Politics and Religion

I guess now you know who fatgirl is now. Please don't get too close! Oh, and I hate Trump. E
mattradd 40 Reviews 1895 reads
1 / 29

It's amazing so many bible-thumpers fall for this when they can read that Jesus said no one will know when it will happen. They ignore what is clearly said on the matter, while going though elaborate machinations predicting the end times.  ;)

I suspect it's much like the Republican's raising money on so called scandals of Democrats. Just another way to make money. Or, perhaps an extreme case of self-righteousness, thinking that they will be spared, while all others perish.   ;)

GaGambler 419 reads
2 / 29

I can't find the date, and I am not talking about the prediction for this last May, but I remember back in the late 80's, supposedly smart people were leaving California by the droves because supposedly Nostradamus had predicted that California was going to fall into the ocean due to a mega earthquake.

The "end of the world" has been predicted so many times it should merit no more attention than the 675th dick size thread on TER.

Christianity is based on stupidity and stupid, gullible people, but it hardly has a monopoly on either stupidity or gullibility.

GaGambler 370 reads
3 / 29

See, this is why I usually choose NOT to respond to you. Matt bashed Christians, I am hardly a Christian, but in fairness Christians are not the only morons in the world that buy into stupid "end of the world" bullshit. I am not defending anybody

As usual you try to twist my position and you have no problems at all stooping to outright lies in your attempts to bolster an argument, some times I can deal with that kind of crap, most of the time you simply are not worth the effort. No wonder you and fatgirl are such good buddies now, birds of a feather

Bill_Brasky 381 reads
4 / 29

FG can hardly put one word in front of another.  Laffy can at least do that reasonably well.  Even if he's lying about you (maybe yes, maybe no) he's at least coherent about it.  And, no, I really can't figure out why he even bothers to converse with FG, who is right up there with newgirl and other mouth-breathing righties on the Island of Stupid.  What a crew.
The sad thing is, they are no stupider than most of what passes for political discourse in the country as a whole.  Or is it a hole?

bigguy30 393 reads
5 / 29

He comes on here crying with his other boyfriends.
How this political area has gone down.
Why because you cannot have a political discussion without name calling.
Then he keeps trying to make points with name calling like the rest of us do?

So we call that a fraud where I come from and this is why Galadyboy is a clown.
It's been a rough couple of days for the GOP supporters on here.
Just stop crying like bitches and act like men!

Posted By: GaGambler
See, this is why I usually choose NOT to respond to you. Matt bashed Christians, I am hardly a Christian, but in fairness Christians are not the only morons in the world that buy into stupid "end of the world" bullshit. I am not defending anybody  
 As usual you try to twist my position and you have no problems at all stooping to outright lies in your attempts to bolster an argument, some times I can deal with that kind of crap, most of the time you simply are not worth the effort. No wonder you and fatgirl are such good buddies now, birds of a feather

bigguy30 387 reads
6 / 29

You might want to look at your own sentence structure and writing.  
So normally I could care less but since you want to be apart of the bitch pack.
Then I will call you out too.
It's crazy how all of you so called men want to kiss Galadyboy ass.
I can't figure out how you wrote that paragraph talking shit. Lol

Posted By: Bill_Brasky
FG can hardly put one word in front of another.  Laffy can at least do that reasonably well.  Even if he's lying about you (maybe yes, maybe no) he's at least coherent about it.  And, no, I really can't figure out why he even bothers to converse with FG, who is right up there with newgirl and other mouth-breathing righties on the Island of Stupid.  What a crew.  
 The sad thing is, they are no stupider than most of what passes for political discourse in the country as a whole.  Or is it a hole?

-- Modified on 10/9/2015 2:54:29 PM

bigguy30 417 reads
7 / 29

So this is what the new bitch pack does on here.
They cry about name calling and do it themselves.
The funny part is they don't act like real men or never saw me.
If they did that FG shit would make them look real stupid.Lol

Posted By: Laffy
Or "Hadji" or all his other insults.....while he's demanding everyone else be civil.

Bill_Brasky 342 reads
9 / 29

Just an idiot.  If you can't see that, you are not the great intellect I had taken you for.  That dude doesn't have the brains of a hamster.

bigguy30 402 reads
10 / 29

So not only are they clueless but a weak bunch of so call men.
I guess when it comes down to it.
The bitch pack or GOP supporters are trying anything to hide their embrassment from this week. Lol

Posted By: Bill_Brasky
-- Modified on 10/9/2015 6:42:05 PM

bigguy30 356 reads
11 / 29

I love it when a person talks about how much smarter they are than someone else.

Why because if they have to talk about it.
Well let's just say it's a lie and they have to make something up to sound good.

Also just look at the way he writes his comments.
We all make mistakes but come on clueless Bill.

The fact he does not even know who I am or what I do for a living is even more funny.

So thanks for the laughs clueless Bill.
You are doing a great job making a ass out of yourself and proving your stupidity. Lol
Posted By: Bill_Brasky
Just an idiot.  If you can't see that, you are not the great intellect I had taken you for.  That dude doesn't have the brains of a hamster.
-- Modified on 10/10/2015 11:07:03 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 389 reads
12 / 29

Posted By: bigguy30
So this is what the new bitch pack does on here.  
 They cry about name calling and do it themselves.  
 The funny part is they don't act like real men or never saw me.  
 If they did that FG shit would make them look real stupid.Lol  
Posted By: Laffy
Or "Hadji" or all his other insults.....while he's demanding everyone else be civil.
This from the guy who invented "DoctorBozo", attempting to validate the guy who was bitchslapped and shut down for a month due to incessantly violating TER posting protocols and policy regarding personal attacks. I'm no angel in this regard, but I do believe I offer something more than merely a perpetual posting of vacuous and vapid verbiage.

