Politics and Religion

I'm on the far rightteeth_smile
johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1253 reads

And I am FAR from a "... schizo, illiterate,paranoid moron..."

I will admit, however, that some days I am one seriously scary SOB.


Priapus534025 reads

"Some",( I won't mention who ), got "their panties in a bunch", when a thread on the GD board morphed into The President's dumb faux paus
about Vegas yesterday ( if you don't know what he said about Sin City, google it,I'm too lazy to detail it ) & indignantly insisted that the post should be moved here. Man ! Are some SO sensitive they can't take a mild rebuke toward the Prez ?!, Hell, I voted for him & I thought his Vegas remark was a stupid mistake ! I also thought it was dumb of Obama to get his priorities fucked up by concentrating on an polarizing issue like Health care reform in the middle of the worst recession since the great depression, enabling him to "hand the sword to his enemies".Is it any wonder that so many who voted for him are disappointed ? Hell---he's doing a better job than George W Bush ( a spider monkey would do a better job than GWB ),but, that's not good enough.  If I had to give him a 1 year grade, I'd give him a B-;however, if the economy keeps going the way it is,by this time next year, that grade will slip to a D or F. I'm sure voters will agree, which is why the GOP has an excellent chance of taking over the House next year ( The Senate is a much bigger longshot ).As I've stated before,unless he can pull things out, he'll be another in a long line of failed Presidents stretching back to LBJ.

So what is the point of this diatribe ? Just that so many supporters on both sides of the political divide ( some to be found here ), are so messed up. On the far left ,we have paranoid,
politically correct,hypersensitive wusses. On the far right, we have schizo, illiterate,paranoid morons. Is it any wonder that this country's political system is broken ?!
Praise de Lawd, I'm not a member of either party !

A Political postscript : as a Nevada resident, WON'T be voting for Harry Reid; he's been in the Senate far too long & appears to be senile.

Lastly------was I missed ?-------;)

-- Modified on 2/3/2010 4:29:41 PM

And I am FAR from a "... schizo, illiterate,paranoid moron..."

I will admit, however, that some days I am one seriously scary SOB.


But I am not Paranoid...
Be right back, I see some weird lights off in the horizon..

I suggested that those who brought up the issue, post it, not move the tread, to this board, so that those interested in this issue, which I viewed as being worthy to discuss, could be discussed. If I, or anyone else tried to continue the discussion, our posts, more than likely would have been pulled, hence no discussion.

Not only have you tried to create drama, by you have misrepresented my posts, which is dishonest.

Priapus53978 reads

If I recall, weren't you the same "genius" who viley insulted Fast Eddie on this board over a month ago ? Then today, you get into in w/ Smarty
on the GD board. I don't know what your problem is, but Preperation H might help. As for taking the cake, I'd suggest you take your "ladyfingers"
& stick them where the sun doesn't shine-----;)

I missed you desperately. No seriously.

As far as the remark on the GD, in all fairness, it belonged here not there. Hell, I had a post pulled from the GD board for simply saying "Of course there is a God, how else did the Broncos ever win a Super Bowl?" Apparently, even a passing reference to sports in teh context of a discussion is verboten. Rants are verboten too, if they are posted by a provider, but guys can rant all they want, notice the asinine post about Yahoo IMs being webscams, and the B&S post currently residing on the General board.

Don't get me started on that sad excuse for a discussion board. But I digress. The Obama comment was political though, so it really does belong here.

But yes, I really did miss you.

I'm sorry, who were you again? :D

Timbow799 reads

Maybe Obama can find out what the odds are when he goes to Vegas :)
I cannot think of a President in history  

 that a mayor has said this about him :

Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman :
''He didnt learn his lesson the first time, but when he hurt our economy by his ill conceived rhetoric, we didnt think it would happen again, but now that it has I want to assure you, when he comes Ill do everything I can to give him the boot back to Washington and to visit his failures back there.
I gotta tell you this, everybody says I shouldnt say it, but I gotta tell you the way it is. This president is a real slow learner'':)

GaGambler892 reads

He was a hell of an attorney in his day, and he certainly has a way with words. lol

BTW Oscar Goodman's reputation as a "mob attorney" is a little overblown. He has represented a few of my friends back in the day and associates and none of them were "wise guys".

2muchTruth4U1396 reads

bails out bear sterns and the rest of those corrupt "business" - bunch of lard asssed pencil necked goddamn THIEVES preying off of hard working people to make themselves rich.

Let the marketplace rule. Survival of the fittest.

Let em fail and let others step in to fill the vacuum - in smaller pieces.  Folks who will learn the lessons taught by the failure of the lard assed crooks running those "financial institutions".

This means some folks who were stupid enough to invest in a highly over valued market lose their retirement - fuck em. Thats life. Stocks are not guaranteed.  Why should taxpayers take the hit?

The 100 richest familes in America funded the hello out of Obama. And got their payback.

Biggest f'ing crook we've ever elected probably.

At least since the Teapot Dome scandal lol

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