Politics and Religion

I predict that BHO's 6 month test will be
RightwingUnderground 1178 reads

the ChiComms retaking Taiwan. And BHO will essentially do nothing, which will probably be a good thing (lessor of two evils) because the only other thing he will consider would result in something far worse.

Tusayan1254 reads

If that happens he has nowhere to go but up from the way Bush failed his terrorist test on 9/11.

9-11 was the real thing, and people have forgotten that there can be more.  In fact, 9-11 could be small.  

The Russians and other groups have always been willing to go to the brink of war to see who will back down. Actually, they are willing to start wars to see what other nations will do.

When the Russians invaded Georgia, Obama urged restraint and then suggested the UN get involved.  The Russians don't have a word for restraint and they do have a veto in the UN. Both bad ideas.

By having a wishy-washy response, he raised the question of "What do we have to do for him got get tough?"

Likewise, he has expressly disavowed the unilateralism approach.  That means that if Europe (our allies) or the UN won't get involved, there is a question as to what he will be willing to do alone. His base would go bongos if he turns out to be a unilaterist working without our allies.

Europe never takes a stand.  All of Europe was impotent to take on the tiny Balkans.  Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, Scandanavia, were all unable to take on Serbia.

Obama will be pushed until he takes a stand, and that stand will be alone.  

And that is just one source of danger.  The fanatic portions of the Moslem world will also want to see what the new guy takes to get mad.  

This is why Wright and Farakhan are relevant. Obama's old associates were sympathizers with groups like Hamas.  That means that with his current pro-Israel talk, he has an ambiguous record.  The Moslems don't really know where he stands, so there are ways they can find out.

Albright is a big Obama supporter.  She also has tremendous experience in these areas. So when she agrees the test is likely, you better hold on to your hats.

Who ever put her down is just being silly.  There is no reason to question her judgment and that poster was unable to say why she should not be credible.

The test will bring us closer to war than we have been since Cuba.  (If you think Iraq is a bad war, hold on to your seats.)

I say this with nothing but regret.

Timbow1846 reads

Albright should not be on TV  saying it again as it gives MAC even more ammo to hit Obama with since she is credible :) .

Israel's goose is cooked. And
Biden just telegraphed that Obama isn't going to do shit after the attack starts.

Israel better be ready to go it alone. And their counter punches better be very effective and lethal or else, Israel will cease to exist.  Hamas, Hezbos and Iran have all publically stated that they want to destroy Israel.  Syria wants to too but they are being sly.

If anything, Obama will try to hinder Israels counter punches.

Israel is doomed.

You aren't saying she is wrong. You are just saying she shouldn't say it. Like telling the truth is a bad thing.

The theory of free speech is that both side can tell their story.  If Obama is so good, then he can stand the test of free ideas floating in the public square.  

This weakness will have to be balanced by his perceived strengths.  

For example, if you prefer his health care , and you believe Albright is correct, you weigh the pluses and minuses and come to the conclusion that those policies that you like are worth the risk of what ever test our enemies are preparing.

That is your judgment, and I won't argue with you.  But to say we should hide his weakness deprives other people of their right to make their choice.

If, in fact, an Obama election will bring us to the brink of war, then that is a fact that people have a right to know.  It is a fact that they should consider.

His percieved weakness by our enemies is an incredibly important fact. Especially if they are going to see how much steel he has in his spine.

Gorbachev has said that whe he saw Reagan stand up to the Flight Controllers, he knew that was a man to be reackoned with.

In six months, when Obama is tested, if he is strong, you can be happy.  If he fails the test, then you were the one who was willing to live wih that consequence.

Don't hide the truth

RightwingUnderground4228 reads

He's already shown us the answer to that one, given the recent crucifixion of Joe.

We are at war.

And have been for some time. I think you meant to say "If, in fact, an Obama election will escalate the violence, then that is a fact that people have a right to know.  It is a fact that they should consider".

When McCain falls ill in a year or so and the MILF is running the show wont the same thing happen if not worse. She cant even answer simple questions.

Palin claims to have foriegn policy experience because her state borders Russia, and when Russian planes fly into US airspace she has to deal with it as Govenor. So much bullshit. No Russian plane has crossed into US airspace while she has been Govenor.

