Politics and Religion

Here's one for you, Wu, Prez of the TER Trump Fan Club.
JakeFromStateFarm 393 reads

-- Modified on 12/15/2016 2:21:02 PM

...to the Dept. of Energy asking them to "name names" of employees who had worked on anything concerning climate change.  The Dept. of Energy refused and the White House defended their decision.

Trump turned tail and ran away like the little draft-dodging bitch that he is by issuing a mealy-mouthed statement that naturally blames a flunky, like he's done several times before:  "The questionnaire was not authorized or part of our standard protocol. The person who sent it has been properly counseled."  "Counseled?"  Is that another way of saying "waterboarded?"

"Standard protocol?"  What standard protocol?  Trump has no standard protocol.  If anything for Trump could be considered standard protocol, it's the Joe McCarthy-like tactics he used in this matter.

Don't look for Trump to put "The Buck Stops Here" on his desk in the Oval Office.

-- Modified on 12/14/2016 6:20:34 PM

Why do you refer to it as "'climate change?" Did "global warming" not resonate for some reason?

To the victor go the spoils so suck it. I have to go now. I need to put another log on the fire as all this global warming in the country is making us freeze to death. Does the regime in Cali let that info across the border?

followme240 reads

stuff like that as if it were significant.

Now go nighty night and maybe you will have a wet dream about hillwhorie.

You're Welcome
In Fatso BrokeBackStabbers We Distrust

86H13LTP372 reads

and Trump comb-over instead of the one you're trying to pass off now

JakeFromStateFarm503 reads

Courtesy of our most pedantic, pompous blowhard. Pot=Kettle=Black conversion now complete.
Now stand by for his ardent defense:
"It's not the same!!!! WAAaaaaaaahhhhh

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Courtesy of our most pedantic, pompous blowhard. Pot=Kettle=Black conversion now complete.  
 Now stand by for his ardent defense:  
 "It's not the same!!!! WAAaaaaaaahhhhh!  

GaGambler298 reads

LTM already has the trademark on "hypocrisy meter" if Jake had rolled his eyes too, we might not be able to tell which one of them were which. lmao

Real easy to tell the difference.

Jake likes attending meet n greets and posts annoying yet funny gifs.
Laffy just beats his meat and makes annoying yet unfunny posts.

Sometimes, its just too easy ;

JakeFromStateFarm351 reads

I got a million of 'em

...must have had another ECT treatment on the funny farm which fried the few remaining brain cells he had left.

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