Politics and Religion

He just too much of a coward and needs an excuse to justify himself
Blowing Chunks 3395 reads
1 / 39

NIH study shows no discernible effects for Praying.  

Praying does helps alcoholics drink less tho.  This doesn't mean praying 'works' though, because the drunks didn't ask for it. I'd rather be an alcoholic than a praying-holic. Fortunately, I'm neither.  

(science 2:  religion: 0)

Why bother praying in the first place when you know the outcome is about the same as shaking the 8 ball or opening a fortune cookie

Pimpathy 989 reads
2 / 39

That's no reason for a person to be ungrateful.

I've always talked to myself, ever since I discovered the ability to slow down my mind. I've been able to listen, and even reason with myself too

GaGambler 1275 reads
3 / 39

I mean honestly, hope much study does it take to prove that simply wishing for something to happen isn't going to have the slightest impact? They call it prayer, I call it wishful thinking.

religion still gets a big fat zero, but science should lose a point for even wasting it's time disproving "the power of prayer"

(science 1   religion 0) and I further score Drunken asian a negative three for wasting time trying to prove that simply "wishing for shit" is ineffective.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1116 reads
4 / 39

but can bring acceptance, peace and serenity to the one quieting the mind and letting go of attachment.  

The Serenity prayer that works for alcoholics and addicts  

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference

GaGambler 1070 reads
5 / 39

GaGambler, please remember to have the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference

I mean honestly is there really that much difference from looking within oneself for the power to improve your life, rather that asking an invisible man in the sky to do so for you? Except that one is rooted in personal growth, not to mention reality, while the other is asking for some "God" to just "fix things for you"

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 787 reads
6 / 39

You would be calling on your higher self, to understand there are many ways for people (even yourself) for doing things.  Or calling on your higher self, to let go of things that no longer serve you or make you happy.

Peace of mind, you find it within yourself.  No man in the sky.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 825 reads
7 / 39

They simply plod through life never having to worry about interest rates, pending regulations, unemployment, healthcare insurance, Gestapo police tactics, arbitrary prohibitions and legal consequences on their favorite medications or recreational pursuits, being socially accepted, or being rich or poor.  

  One fleeting moment of terror before they meet their fate and it's over.
We humans spend our life hoping, wishing and worrying, and still must endure a final moment of terror anyway.  
Posted By: Madison_Ohare
but can bring acceptance, peace and serenity to the one quieting the mind and letting go of attachment.    
 The Serenity prayer that works for alcoholics and addicts  
 God grant me the serenity  
 to accept the things I cannot change  
 the courage to change the things I can  
 and the wisdom to know the difference  

GaGambler 875 reads
8 / 39

He's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear "dumb animal" Sorry.

but that's what most of the lefty crowd really seem to want in life, an existence just like what you are describing with the Government taking care of all their needs, making all their decisions, just like the dumb animals that they are. Personally I will take self determination and the freedom to do want I want with my life over the security of knowing my basic needs will be met every day of the week.

Blowing Chunks 886 reads
9 / 39

Unless he can split the earth in half,  perform miracles,  raise the dead...  Not just talking about it.  

So far this fictional character never walks the walk yet fooled so many people without showing a shred of evidence.  
All talk no action.  Let's see some miracles! Lol

RRO2610 51 Reviews 789 reads
10 / 39

Bush 41 was much more on target by calling your demographic "The Risk Takers" than his son calling them "The Job Creators" Many who "risk" and win on Wall Street employ little more than a home computer.  

We're a fucked up animal with a host of conflicting goals and ideologies. We wager monthly with insurance companies that we're going to die in the desire to provide for our loved ones if we do. Then we do everything in our power to keep on living and wagering as long as possible. The utopian dream of not needing ever worry about food, shelter, healthcare and clothing is the very deterrent/answer given for 'crime'. We bestow obscene wealth and celebrity on shallow, narcissistic persuits while inwardly chuckling about and nearly forgetting true humanitarians like Dr. Jonas Salk.

  In the words of humorist George Carlin. "If this is the work of a superior being; I'm not impressed"
Posted By: GaGambler
He's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear "dumb animal" Sorry.

but that's what most of the lefty crowd really seem to want in life, an existence just like what you are describing with the Government taking care of all their needs, making all their decisions, just like the dumb animals that they are. Personally I will take self determination and the freedom to do want I want with my life over the security of knowing my basic needs will be met every day of the week.

GaGambler 883 reads
11 / 39

I have been one of those guys sitting at home with a half a dozen computer screens playing the market, I have also been a job creator, by starting companies out of nothing and creating jobs along the way.