Given her tendency to abuse power, her willingness to tell boldfaced lies combined with her ignorance of anything going on outside of Alaska, Obama has to be a better choice.

Senator Obama has intelligently and honestly answered in a public debate all of McCains criticisms.      

This bullshit about the media not covering his downfalls is exactly that.

"No Russian plane has crossed into US airspace while she has been governor". No comment on your other statements, but this one is definitely not true. They do it frequently, and they are either intercepted, or cleared through just as frequently. Are you familiar with the terms, "Unknown rider, unknown rider, this is Giant Killer on guard. Do you read"?

Here is my source. But a simple google search will bring up at least 10 examples of other high ranking airforce officers experessing similar statements.

Can you imagine if she tried this shit as VP. Palin has proved to me time after time that she cannot represent the American people well.

"The air defense identification zone, almost completely over water, extends 12-mile past the perimeter of the United States. … However, no Russian military planes have been flying even into that zone, said Maj. Allen Herritage, a spokesman for the Alaska region of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, at Elmendorf Air Force Base. “To be very clear, there has not been any incursion in U.S. airspace in recent years,” Herritage said."

As my buddy in queens would say "go back ta jersy ya freak."

Please do your research. Its this kind of misplaced bullshit that makes all Republicans look bad.

Sweetleaf: I hope your buddy in Queens rides the A-train home. You are talking apples and oranges here. The 12 nautical miles the good Major is referring to is the limit for international waters. The ADIZ extends hundreds of miles offshore in some areas. Get yourself an aviation chart and check it out. He is correct in saying the Russians have not penetrated 12 miles, but they routinely penetrate the ADIZ to check our radar and response times. Why do you think we have F-15/F-16 fighter-interceptors stationed in Alaska? 'Cause the fishing and hunting is good? Hell, I just checked my New York sectional chart, and the ADIZ limit is 80 miles offshore from Queens, not 12. In Alaska, it reaches nearly 250 miles to the southwest of land. Public Affairs officers are not known to give out info that will excite the citizenry. Hope this clears up any misconceptions about ADIZ limits. I also read-a lot.

Timbow1518 reads

I am glad Albright is saying it but if I was an Obama supporter I would want her to shut up :)

RightwingUnderground2436 reads

Odd how there hasn't been any more 'tests' forthcoming outside the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan.

But I thought GW was president during 9/11. Oh yeah he was. But you couldnt tell cuz he was too busy worrying about his ass getting Enronized. IMO 9/11 saved his political career at least for a while... Bush may yet see a prison cell before it all shakes out. And shake out it will.

RightwingUnderground2919 reads

9/11 was the conclusion to all the tests that Clinton didn't respond to. Yes, Bush failed that exam as well. The point is that Clinton never learned a damn thing from his failures.

RightwingUnderground1179 reads

the ChiComms retaking Taiwan. And BHO will essentially do nothing, which will probably be a good thing (lessor of two evils) because the only other thing he will consider would result in something far worse.

I have never lapsed into obsenity on this forum before, but the thought of the test being China and Taiwan may be the worst scenario I can think of.

If we don't support Taiwan, the world will know that we don't support our allies.  If insecure, they will look elsewhere. When looking for people to form alliances with, we will lose an incredible amount of reliability.

If we support Taiwan... I don't even want to think about the consequences.

The only thing that I think we could do would be to declare "economic war," nationalize the entire debt to China, demand they be expelled from the U.N., with the threat that if they don't go, we do.  And expell the U.N. if they allow it to remain that way.

If not war with a billion Chinese, the response would have to be as strong as possible, just short of war.

This is a terrible scenario.

Do not suggest that idea.

Timbow1614 reads

Iran will get a  nuke bomb if Obama is president and Biden did not tell us that China will try to take Taiwan . Remember  what happened with the plane with Powell and Bush .

I said this yesterday on the Ken Alderman post :)

what's to stop China from helping the N.Koreans punch through the 38th parallel and plow down to Pusan?  

I don't know if China is that bold.  They may just be satisfied crushing us economically.

You know what?  I bet GaGambler is a Chinese spy.

GaGambler2164 reads

The one good thing about a global economy is that if China goes too far, they will lose their best customer and biggest debtor.

With someone as weak as Obama in office, the temptation to make the US their bitch may be too much to resist.

You're right. The temptation to crush our economy may out weigh their lust for our dollars.

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