Politics and Religion

I have to basically agree with Jack
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 4771 reads
1 / 128
GaGambler 1248 reads
2 / 128

and just remember, Fungy is "one of yours" lol

The SPOTY competition is far from over, although I will admit Fungy is no longer the leader on this board, I doubt that he is even in second place, more like a tie for third with JCA/Pimples/FatVern.

Hadji and bigfatanddumb have overtaken the lead here on P&R, with bigfattie almost ready to lap the field, I think Fungy still has a shot at the overall title though, that one is still between him and Pimples

dncphil 16 Reviews 1126 reads
3 / 128

If you can answer three simple quesstions without going into "REPUBSCUM" talk, I iill put it to bed forever.

First, there are emergency plans to rescue US embassy people in every country in the world.  Who gave the order not to send them, when was it given, and how approved it.

Second, at some point Hillary got a call that one of her counselates was under attack.  Who did she call and what did she do for the next 2 hours.  

Third, Hill told the parents  of one victim that they would get the guy who made the video.  When did she find out that the video wasn't the cause, and why did it take so long

Since, everything has come ouut, you can easily document any answer with a reliable source, since you found one article already on the other side.

Of course, your answer will be  what does it matter aand I am a racist for asking.  

Both very good answers.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1001 reads
4 / 128

I mean, besides the fact he can't seem to write a coherent English sentence, even in a link.  You are accusing Republicans of the wrong thing when you say they won't "admit their own Fact" (sic.).  Why?  Because this report came from a Republican-controlled committee, dummy!
What you can accuse them of is:
Releasing a report that reveals almost all of their conspiracy theories were wrong, and doing it on a Friday evening so fewer people might hear about it.
Oh, well, at least the Benghazi political football has had the air let out of it.
Gosh, I wonder if Faux News even covered the story.  Perhaps someone can let us know?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1335 reads
5 / 128
bigguy30 1309 reads
6 / 128

I guess all of those months of lies and fake facts on Benghazi terror attacks showed who was right!

This is why when they say fair and balance you turn the channel.

The sad part is the families that lost love ones.

They listen to Fox Fake news media and others lies with no facts all of these months!

When proven wrong you give it less than 30 seconds?

So I guess when you keep lying and are caught you run the other way.

Posted By: GaGambler
and just remember, Fungy is "one of yours" lol

The SPOTY competition is far from over, although I will admit Fungy is no longer the leader on this board, I doubt that he is even in second place, more like a tie for third with JCA/Pimples/FatVern.

Hadji and bigfatanddumb have overtaken the lead here on P&R, with bigfattie almost ready to lap the field, I think Fungy still has a shot at the overall title though, that one is still between him and Pimples
-- Modified on 11/22/2014 8:01:38 AM

bigguy30 1133 reads
7 / 128

So what I care about is that they got the ring leader of this attack and charged this asshole!

Also it's clear why the GOP released this report on a Friday before the holiday.

We all know if they were right about wrong doing, this report would have been released earlier in the week.

This is a small part of their report and the link:

When a two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. saying:

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, intelligence about who carried it out and why was contradictory, the report found. That led Susan Rice, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to inaccurately assert that the attack had evolved from a protest, when in fact there had been no protest.  

But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people.



Posted By: dncphil
If you can answer three simple quesstions without going into "REPUBSCUM" talk, I iill put it to bed forever.  
 First, there are emergency plans to rescue US embassy people in every country in the world.  Who gave the order not to send them, when was it given, and how approved it.  
 Second, at some point Hillary got a call that one of her counselates was under attack.  Who did she call and what did she do for the next 2 hours.    
 Third, Hill told the parents  of one victim that they would get the guy who made the video.  When did she find out that the video wasn't the cause, and why did it take so long  
 Since, everything has come ouut, you can easily document any answer with a reliable source, since you found one article already on the other side.  
 Of course, your answer will be  what does it matter aand I am a racist for asking.    
 Both very good answers.
-- Modified on 11/22/2014 8:19:06 AM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1135 reads
8 / 128

All the reporting on the issue can be read on the homepage of Fox News. There is even link to the report itself. Given that Ed Henry was sitting in for Bret Baier, which airs at 6:00 P.M. and the report is likely to have been released very late afternoon, around the same time, it gives very little time to cover all the angles. I do expect to hear more about this in coming days.. Since, I watch Fox News and you don't, I will definitely let you know what kind of coverage it gets throughout the next week.  This has been a developing news since Sept 2012, and is certainly not something akin to a Breaking News that warrants dropping everything and reporting it as soon as it comes.  



-- Modified on 11/22/2014 11:30:29 AM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1189 reads
9 / 128

ask your Republican Congressman and senator those questions. They are the ones conducted the investigation so they are better prepared to answer them.

Now, going back to Repubscum, the point is people like you doesn’t accept facts even when the investigation is conducted by your own party.