I will confess I feel a lot more sense of pride by actually making something besides money, I never took much pride in trading stocks for a living, but during the period of time that I did so oil was selling for well below twenty bucks a barrel, and quite frankly I couldn't make a living at it, so since no government official was offering me a handout to pay my rent, I had to learn a new skill set.

That's the difference between the risk takers and other elements of society, when things get tough and we fall down and skin our knee, we don't cry, make excuses and start looking for a handout. We get off our asses and figure out another way to succeed.

Blowing Chunks 827 reads
12 / 39

It's funny to watch him show up randomly and post something really clueless.

Timbow 1032 reads
13 / 39

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Unless he can split the earth in half,  perform miracles,  raise the dead...  Not just talking about it.    
 So far this fictional character never walks the walk yet fooled so many people without showing a shred of evidence.  
 All talk no action.  Let's see some miracles! Lol

Blowing Chunks 868 reads
14 / 39
GaGambler 746 reads
15 / 39

I wonder if you've ever heard about leopards and spots?

bull64 11 Reviews 650 reads
17 / 39

Please God let me have sex with this woman.

So far God is batting about .800

James_Connolly 788 reads
18 / 39

negative vibes only the commander tells his men marching into battle .  

Get real clown boy .  

4 blood moons , Passover and Sukkot '14 and '15, are almost here. Ya might be trying a bit of that positive meditation yourself .

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 900 reads
19 / 39

You need to go see a professional and get admitte

Blowing Chunks 830 reads
20 / 39

Maybe then you won't sound like a pre K still learning the language.  ;)

GaGambler 822 reads
23 / 39

but for the record, this is the P&R board, not the "R" board, you are free to talk about politics as well.

GaGambler 894 reads
24 / 39
OSP 26 Reviews 746 reads
25 / 39

.from the "regular" bloviates here. BV was/is a coherent and welcome addition to this place. Unlike those who think to impress others with their self-assumed superior wisdom

Pimpathy 702 reads
26 / 39

Remember your spycam incident?

Posted By: drunkenasian
DMVindy has told ClassyDC that I took pictures of a certain DMV girl and Classy DC decided to ban me as well. The only problem is, I have never ever taken any photos of anyone at any agency.  My hobby phone does not even have a fucking camera on it nor was I even interested in taking photos. I could take oath and swear that I haven't done anything like that.  

But who's ClassyDC going to believe? DMV or little old me?  

It was rather surprising that CDC would ignore the flawless experience with me and decide to believe the fictitious (completely false) story from DMV of me taking photos of one of DMV girls. I guess I'm more disappointed and stunned than anything because I put up with their 5-15 minute delays and back to back bookings, yet never complained publically.  

I decided not to use an alias here, cuz frankly, I have nothing to fucking hide and don't feel this is right on general principle for any hobbyist in the community.  

I walked out on a DMVgirl a while ago because I just couldn't go through with it. Mind you it was my FIRST TIME EVER walking out on anyone, it's not like I walk out on girls for fun.  

As a paying customer, I expect quality to at least SOMEWHAT meet my expectations. (And I tend to give good reviews when the girl exceeds my minimal expectations) A customer should not be penalized for not going through with a session when the quality is below what's advertised, let alone be retaliated against.  

And speaking of keeping customer information private, how's this any private: Spreading your personal information sharing it freely with  other agencies based on their own fucking flawed personal agenda. How unprofessional is that?  

Yes, I acknowledge that I could have handled the situation a bit better with DMV and try to keep the relationship with DMV... but my  explanations went conveniently ignored. In fact they decided to play dirty and spread FUCKING LIES about me.  How the fuck would I have the time to take photos of a DMV girl when I was only there for maybe 5 seconds and my hobby phone doesn't even have a FUCKING camera on it?

Maybe a general advice to new hobbyists would be, try not to walk out on this formidable DMVindy bully of an agency, suck it the fuck up, and go through with it even if she wasn't anywhere near the expectations you had built up from all the photoshopped glamoured up old pictures, because apparently some agencies do nasty stuff behind your back in order to take revenge... making up fucking fictitious stories telling people that you took photos of their girls when you never ever ever did such a thing.  

DMV if you're listening, shame on you for spreading lies about me and trying to get me banned from various agencies. Unfortunately, the smart ones know me well and already see through your fucking lies.  

We both know what the truth is, I walked out on one of your girls because I felt she did not accurately represent the photos. I explained my reason carefully and that it was my first time ever walking out on anyone. And also clearly stated that I wished things didn't turn out this way between us.  

But from the recent posts here, it looks like I'm not the only one who thought this way about your back-to-back booking agency.  