The sheer volume of social ignorance displayed by the both of you is exceeded only by your Hubris in calling out others for the very infractions you commit with routine abandon.

"Real men" indeed.

Bill_Brasky 375 reads
13 / 29

And as we all know, stupid people don't know they are stupid.  You are a classic example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.  Read on.  If you can.

bigguy30 367 reads
14 / 29

I can see why you joined the bitch pack on here. Lol

Posted By: Bill_Brasky
And as we all know, stupid people don't know they are stupid.  You are a classic example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.  Read on.  If you can.  

mattradd 40 Reviews 334 reads
15 / 29

I was bashing some Christians, not all. I mentioned bible-thumpers, however, I should have been more specific. Who I'm bashing are Christians who ignore a very clear warning not to try and predict his return (Mark 13:32), but twist themselves in knots doing so anyway. Often these Christian are called backdoor Christians, because they become so due to being introduced to the last book of the Bible, Revelations, and the fear of the end times. Often these Christian, ironically, focus on the book of Revelations, and the Old Testament, while pretty much ignoring the New Testament, and the red letter passages; those believed spoken by Jesus.

-- Modified on 10/10/2015 12:14:14 PM

GaGambler 338 reads
16 / 29

Or with even the combined brainpower of these two, I suppose "pigeon checkers" is more apropos. I really can't imagine either of them getting anywhere near a chess board.

mattradd 40 Reviews 359 reads
17 / 29

Not not my experience or understanding.

GaGambler 340 reads
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but I don't think I believe many of these surveys that claim to "prove" such a large percentage of Christians really believe some of the really dumb shit in the Bible, like literally believing the world is only a few thousand years old. We all know how polls can be manipulated, and these polls IMO are highly questionable. I live in the Bible Belt and have so for decades, by necessity I deal and interact with a lot of Christians and these polls contradict my personal experience with Christians by such a huge margin that I have to believe they are concocted.

Keep in mind, I am still one of the biggest "Thumper bashers" on this board and this is by no means a softening of that position. It's just that some of these polls just don't add up to me.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 351 reads
19 / 29

You need to go back and read some of my early arguments with GaGambler, when we were on opposite sides of virtually EVERY topic.  

What you see as BFF's sitting in each others laps, is really the mutual respect that comes from more than a dozen years of civilized dialog within a sea of sordid sewage. You'd find, if you bothered to look at the facts instead of making stuff up as suits your narrative, that I have managed to engage in civilized dialog with many of the right wingers who have been here for years... most prominently GaGambler and ed2000 both of whom I consider colleagues. When men of good conscience disagree, therein lies the root of discussion towards a greater resolution.

As opposed to your ouevre of rinse and repeat ridicule.

As for never having been bitch slapped... who do you think it was got you thrown into the penalty box in the first place, Laffy? Your vile comments and numerous personal attacks against contrivutors on this board over a prolonged period of time were evidence enough; all I had to do was point it out to the Powers That Be and quote the specific TER Guidelines you have violated again and again and again. I did not see the need to "crow" about it here or anywhere else (until now). The elevated dialog during your absence was enough of a "win" for me.  Nobody ever asked "Wheres Laffy?", not even your cohort bigguy30.  

Now how about you grow up, before you burst an artery or get yourself permanently banned. Or both.
Posted By: Laffy
Your BFF GaG throws out more insults than almost anyone and I've never seen him banned.  The longest he's ever been gone from the boards that I've seen is a couple of days....and that was because he was on an admitted bender.  
 And I've SURELY never seen you blast him for his constant insults.  In fact, you join him.  
 And yet, he cries and cries and cries and cries about "no civil discussion" and instead of calling him a hypocrite, you jump on his lap and agree with him.  
 And you and your BFF have never ONCE "bitch-slapped" me over ANYTHING.  Instead of refuting anything I ever say, all you guys do is throw out insults and claim you "won."  
 Just like Trump.

-- Modified on 10/10/2015 1:49:35 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 396 reads
20 / 29

I'm not certain what you mean by that. Do you mean Republicans? If so, there's probably just as many Democrats who are Christians as Republicans, though I'd venture to say, based on my exposure to various groups of Christians, which is significant, most White Fundamentalist Christians; Baptist, Wesleyan, Pentecostal, would be Republican, while many of those of color would be Democrats. So called liberals would come more from main line denominations such as Episcopal, Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, etc. It would be a mistake to conflate bible-thumpers, who are typically Fundamentalist, with all other Christians. It would be like saying all Muslims are Jihadist, or radical Muslims. And, it would be a mistake to conflate being a Christian with being a Republican. If you want a flavor of the type of Christianity that gives import to helping the poor, try Jim Wallace. He's more a reflection of the more liberal view in theology and church. Just because the Republican party wants to drape themselves in the flag of our Country and the church, doesn't mean they truly represent either. Yet, it seems you, in the later case, are taking them seriously.  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 368 reads
22 / 29

Thanks for the correction and explanation. It's good to learn at least one new thing everyday!  ;)

Bill_Brasky 335 reads
25 / 29

You are an embarrassment to your fellow lefties.  You give us a bad name with your stupidity.

followme 340 reads
26 / 29

laffy is a closet thumper.

Thank you
2016 = 28

followme 346 reads
27 / 29

The Democrats. As many times as obama has said God Bless America, And has said he prays for the victims of this or that disaster or tragedy, and yes obama has quoted the bible on several occasions. therefore laffy could only be talking about the democrats.

BTW did you know laffy and a few of his lefty buddies here are closet Thumpers?

followme 314 reads
28 / 29

Who says I never agree with a democrat.

Bill you have bipartisan support on that.

Thank you
2016 = 28

mattradd 40 Reviews 233 reads
29 / 29
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