Posted By: dncphil
If you can answer three simple quesstions without going into "REPUBSCUM" talk, I iill put it to bed forever.  
 First, there are emergency plans to rescue US embassy people in every country in the world.  Who gave the order not to send them, when was it given, and how approved it.  
 Second, at some point Hillary got a call that one of her counselates was under attack.  Who did she call and what did she do for the next 2 hours.    
 Third, Hill told the parents  of one victim that they would get the guy who made the video.  When did she find out that the video wasn't the cause, and why did it take so long  
 Since, everything has come ouut, you can easily document any answer with a reliable source, since you found one article already on the other side.  
 Of course, your answer will be  what does it matter aand I am a racist for asking.    
 Both very good answers.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1216 reads
10 / 128

Watching Faux News does that to you.

I give you credit for admitting you have problem with facts and your facts are based Faux Paux Channel.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1228 reads
11 / 128

Liberals were not the one’s all over media crying Benghazi wrong doing you dis shit. Did Liberals release the report? No, Repubscums did. Complain to them moron.

You too piece shit Fumbler
Posted By: inicky46
I mean, besides the fact he can't seem to write a coherent English sentence, even in a link.  You are accusing Republicans of the wrong thing when you say they won't "admit their own Fact" (sic.).  Why?  Because this report came from a Republican-controlled committee, dummy!  
 What you can accuse them of is:  
 Releasing a report that reveals almost all of their conspiracy theories were wrong, and doing it on a Friday evening so fewer people might hear about it.  
 Oh, well, at least the Benghazi political football has had the air let out of it.  
 Gosh, I wonder if Faux News even covered the story.  Perhaps someone can let us know?

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1269 reads
12 / 128

You know what.. I'm sure the liberals are as proud to have you as conservatives are to have Sarah Palin...

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 11:47:00 AM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1132 reads
13 / 128


bigguy30 1288 reads
14 / 128

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
All the reporting on the issue can be read on the homepage of Fox News. There is even link to the report itself. Given that Ed Henry was sitting in for Bret Baier, which airs at 6:00 P.M. and the report is likely to have been released very late afternoon, around the same time, it gives very little time to cover all the angles. I do expect to hear more about this in coming days.. Since, I watch Fox News and you don't, I will definitely let you know what kind of coverage it gets throughout the next week.  This has been a developing news since Sept 2012, and is certainly not something akin to a Breaking News that warrants dropping everything and reporting it as soon as it comes.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 11:30:29 AM
-- Modified on 11/22/2014 9:13:50 AM

dncphil 16 Reviews 918 reads
15 / 128

Nothing you say answers any question. You address things I wasn't talking about. I  was not asking who said it was a video, so your answers miss the point

Keeping it simple, you say the scum bag was caught.

That may be true, but the questions I ask remain.  Again. Keeping it simple - There are contingency plans for every emergency, including rescue options.  

Some one said, "Do not send help."  Who made that decision?

Likewise, Hillary got a call saying the staff was under fire.  Did she just say, "Okay. Call me later."  

If not, what did she do for the next two hours.

Now, focus.  Can you answer those questions.

Yes, the scum bag was caught, but that doesn't answer what I askedd

dncphil 16 Reviews 1148 reads
16 / 128

I can't ask the GOP scumbags.  They were not there when the decisions were made.  They have been asking, but they never were given answers to these questions.

In any event, it is the person who made the decision that can explain. Not the investagators

mattradd 40 Reviews 1032 reads
17 / 128

Dang you anonymousfun! You beat me to the punch!  ;)

But, let's face it, Benghazi-gate, Fast and Furious-Gate, IRS-gate, Jonathan Gruber Obama lying ACA-gate, will never stack up to Watergate, Iran-Contra-gate, Iraq-gate, etc. It's not too late, but time is running out on some gate they can attach to Obama to salve the pain of humiliation suffered by the gates of some of their Republican presidents.!   ;)

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1162 reads
18 / 128
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1195 reads
19 / 128
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1099 reads
20 / 128

Since your swiss cheese mind continues to leak, I'll always be here to remind you!!!!

So here's 56,000 dead Americans your Dummycrappers can wear around their neck.

1964 incident[edit]
Main article: Gulf of Tonkin incident
On 2 August 1964, United States President Lyndon B. Johnson falsely claimed that North Vietnamese forces had twice attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.[1] Known today as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, this event spawned the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 7 August 1964, ultimately leading to open war between North Vietnam and the United States. It furthermore foreshadowed the major escalation of the Vietnam War in South Vietnam, which began with the landing of US regular combat troops at Da Nang in 1965.

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 10:05:19 AM

bigguy30 1359 reads
21 / 128
mattradd 40 Reviews 1310 reads
22 / 128

Seems like they didn't learn the lesson of the Gulf of Tonkin and the Viet Nam war. Since I served in the Viet Nam war, I do remember.

User1994 23 Reviews 1104 reads
23 / 128

No one ever said there was any wrongdoing on the part of the CIA or military. The wrongdoing is 100% on the part of the Regime and it is undeniable that the incompetence that allowed the attack to happen would have further hindered Obama's already weak chances of re-election. Further, it is a loud and clear demonstration of the lies that the Regime will tell, and the corruption they will employ to keep something covered up.

I say, shout this great news from the roof tops. Make sure all of the low-info voters that make up the Democrat base all hear about this. I guarantee you their reaction will be "What's Benghazi? Isn't that a video?".

User1994 23 Reviews 1294 reads
24 / 128

You are a fool to stay so loyal. They would throw you to the wolves without a second thought.

