Politics and Religion

Re: And you and your BFF have never ONCE
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 351 reads

You need to go back and read some of my early arguments with GaGambler, when we were on opposite sides of virtually EVERY topic.  

What you see as BFF's sitting in each others laps, is really the mutual respect that comes from more than a dozen years of civilized dialog within a sea of sordid sewage. You'd find, if you bothered to look at the facts instead of making stuff up as suits your narrative, that I have managed to engage in civilized dialog with many of the right wingers who have been here for years... most prominently GaGambler and ed2000 both of whom I consider colleagues. When men of good conscience disagree, therein lies the root of discussion towards a greater resolution.

As opposed to your ouevre of rinse and repeat ridicule.

As for never having been bitch slapped... who do you think it was got you thrown into the penalty box in the first place, Laffy? Your vile comments and numerous personal attacks against contrivutors on this board over a prolonged period of time were evidence enough; all I had to do was point it out to the Powers That Be and quote the specific TER Guidelines you have violated again and again and again. I did not see the need to "crow" about it here or anywhere else (until now). The elevated dialog during your absence was enough of a "win" for me.  Nobody ever asked "Wheres Laffy?", not even your cohort bigguy30.  

Now how about you grow up, before you burst an artery or get yourself permanently banned. Or both.
Posted By: Laffy
Your BFF GaG throws out more insults than almost anyone and I've never seen him banned.  The longest he's ever been gone from the boards that I've seen is a couple of days....and that was because he was on an admitted bender.  
 And I've SURELY never seen you blast him for his constant insults.  In fact, you join him.  
 And yet, he cries and cries and cries and cries about "no civil discussion" and instead of calling him a hypocrite, you jump on his lap and agree with him.  
 And you and your BFF have never ONCE "bitch-slapped" me over ANYTHING.  Instead of refuting anything I ever say, all you guys do is throw out insults and claim you "won."  
 Just like Trump.

-- Modified on 10/10/2015 1:49:35 PM

It's amazing so many bible-thumpers fall for this when they can read that Jesus said no one will know when it will happen. They ignore what is clearly said on the matter, while going though elaborate machinations predicting the end times.  ;)

I suspect it's much like the Republican's raising money on so called scandals of Democrats. Just another way to make money. Or, perhaps an extreme case of self-righteousness, thinking that they will be spared, while all others perish.   ;)

GaGambler419 reads

I can't find the date, and I am not talking about the prediction for this last May, but I remember back in the late 80's, supposedly smart people were leaving California by the droves because supposedly Nostradamus had predicted that California was going to fall into the ocean due to a mega earthquake.

The "end of the world" has been predicted so many times it should merit no more attention than the 675th dick size thread on TER.

Christianity is based on stupidity and stupid, gullible people, but it hardly has a monopoly on either stupidity or gullibility.

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