Politics and Religion

In President Ford's 1975 State of the Union speech he
BreakerMorant 1333 reads

states: "Economic disruptions we and others are experiencing stem in part from the fact that the world price of petroleum has quadrupled in the last year. But in all honesty, we cannot put all of the blame on the oil-exporting nations. We, the United States, are not blameless. Our growing dependence upon foreign sources has been adding to our vulnerability for years and years, and we did nothing to prepare ourselves for such an event as the embargo of 1973."

President Ford then initiated energy conservation programs such as building energy efficiency regulations which in California is outlined in Title #21. The stategic oil reserve was one of his many lauded intiatives. He also pushed for offshore drilling, fastracked the construction of oil refineries and the Alaska Pipeline. The pipeline started under President Nixon but was bogged down in environmental red-tape. President Ford was also the one who intiated the miles per gallon (mpg) standards on motor vehicles etc.

To his credit President Carter built upon his admirable and realistic conservation efforts. If Carter would have continued building nuclear power plants and pushed for offshore drilling as Ford did, instead of advising us to wear sweaters he would have been re-elected.

President Ford energy programs was enough however, to result in a reduction in the consumption of oil, and the biggest bull market in the history of the New York Stock Exchange in the 1980's.

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 8:31:35 PM

kerrakles2449 reads

Politics and  power in this country is controlled by people on the extreme, may that be Left Wing, Right Wing, Liberal, Dumb Fucks and whatever.

Let us just take energy for example:

1. We cant drill on-shore, off-shore or on the moon.

2. Can't build refineries even thought the demand has gone up significantly.

3. Cant build nuclear power plants, even though many countries have built them and Japan and France use MOX fuel for their reactors eliminating the need to store nuclear waste for 1000 years or. We can't do that, some special interest group decided it is too dangerous even though Japan, France and other countries have been doing this for 30 years.

4. We are sending $700 -$800/year billion to other countries for oil. How long this is going to last and keep our standard of living.

5. We harp about jobs going oversea's because of cheap manufacturing. Hello, energy is the most important raw material, so how does this work?

Just wondering, is there any politician out there who has the guts to stand up say, Right, left, liberal, conservative and dumb fucks to go fuck themselves and say her is the problem, somethings must give and here is what we need to do, and here is what I am going to do with your help.

Just wondering!

His name was Ross Perot.  

Enjoy your giant sucking sound for life, everyone.

If he's not too busy at the moment.

St. Croix1490 reads

I had the opportunity to meet and talk to him a few times years ago. I do find it a bit ironic that he was against NAFTA back in the 1992 election. He was a free trader as they come. Actually he was moving jobs offshore decades before it became Lou Dobbs personal issue. Nevertheless, what he did in Iran in 1979 was heroic. We all remember the 400+ hostages, but there were a number of U.S. ex-pats working in Iran. Pres Carter was no help, so he put together his own special ops team to extricate his employees. Of course a good percentage of his employees were ex-military.

states: "Economic disruptions we and others are experiencing stem in part from the fact that the world price of petroleum has quadrupled in the last year. But in all honesty, we cannot put all of the blame on the oil-exporting nations. We, the United States, are not blameless. Our growing dependence upon foreign sources has been adding to our vulnerability for years and years, and we did nothing to prepare ourselves for such an event as the embargo of 1973."

President Ford then initiated energy conservation programs such as building energy efficiency regulations which in California is outlined in Title #21. The stategic oil reserve was one of his many lauded intiatives. He also pushed for offshore drilling, fastracked the construction of oil refineries and the Alaska Pipeline. The pipeline started under President Nixon but was bogged down in environmental red-tape. President Ford was also the one who intiated the miles per gallon (mpg) standards on motor vehicles etc.

To his credit President Carter built upon his admirable and realistic conservation efforts. If Carter would have continued building nuclear power plants and pushed for offshore drilling as Ford did, instead of advising us to wear sweaters he would have been re-elected.

President Ford energy programs was enough however, to result in a reduction in the consumption of oil, and the biggest bull market in the history of the New York Stock Exchange in the 1980's.

-- Modified on 7/15/2008 8:31:35 PM

No, because now we have a governing class rather than citizen participation. And the GC is a two party, winner take all system, which means if your guy gets in you get the spoils. Before everything, before the post-election bash, before the swearing into office, their immediate concern as soon as they are elected is getting reelected.

Too much media, money, limos, planes, ass kissing, etc which attracts the worst type of person to politics. Term limits would solve a large part of the problem but not enough outside of politics believe it.

I think it was Hunter Thompson who wrote, "How low do you have to go be elected President in this country?" I don't think we've found out yet.

If one does show up, I'll be dying to vote for them. Don't hold your breath though.

Perhaps I should run for office....

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