JackDunphy 1263 reads
25 / 128

It says they did NOT fortify the consulate well enough. The reason is they blew off numerous requests for additional forces from the people who were later murdered that night.

Maybe Dems here think it's good not to send enough troops that lead to the deaths of Americans, on 9/11, with Al Queda present, in a terrorist hotbed like Libya? Hmmmmm....yeah nothing to see here.

We now know Panetta told Obama the night of the attacks it was by terrorists, not some spur of the moment stick and stone throwing bullshit over some video. What did Obama do when he heard the news? Did he call any of our allies or did he send in backups to help repel the attack? He had no idea how long the attack would last so what did he do? He won't tell us and that is why this this Intel panel couldn't comment on it. Hmmmmmm......

Why did Obama go to the floor of the UN two whole weeks later and still blame it on a "spontaneous uprising" when he knew fact certain at that point it was a planned, premeditated assault with mortars and rpg's? He won't tell us why he lied.


Those are my questions and should be those of anybody who cares about our country. Obama never let anyone ask these questions or refused to answer them nor did he let anyone else in his command answer them so all of these panels can only go by what info they are given.

We now know the president of the United States has lied to the American people on a number of subjects. Is Benghazi one of them? He won't comment or respond to critical questions.

How convenient

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1253 reads
26 / 128

I was too busy fielding comments of the knuckleheads (minus inicky, of course)

bigguy30 1197 reads
27 / 128

Posted By: User1994
No one ever said there was any wrongdoing on the part of the CIA or military. The wrongdoing is 100% on the part of the Regime and it is undeniable that the incompetence that allowed the attack to happen would have further hindered Obama's already weak chances of re-election. Further, it is a loud and clear demonstration of the lies that the Regime will tell, and the corruption they will employ to keep something covered up.  
 I say, shout this great news from the roof tops. Make sure all of the low-info voters that make up the Democrat base all hear about this. I guarantee you their reaction will be "What's Benghazi? Isn't that a video?".

JackDunphy 1219 reads
28 / 128

I'll give him credit there. And also look at what Matt is actually saying. He isn't saying the Obama scandals are NOT scandals, just that they don't rise to the level of his hand picked scandals over decades.

bigguy30 1586 reads
29 / 128

Posted By: JackDunphy
It says they did NOT fortify the consulate well enough. The reason is they blew off numerous requests for additional forces from the people who were later murdered that night.  
 Maybe Dems here think it's good not to send enough troops that lead to the deaths of Americans, on 9/11, with Al Queda present, in a terrorist hotbed like Libya? Hmmmmm....yeah nothing to see here.  
 We now know Panetta told Obama the night of the attacks it was by terrorists, not some spur of the moment stick and stone throwing bullshit over some video. What did Obama do when he heard the news? Did he call any of our allies or did he send in backups to help repel the attack? He had no idea how long the attack would last so what did he do? He won't tell us and that is why this this Intel panel couldn't comment on it. Hmmmmmm......  
 Why did Obama go to the floor of the UN two whole weeks later and still blame it on a "spontaneous uprising" when he knew fact certain at that point it was a planned, premeditated assault with mortars and rpg's? He won't tell us why he lied.  
 Those are my questions and should be those of anybody who cares about our country. Obama never let anyone ask these questions or refused to answer them nor did he let anyone else in his command answer them so all of these panels can only go by what info they are given.  
 We now know the president of the United States has lied to the American people on a number of subjects. Is Benghazi one of them? He won't comment or respond to critical questions.  
 How convenient.  

JackDunphy 1125 reads
30 / 128

They bury the real news in the article and blow everything off with the headline. The CIA or the military were not at question as you state. Why Time focused on that is laughable.  

This was about why no one bothered to protect the lives of people who went into a terrorist red hot zone for love of country, the spin and deception that followed and the stonewall that was put up so anyone really involved couldn't testify under oath.

"What difference does it make?"

To Obama and Hils, it makes no difference at all why people were killed because that would make them look inward for fk ups and answers. It's just easier to say people showed up with mortars b/c someone played a video. Lol.

bigguy30 1209 reads
31 / 128

Posted By: JackDunphy
It says they did NOT fortify the consulate well enough. The reason is they blew off numerous requests for additional forces from the people who were later murdered that night.  
 Maybe Dems here think it's good not to send enough troops that lead to the deaths of Americans, on 9/11, with Al Queda present, in a terrorist hotbed like Libya? Hmmmmm....yeah nothing to see here.  
 We now know Panetta told Obama the night of the attacks it was by terrorists, not some spur of the moment stick and stone throwing bullshit over some video. What did Obama do when he heard the news? Did he call any of our allies or did he send in backups to help repel the attack? He had no idea how long the attack would last so what did he do? He won't tell us and that is why this this Intel panel couldn't comment on it. Hmmmmmm......  
 Why did Obama go to the floor of the UN two whole weeks later and still blame it on a "spontaneous uprising" when he knew fact certain at that point it was a planned, premeditated assault with mortars and rpg's? He won't tell us why he lied.  
 Those are my questions and should be those of anybody who cares about our country. Obama never let anyone ask these questions or refused to answer them nor did he let anyone else in his command answer them so all of these panels can only go by what info they are given.  
 We now know the president of the United States has lied to the American people on a number of subjects. Is Benghazi one of them? He won't comment or respond to critical questions.  
 How convenient.  

