subjects. But mostly I'm just a gal who believes in freedom of choice.

And my choice was to cheer on marikod for besting you in this word game. And the fact that marikod was spot on about quad's grammar.

Priapus531459 reads

My "Bibles" when speaking & writing, are Websters & "The Elements of Style"; defending someone who uses "illiterate vernacular" would put you & your "buds" on the losing end, according to many.

Joelne, you broke the "truce" when you decided to moronically
"Dogpile" ( you might wanna look that up in an Urban dictionary"--LOL ) I'd be willing to maintain a truce, if you'd keep your nose out of my business on this board----:)

I'd say you need to keep your nose out of my business, too.

And if Webster's and The Elements of Style (its proper name, btw) are your "bibles", why are you engaging in such worthless drivel as put-downs and incomplete (and incorrect) sentences?

Oh, and using other dictionaries to get your point across is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of understanding your audience. I'll even use a Spanish dictionary if the word works to explain what I'm saying.

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 11:47:02 AM

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 11:57:56 AM

GaGambler1354 reads

I think I will grab a bucket of popcorn, (and a beer), sit back, and be entertained for the afternoon.

So far I have the "old, fat, and unrepentant" whore slightly ahead, but it's still anyone's battle to win.

This is at least as much fun as watching Hirogen make the "fuddy duddies" on the GD board squirm with discomfort.

All right you two, back to your respective corners and come out fighting!!! roflmfao

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 12:46:00 PM

Priapus531009 reads

in the interest of a truce for the benefit of the board.

You've never heard of literate put-downs ? Apparently you're not familiar with Groucho Marx, George S Kaufman, films like "All about Eve", etc, etc.

Dear, your syntax & grammar are hardly prefect either, so don't go "throwing that pedantic first stone".

Also, if using an "urban dictionary" is "understanding your audience", I need to leave the zoo fast.

Ok, let's get back to that truce-----:)

literate acts of unnecessary personal attacks are something else. Truce will only be accomplished between us if we don't try to bully the other. If I feel you're bullying me or otherwise personally attacking, I won't be afraid to call BS on you and your "truce."

So, sure. Truce.

OK, Mari, I used your link and it says the definition of Friek is:
"An insult (meaning freak/geek) from a chav or a slag who is unable to spell simple words."
So you have chosen a word that, on its face, describes someone who can't spell !
Not exactly the way to win an argument about spelling.
Question:  did you even read the definition before you posted the  link, or do you just enjoy unintentional humor?

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 3:14:37 PM

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 3:41:41 PM

Priapus531406 reads

You've just illustrated how a pair of morons just hoisted themselves on their petards !-----LMAO !

Careful with the high-falutin' words, P!  Now you'll have everyone hurrying to find out what a Petard is!
In the spirit of improving our use of language, I have posted the definition below.

Therefore, Quad’s post was not “An insult (meaning freak/geek) from a chav or a slag who is unable to spell simple words.” To the contrary, Quad's spelling was flawless.

        Instead, Quad criticized Priapus’s reasoning ability – “Your  reasoning powers are so low I wager you having problems counting change.” Hence, from the three definitions offered, I selected the definition that best fit this use - “One who is on a lower standard of speech and communication with the rest of the world.”

      But, regardless of what meaning Quad intended “frieking” to have, he did not misspell the word and, hence, as I posted, Priapus was “wrong again.”

     Now we will charge you with being “wrong once,” somewhat ironically, for not recognizing that Quad was the 9th grade spelling bee champion and is not a "friek."

     Now do you want to reconsider that "unintentional humor" crack again?

Uhhh...Nope!  Because your own choice of words to defend against the charge of mis-spelling was a definition that was founded on a mis-spelling.  If you don't see the unintentional humor in that then there's nothing to discuss.  And it has nothing, repeat nothing, to do with whether or not "frieking" is a word in the Urban Dictionary.  Not  to mention that for you to hold  up the Urban Dictionary as a more valid source than Webster's is, well, hilarious -- intentional or not.

inicky "So have chosen a word that, on its face, describes someone who can't spell !
Not exactly the way to win an argument about spelling."

  I won't take the time to bore you, or spend time searching for  Plattapuss's numerous spelling mistakes, or try to explain how living in his box without windows, influenced  his lack of sight.
When I spelled  the word friek, it was intentional, due to Plattapuss's  continual ignorant confusion with spelling,slang,and simple word play.
In your defense ,you must be  new here, or you would have noticed the  irony in Plattapuss's repetitive correction of other peoples spelling, when he often confuses himself, or misspells the most simple words.  When standing up to being corrected ,he  claims typo. ROFL
I do not believe he is more intelligent than anyone on this board, however I  love the guy for his amusement value.
If you ever see Plattapuss debate with any skill,absent of  personal attacks, enlighten me please..PM's accepted.
Where else can a ninth grade drop out go, and so easily outwit, a "edumacated" ninnyhammer,who crows like a cockolorum.

Since you are new to this board, here's a classic Plattapus tidbit example of  not using a dictionary, for  easy spelling,.  The O is too far from the E to use typo as his excuse, unless he claims his motor skills, are as clumsy as his mind.

"You reap what you sew, NC--------EOM
Posted by Priapus53  , 7/18/2010 9:55:06 AM "  

Ladies and Gentleman of the jury.
 Plattapuss  is a Friek.
 I rest my case

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 5:39:37 PM

...and only note that my posts really had nothing to do with your OP.  When I saw it, I, too, assumed it was a typo.  But I just let it slide because I think being a word cop on this or any other board is futile and I have better things to do (like beat off).  Still, I admire anyone who  tries to point out  such errors because so many posts, IMs, text messages and e-mails are so poorly written as to be incomprehensible.  So if Priapus assumed "frieking" was a mis-spelling and didn't check the Urban Dictionary, I don't think that's grounds for a lynching.  And Marikod's defense of you was, given the definition he supplied, hilarious.  My point is that, ridiculous as it is to "word cop" a board comprised of hookers and whore-mongers, we are trying to communicate here.  With words.  So if anyone cares enough to do it, they  should at least make a minimal effort to write clearly enough so people can understand it.  And, to be clear, I am not accusing you of this on this thread.  You're right that I'm new to this board and don't know the communications skills of all the posters.  But I hope you agree that posters like nuguy (who's  even newer to this board than I am) write so sloppily that it's hard at times to know what they're saying.

Priapus531568 reads

that's like the equivalent of being the "world's
tallest midget" or a "Human rights activist" in the Iranian government.

Quad, you & your "BFF" Marikod offer MUCH unintentional humor at your own expenses-----LMAO !

What does Obama have to do with a Wisconsin Govenor? Who are you (feebly) attempting to chastize for "speaking out of both sides of their mouth"?

Are you trying to see if you post more moronic, incomprehensible, and pointless drivel than Liorr? You are doing a good job.

How about this side: The side where this has so galvanized the state of Winsconsin, that already 51% of the people are opposed to the Governor's plan, and Dems are now looking into the RECALL of several state GOP Senators. The Governor gets a free ride for the next 11 months, but then he's up for recall as well.

I guess I can thank the GOP for bringing new life into the American Labor Movement. :)

or is it the average of several polls from several people better than you at analyzing information?

-- Modified on 2/21/2011 10:27:58 AM

I doubt Fox News would be in favor of distorting how popular unions are in Winsconsin. ;)

If you'd like me to track down the source for this, I will.

be aware of this: A single source of that kind of statistic is worthless. If you can come up with three to five DIFFERENT sources (not three to five that hold up the same survey, but three to five entirely different and independent analyses that I can compare), then we'll see if your number holds weight.

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