JackDunphy 1162 reads
32 / 128

He is capable of making a cogent argument to back up his politics, even if I disagree with him most of the time.

You bring dick. No arguments, no thought out rebuttals, just ad hominems on virtually every post.

My guess is there is somewhat of an intelligent person behind AF and it would be cool if you brought something to the party other than "dumbfuck" and "republiscum." Try it AF. You might like it.

bigguy30 1253 reads
33 / 128
bigguy30 1118 reads
34 / 128

Posted By: User1994
No one ever said there was any wrongdoing on the part of the CIA or military. The wrongdoing is 100% on the part of the Regime and it is undeniable that the incompetence that allowed the attack to happen would have further hindered Obama's already weak chances of re-election. Further, it is a loud and clear demonstration of the lies that the Regime will tell, and the corruption they will employ to keep something covered up.  
 I say, shout this great news from the roof tops. Make sure all of the low-info voters that make up the Democrat base all hear about this. I guarantee you their reaction will be "What's Benghazi? Isn't that a video?".

bigguy30 1476 reads
36 / 128

The GOP control of congress will be short lived and they still have to get their bills pass by the President

bigguy30 872 reads
37 / 128

Posted By: JackDunphy
He is capable of making a cogent argument to back up his politics, even if I disagree with him most of the time.  
 You bring dick. No arguments, no thought out rebuttals, just ad hominems on virtually every post.  
 My guess is there is somewhat of an intelligent person behind AF and it would be cool if you brought something to the party other than "dumbfuck" and "republiscum." Try it AF. You might like it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1227 reads
38 / 128

Let's compare the lists of administration officials, who have been charged and convicted of crimes, between Reagan and Obama!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1221 reads
39 / 128

I do watch Fox News occasionally.  There is some actual news there, at least when Hannity and other idiots aren't bloviating their manufactured bullshit.  And if you're right, why did other news channels give it more coverage?  Basically, Faux News is run by Roger Ailes as the propaganda wing of the Republican Party.
But do please keep me up to date on their coverage of this.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1232 reads
40 / 128

And you know damn well, Fungy was never "one of mine."

inicky46 61 Reviews 1104 reads
41 / 128

Also, your retort is unintelligible.  Did you even read my post? Moron.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1100 reads
42 / 128

I've never voted Republican in my life, and I think you deserve a SPOTY.  There are as many stupid liberals as there are stupid Republicans.
And I get pissed off at stupid liberals like you at least as much as I do at stupid Republicans.  Because I don't want my views represented by fools like you.  You make me embarrassed to be a Democrat.  Kind of like the late, unlamented Laffy.  But at least he didn't write like a 15-year-old.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1293 reads
43 / 128

Thanks for informing me.. I will definitely keep you abreast on the coverage this report gets.  

Trust me when I say I will.. You will see a post from me next Saturday summarizing if it gets any coverage from Monday - Friday or not..

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1158 reads
44 / 128

I used to check in here every once in a while. But idiots like you and fungus make it painful. Very painful.

marikod 1 Reviews 1248 reads
45 / 128

Next thing you know you will be posting "the truth is out there - but that isn't it in response to Mein's posts.

At least spell it right - the are only 2 "m" s in a proper hmm.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1239 reads
46 / 128

1)  Depending on the show, it is sometimes real news and a more interesting story that what's on the other all-news channels.
2) I like to know what right-wing idiots are "thinking."  It's a form of opposition research.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1176 reads
47 / 128

Between my sports and news, I simply don't have time to turn to MSNBC to see what those idiots are "thinking"..:D

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1063 reads
48 / 128

How does this justify going in front of the cameras and blatantly lying to the American people that it was the video that caused the attack? Hussein lied 6 times himself and Susan Rice went on 5 TV programs to lie about the attacks..What about that angle? You guys are wetting your pants as if something came out that exonerated Hussein of not lying to the American people.  

That was something that has bothered me from day 1 as much as what CIA's involvement was.

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 7:33:54 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1190 reads
49 / 128

I believe the managements of both channels made a conscious decision to slant their news, but in opposite directions.  CNN on the other hand, appears to have made a conscious decision to be boring.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1367 reads
50 / 128

That's why he dwells in this cesspool, having been run off the General Board for his abject stupidity.  And it looks like he's not doing too well here either.

JackDunphy 1210 reads
51 / 128

As for Mein, where the hell has he been? All hell is breaking loose and he is mum. Lol.  

Haven't seen your thoughts on the EO. You down with the cause or do you think it was either unconstitional or just too soon?

JackDunphy 1139 reads
52 / 128

I have pointed out the numerous scandals MSNBC have been involved in and having Sharpton on the air is fking disgrace, I think you may agree with, but more importantly, FOX, from day one, makes it a point to share the liberal views on every major issue, on every single day, in every single show (that I am aware).

They actually pay dozens of liberals to give their opinion and bring on guest makers they don't pay to get their liberal views out as well.

I can say virtually the same thing for CNN, although they tilt Left.

Can you honestly say that about MSNBC?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1166 reads
54 / 128

Merely posted an investigative report.

inidick wants to argue with himyself

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1039 reads
55 / 128

CNN and Fox News, but the thing that baffles me about CNN is that once they find a story, they will get obsessed with it like Tidwell is obsessed with poor Courtney...lol.. Are they still looking for the disappeared Malaysian flight?.LMAO.. I do still like the way they immerse themselves in the story, but I am of the opinion that they take it a bit too far..  

What we, the conservatives, really need is another competitor to Fox News.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1232 reads
56 / 128

like all other Repubscums.  

Hey at least you admitted. +1 on that, Curled Faux brai

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1219 reads
57 / 128

before long disappearance by one of your own

Read before commenting!

bigguy30 1204 reads
58 / 128

So at least you pick a side when voting nicky46.  

Also nobody cares if you are pissed off.

We debate in different ways.

If you want to cry some more go look somewhere else!

Just what I need another weak ass liberal!

Posted By: inicky46
I've never voted Republican in my life, and I think you deserve a SPOTY.  There are as many stupid liberals as there are stupid Republicans.  
 And I get pissed off at stupid liberals like you at least as much as I do at stupid Republicans.  Because I don't want my views represented by fools like you.  You make me embarrassed to be a Democrat.  Kind of like the late, unlamented Laffy.  But at least he didn't write like a 15-year-old.



-- Modified on 11/22/2014 6:09:20 PM

Timbow 1326 reads
59 / 128
inicky46 61 Reviews 1038 reads
60 / 128

First of all, I hardly ever watch MSNBC.  But when I have, yes, there have been plenty of times when they had a right wing point of view represented.
I would agree CNN tilts left, though.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1414 reads
61 / 128

For a while they were The Ebola Channel.  At times they become The Ferguson Channel.  And so on.

bigguy30 1085 reads
62 / 128

Posted By: USGrantlover
I used to check in here every once in a while. But idiots like you and fungus make it painful. Very painful.

bigguy30 990 reads
63 / 128

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
How does this justify going in front of the cameras and blatantly lying to the American people that it was the video that caused the attack? Hussein lied 6 times himself and Susan Rice went on 5 TV programs to lie about the attacks..What about that angle? You guys are wetting your pants as if something came out that exonerated Hussein of not lying to the American people.  
 That was something that has bothered me from day 1 as much as what CIA's involvement was.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 7:33:54 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1182 reads
64 / 128

You debate with weak-assed, juvenile, name-calling.  And you are so bad at it you are a laughing stock even to your fellow lefties.  And you are also so pitifully stupid you don't even know you've just had the crap kicked out of you.
PS: Who cares what you need.  You are the one with the weak, pitiful game.
By the way, if you're so tough, why are you afraid to come back on the General Board?  Still licking your many wounds, fatboy?

bigguy30 1205 reads
65 / 128

Posted By: inicky46
That's why he dwells in this cesspool, having been run off the General Board for his abject stupidity.  And it looks like he's not doing too well here either.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1153 reads
66 / 128

Martha McCallum

Nicole Petalidis [sic?]

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1232 reads
67 / 128

Different times in the same time zone!!!

I still think that's the stupidest thing you've said so far!!

bigguy30 1040 reads
68 / 128

I see you feel tough old ladyboy.

So you had a date with your boyfriend tonight? Lol

The sad part is seeing a weak ass liberal fraud like youself kissing the GOP ass.

Posted By: inicky46
You debate with weak-assed, juvenile, name-calling.  And you are so bad at it you are a laughing stock even to your fellow lefties.  And you are also so pitifully stupid you don't even know you've just had the crap kicked out of you.  
 PS: Who cares what you need.  You are the one with the weak, pitiful game.  
 By the way, if you're so tough, why are you afraid to come back on the General Board?  Still licking your many wounds, fatboy?
-- Modified on 11/22/2014 6:34:35 PM

bigguy30 1070 reads
69 / 128

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Different times in the same time zone!!!  
 I still think that's the stupidest thing you've said so far!!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1295 reads
70 / 128

And too big a pussy to answer the question I've now asked twice: why are you afraid to post again on the General Board, weakling?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1273 reads
72 / 128

Believe me, i've seen it in spades on the General Board.  His idiocy there caused everyone to pile on his lame ass until he fled, screaming in pain with his hair on fire.  He hasn't been seen since.  He's an ignorant windbag and pussy.

pot/kettle 1184 reads
73 / 128

In addition to the lovely Ms. MacCallum, let's put Sandra Smith (looks like an incredible fuck), Megyn Kelly (hot and smart), Harris Faulkner (an ebony MILF for sure) and Kirsten Powers on the list.  Also, Kennedy.  She may not be as hot as the others but her manner and demeanor says "i'm a fucking great piece of ass" whenever she talks on Outnumbered or the Independents.

bigguy30 1309 reads
74 / 128

Also when I post again on the General Board is up to me old man not you.

I guess you feel lost without your clown posse. Lol
Posted By: inicky46
And too big a pussy to answer the question I've now asked twice: why are you afraid to post again on the General Board, weakling?
-- Modified on 11/22/2014 7:34:50 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1302 reads
75 / 128

I understand.  Why would you want to suffer more abuse when last time you left sobbing like a.....

bigguy30 1248 reads
76 / 128

Posted By: inicky46
Believe me, i've seen it in spades on the General Board.  His idiocy there caused everyone to pile on his lame ass until he fled, screaming in pain with his hair on fire.  He hasn't been seen since.  He's an ignorant windbag and pussy.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1012 reads
77 / 128

Truth is, you had not a single supporter on the GD board for your totally lame, stupid and gameless posts.  You made a fool of yourself, were ridiculed by everyone and not one single poster sided with you.  Now you come here and simply lie about it. What a shock.
No wonder your fat, gutless ass is afraid to come back.

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 10:58:44 PM

bigguy30 970 reads
78 / 128

I understand nicky46 your old ass is lonely now since your date is over with your boyfriend.

So I am into woman and not men ladyboy.

Some of you guys on here really must love men instead of woman.

Since you worry so much about what other guys are doing instead of the woman on here. Lol

Also your weak old ass won't have to worry ladyboy.

I have been posting on the General board along with other area boards on TER.

If you think I am running then maybe you should check yourself into a mental hospital to make sure your mind is still right!
Posted By: inicky46
I understand.  Why would you want to suffer more abuse when last time you left sobbing like a.....
-- Modified on 11/22/2014 8:08:02 PM

randomvr301 1149 reads
79 / 128
86H13LTP 1022 reads
80 / 128

Gowdy is a cool player and so is the play that's going to go down.  

They have total control now and will play hand later down the road when it will be nice and fresh in voter's minds .  

Benghazi ain't going away . How many fucking times do you left cowards need to be told that .  

She still gets off better than our four diplomats did. She's only going to lose a shot at being POTUS . They were abandoned , raped and murdered .

randomvr301 1205 reads
81 / 128
inicky46 61 Reviews 1157 reads
82 / 128

I can barely bother to spend time here and Conan couldn't care less about this place.  So feel free to butcher the language to your heart's content.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1434 reads
83 / 128

His next post on this thread will make it an even 20.  What a total tool, who just can't STFU.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1225 reads
85 / 128

Well, I'll add one more. That Taneros chick. Every time i see her I can't but thinking she's got some big firm man mades with pointy erasers on them and she loves to have them tweaked!

bigguy30 1458 reads
86 / 128

You make it sound like I have not posted on the GD board in months!

So old fool it's been only twelve days until today.

I will say this again since you are old and slow.

We are allow to post comments in different cites and boards on here.

This is what I have been doing and I guess your sensitive ass is upset.

If your insecure ass cannot handle it too bad.

I don't need to run for help like your weak old ass! Lol

Posted By: inicky46
Truth is, you had not a single supporter on the GD board for your totally lame, stupid and gameless posts.  You made a fool of yourself, were ridiculed by everyone and not one single poster sided with you.  Now you come here and simply lie about it. What a shock.  
 No wonder your fat, gutless ass is afraid to come back.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 10:58:44 PM

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 9:00:45 PM

GaGambler 1369 reads
87 / 128

It's bad enough that just like Birdbrain before him, no one here can have a civil (yes they do happen here, albeit rarely) conversation without him screaming like a little kid, demanding that we pay attention to him.

Is that what you really want for the GD board?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1235 reads
88 / 128
inicky46 61 Reviews 1067 reads
89 / 128

He really is TSTTT (Too Stupid To Talk To), so at a certain point I just post a TSTTT note and leave (see below).  It's also a good plan to "talk about him but not to him."  He craves attention and may reply but you can just ignore that and drive bigclown nuts.
He'll probably comment on this anyway, as he seems to be a masochist who craves abuse.
I really think he's about 15, based on the way he writes.  I think he comes here because his classmates tease him and he has no friends.
I'm considering starting a group called Liberals Ignoring BigGay (LIB).  In fact, we will probably accept applications from Conservatives as well.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1173 reads
90 / 128

"We are allow (sic.) to post comments in different cities and boards here."
He couldn't wrap his tiny mind around the idea that I was trying to get him to post on the GD board, not tell him to stay away.  What a fool our biggay is.

GaGambler 1075 reads
91 / 128

Although I won't go so far as to say that Fox News is exactly "fair and balanced" MSNBC goes much, much further than Fox in giving the left wing version,

I think if I were to grade CNN, Fox, and MSNBC on "degrees from center" it would be something like Fox twenty degrees right, CNN 15 degrees left, and MSNBC 45 degrees left. I think CNN leans almost as far left as Fox does right, but MSNBC doesn't even try to appear objective. Trying to legitimize Al Fucking Sharpton is proof positive of that, He doesn't have the best reputation among  your "tribe" of people either. Can you imagine the uproar if Fox were to have someone as anti semitic as Al Sharpton on their network?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1114 reads
92 / 128

Criticism and Lie.

If the Rpeubscums were criticizing it is fine but they are not.

Take your diatribe about immigration for example. There was not any fact whatsoever. All of it was opinions and the rest were lies.

Immigration issue is studied in depth and the contribution immigration makes to the economy is also studied in depth. Any and all criticism based on the findings (other than all studies are biased and all statistics are lies) would be welcome by all.

On the other hand, issuing immigration order is illegal, unconstitutional, Obama is acting like a king, he is POS, etc., are nothing but lies.

Not that your pea brain is able comprehend any of this. Bringing your beloved SPOTY when you don’t agree with someone is an exhibition of your stupidity over and over again like you, curdy, gagger,and insicky.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1285 reads
93 / 128
inicky46 61 Reviews 1317 reads
94 / 128

But that was not my point, which was to bait him into posting there.  And it worked.  He is my new puppet girl. LMAO!

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 12:14:59 PM

bigguy30 1085 reads
95 / 128

This is what happens when you are old and want to be a asshole. Lol

Posted By: inicky46
"We are allow (sic.) to post comments in different cities and boards here."  
 He couldn't wrap his tiny mind around the idea that I was trying to get him to post on the GD board, not tell him to stay away.  What a fool our biggay is.  
-- Modified on 11/23/2014 8:18:16 AM

86H13LTP 1450 reads
96 / 128

he talks game but he's really just another freeloader .

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 11:09:16 AM

bigguy30 177 reads
97 / 128

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: GaGambler
It's bad enough that just like Birdbrain before him, no one here can have a civil (yes they do happen here, albeit rarely) conversation without him screaming like a little kid, demanding that we pay attention to him.  
 Is that what you really want for the GD board?

bigguy30 1210 reads
99 / 128

Posted By: inicky46
His next post on this thread will make it an even 20.  What a total tool, who just can't STFU.  

inicky46 61 Reviews 1175 reads
100 / 128

You and he have a set of "facts" that drive how you see the world and these networks' coverage of events. My "facts" are different.  These differences generally can't be debated because both sides are fixed in terms of what they see as reality.  So, in my world, Fox is 75 degrees right, CNN is 20 degrees left and MSNBC is 50 degrees left.
I know you believe I'm as wrong as I believe you are.  But there's no way to debate it.
And this is exactly why, with the exception of this thread, I almost never post here.  It's a waste of my time and energy.  "Sound and fury, signifying nothing."

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 3:54:43 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1152 reads
101 / 128
inicky46 61 Reviews 1068 reads
102 / 128
86H13LTP 1217 reads
103 / 128

some hard working white donated their money for , Hilary will pay for Benghazi .

randomvr301 1098 reads
104 / 128

Sen. Graham has called the GOP led House report on Benghazi "crap" because:
"it did not find anyone in Obama Administration guilty".    Was that the end game for the Repubs

bigguy30 1249 reads
105 / 128
earthshined 1263 reads
106 / 128
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1838 reads
107 / 128

Rumor has it he got caught trying to stuff the 20 pounder and got pepper sprayed by an old lady!

bigguy30 1278 reads
108 / 128

Posted By: desigolfer
Sen. Graham has called the GOP led House report on Benghazi "crap" because:  
 "it did not find anyone in Obama Administration guilty".    Was that the end game for the Repubs?  
-- Modified on 11/23/2014 1:08:00 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 1044 reads
109 / 128

I was expecting a detailed dissertation on the law that the EO cited for it's foundation. Oh wait, they haven't published the EO  yet so can't know for sure. Maybe you know the average time it's taken whitehouse.gov to post the texts of other EOs. It can't be all that difficult.  It's not like it contains photographs or cartoons

bigguy30 1256 reads
112 / 128
ed2000 31 Reviews 1012 reads
113 / 128

You either misread my post or didn't read the link/watch the interview. I had no trouble finding his link. My question stands as is.

bigguy30 1156 reads
114 / 128

The CNN link and story page clearly quoted what he said about the report being garbage.

Since no one in the Obama administration was held responsible.

You better read it again and I don't see how you missed his remarks!

Then again I am not surprised either.
Posted By: ed2000
You either misread my post or didn't read the link/watch the interview. I had no trouble finding his link. My question stands as is.

ed2000 31 Reviews 938 reads
115 / 128

My title was an example of the correct and fair use of quotation marks, although I am disappointed you are sinking into this behavior not yet seen between you and me.

I was simply pointing out the poster's obvious misuse of the quotation marks.

Well to most people that studied the link it was probably obvious. . . see there, I can show that type of behavior too. I don't think it gained me anything though.

86H13LTP 1292 reads
116 / 128

because it was freezing his pod he started acting crazy and tipped the old lady off . I heard when she hit him with spray he fell down and the turkey shot across the floor.  People in the crowd started chanting  ; Fat Loser Flounder, Fat Loser Flounder , Fat Loser Flounder

bigguy30 1150 reads
117 / 128

So this GOP scum is on a witch hunt for his own polictical gain.

You are pointing out the other poster's misuse of quotation marks?

I see you need to change the subject real fast ed2000! Lol

Posted By: ed2000
My title was an example of the correct and fair use of quotation marks, although I am disappointed you are sinking into this behavior not yet seen between you and me.  
 I was simply pointing out the poster's obvious misuse of the quotation marks.  
 Well to most people that studied the link it was probably obvious. . . see there, I can show that type of behavior too. I don't think it gained me anything though.

jrwayne 8 Reviews 1106 reads
118 / 128

Ed is just politely telling you that you are full of shit and there is no use in having a thoughtful discussion with a rabid kool-aid drinker.

bigguy30 1025 reads
119 / 128

I think your whole point on thoughtful conversation is bullshit!  
The whole GOP party arguments are built on mostly lies and made up facts!  
This link is further proof of that point.  
They even disagree with their own GOP house report.  
Since no White house official was to blame is garbage?  
Just stop it jrwayne! LOL  

Posted By: jrwayne
Ed is just politely telling you that you are full of shit and there is no use in having a thoughtful discussion with a rabid kool-aid drinker.
-- Modified on 11/24/2014 9:56:41 AM

bigguy30 985 reads
120 / 128

I think your whole point on thoughtful conversation is bullshit!

The whole GOP party arguments are built on mostly lies and made up facts!

This link is further proof of that point.

They even disagree with their own GOP house report.

Since no White house official is to blame is a garbage report according to this GOP clown?

Just stop it jrwayne! LOL  

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: jrwayne
Ed is just politely telling you that you are full of shit and there is no use in having a thoughtful discussion with a rabid kool-aid drinker.
-- Modified on 11/24/2014 11:35:23 AM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1170 reads
121 / 128

veryone else has. That you are Too Stupid To Talk To.

Id recommend an office visit with Dr Kevorkian for you Flounder

He can fix you!

bigguy30 1050 reads
122 / 128

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
 Everyone else has. That you are Too Stupid To Talk To.  
 Id recommend an office visit with Dr Kevorkian for you Flounder  
 He can fix you!!  

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1216 reads
123 / 128

He have knocked that little fucker up and we'd have to support his offspring on welfare.

ed2000 31 Reviews 1045 reads
124 / 128

There is a big problem if people attempt to engage in debate based on misquotes creating facts not in evidence. I assumed that pointing out that the quote he posted was wrong would motivate him to reread/rewatch his own link and then make a correction. The crickets are still chirping on that one. You then picked up his mantle and proceeded to dig the hole even deeper.

My point was not an attempt at any diversion. There was a fundamental distortion created by the misquote regarding Graham's interview. Beyond the simple fact that he did not say what was attributed to him, he actually didn't say anything close to the quote. The quote states that Graham is upset because no one in the Obama administration was found guilty. That may or may not be true but nothing in the interview would to lead one to that exact conclusion. The quote implies (quite explicitly) that Graham wanted someone, or anyone in the Obama administration to be found responsible ("guilty" in desi73's terms) for something.

What Graham DID state was that the House report was "crap" because it did not address what he considered to be an outright lie by an involved party. Graham went on to name the person, CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell. He continued to make his case with some specificity concerning the lie. Additionally, Morell is hardly a member of the Obama Administration. He is a life long CIA employee (since 1980, I'm estimating right out of college). He was the guy that produced the daily CIA briefing for President George W. Bush. Ultimately he did work for President Obama but he was not a member of his administration in the classic sense and certainly not a Whitehouse official.

Having said all that, you and desi73 might be entirely correct in your assertions regarding Graham's desires, but there is nothing in Graham's statements to support your opinions.

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 8:45:40 PM

bigguy30 893 reads
125 / 128

Posted By: ed2000
There is a big problem if people attempt to engage in debate based on misquotes creating facts not in evidence. I assumed that pointing out that the quote he posted was wrong would motivate him to reread/rewatch his own link and then make a correction. The crickets are still chirping on that one. You then picked up his mantle and proceeded to dig the hole even deeper.  
 My point was not an attempt at any diversion. There was a fundamental distortion created by the misquote regarding Graham's interview. Beyond the simple fact that he did not say what was attributed to him, he actually didn't say anything close to the quote. The quote states that Graham is upset because no one in the Obama administration was found guilty. That may or may not be true but nothing in the interview would to lead one to that exact conclusion. The quote implies (quite explicitly) that Graham wanted someone, or anyone in the Obama administration to be found responsible ("guilty" in desi73's terms) for something.  
 What Graham DID state was that the House report was "crap" because it did not address what he considered to be an outright lie by an involved party. Graham went on to name the person, CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell. He continued to make his case with some specificity concerning the lie. Additionally, Morell is hardly a member of the Obama Administration. He is a life long CIA employee (since 1980, I'm estimating right out of college). He was the guy that produced the daily CIA briefing for President George W. Bush. Ultimately he did work for President Obama but he was not a member of his administration in the classic sense and certainly not a Whitehouse official.  
 Having said all that, you and desi73 might be entirely correct in your assertions regarding Graham's desires, but there is nothing in Graham's statements to support your opinions.

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 8:45:40 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 1116 reads
126 / 128

accept this non-response response as acceptance of my position regarding Senator Graham's interview?

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1034 reads
127 / 128

close to a record?
I'm guessing so, which is why I'm replying.  Always wanted to be part of a record.  And this is a little easier than joining-in on one of those record nudist group gathererings.  And without the sunburn.  Can you imagine a sunburned cock?  Ouch.

Oh, but this is the political board (which I rarely venture too, not for lack of opinions, but because I come to TER to ESCAPE reality, I get enough politics everywhere else) - and since this is the political board I must add something along those lines I suppose, so here goes: Impeach Obama.  That should do.

nuguy46 1088 reads
128 / 128

Anyone read the book, "13 hours" ?  tells the story of the guys that were actually there?  if you don't believe them you are calling them liars.....

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