Please do not spread any more lies about me, I'm a peaceful reasonable gentlemen and don't wish to participate in this type of juvinile war. No one else other than ClassyDC is going to believe the lies anyway. Also, spreading lies about former customers is never going to be good for your business. Trust me on this.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must get some rest because in about 7 hours I will be meeting with a gorgious ATF indy lady... and will be having the time of my life.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2011 4:39:20 AM

Blowing Chunks 862 reads
27 / 39

Note he said "I will send a request to admin, to remove my account, on my terms."  
Yet he's back as Pimpathy.  lol


Nick get this through your head.
Posted 3/8/2014 at 2:09:59 AM
Send message
Reviews: 3
I'm not blaming the victim. I'm inquiring into how she became a victim in the first place. Perhaps some one else could learn from the victim. "if" the victim could have avoided being in that situation to start with.
That's not blaming the victim. That is learning from the victims prior behavior. People can make mistakes with unintended consequences, due to their decisions. I don't know how these girls got involved in the business? I believe knowing their situation could prevent other women from becoming victims. Shouldn't that be everyone's goal? That is being proactive.
Nick, you GaGambler, CPA, and Tobi, went off the deep end with your rapist/pimp sympathizer comments.  
... if the girls in this case were with a provider friendly agency, or were they independent who screened the probability of being raped, would have severely diminished. I can't believe any provider will disagree with that.
Posted By: inicky46
instead of the person who's exploiting her. I think you see the world through a warped lens.  
 So here's the bottom line.  Both you and Hound post some loopy shit.  Some I agree with and some I don't. But you've both asked, independently, if either of you should de-list yourselves and go away. I don't really have a vote here and don't want one.  
 But, if I did, guess who I'd vote "off the island."

I will send a request to admin, to remove my account, on my terms.

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 3:28:42 PM

OSP 26 Reviews 732 reads
28 / 39

Stop running with a "psuedo elite" herd

Everyone accepts a certain amount of risk within this endeavor. Most agencies abuse women bye an indy standard.

Blowing Chunks 689 reads
29 / 39

At least I don't hide behind a new TER handle.  
I stand up for myself so it was a justified drama.  

FYI that agency has since been busted for a long list of charges including abusing women holding a gun against them and other reckless behavior.  

 I'm still around using the same handle.  What about you new handle boy?  Got something to hide

Blowing Chunks 829 reads
30 / 39

I'm still here, they're long gone. Several providers backed me up too. I walked out on a bait and switch and the crazy sociopath  accuses me of stuff I didn't do. I spoke up to defend myself. That agency was a world class bait and switch with their heavy photo shop even black listing long time TER well known honest members when all they did was post an honest review.  Very shady abusive and questionable agency. I called them out on it.  

I guess that makes me a drama queen by Vern's standards? lol Vern has nothing better to say on this thread other than to bring up off topic old drama from like 2009 and make it sound like it's from 2014.  

All the while he's the one hiding behind a new TER handle in violation of TER rules. lmao  

sociopath much?

Pimpathy 773 reads
31 / 39

My previous locked account is still here, I wanted TER to remove everything associated to my previous account. The request to delete that account was not honored. Like I said in the linked thread, my previous handle was slandered. I'm not a big fan of rules, or frivolity.  

The posting guidelines coherently state: " That being said, personal attacks such as denigration of another person's character or value have no place in such discussions.  


I am an adult, I can deal with the name calling. Some of the other adults, appear that they can't handle opinion, nor debate. Unfortunately you Drunken Asian, can not respect the wishes of others(not myself) to not rehash this very thread you have linked

GaGambler 890 reads
32 / 39

I don't recall anyone ever slandering you, I do recall you being taken to the woodshed for some really, really stupid things you said, but I don't remember a single instance of slander.

Would you care to refresh my memory for me?

Blowing Chunks 806 reads
33 / 39

I can respect your wishes just fine as long as you stop posting my personal info and going ons on the boards (like you did the other day, clearly in violation of TER rules) and blaming the victim for causing drama (like you're doing today).  

You do realize by trying to accuse me (yet again) of something I didn't do many years ago, you're only confirming that you have sadistic tendencies and that you're a sociopathic victim-blamer? The same reputation you tried to run away from.

If you are so sure that you're an innocent man, why did you go through all that trouble of changing handles like a p**y and hiding from what you posted on the boards?  

Own it like a man. Don't be such a sissy. Or you can choose to go ahead and change your handle again, keep attacking me and take your cheap shots while hiding from some other handle. No shortage of cowards

James_Connolly 786 reads
34 / 39

Posted By: OSP
.from the "regular" bloviates here. BV was/is a coherent and welcome addition to this place. Unlike those who think to impress others with their self-assumed superior wisdom

Blowing Chunks 1244 reads
35 / 39

Never seen such a big coward who hides while taking cheap shots.
Continues to take low blows after changing his handle.  
Continues to accuse the victim that somehow it's the victim's fault for being the victim.

Considering that he can't even communicate clearly, I doubt he can say anything meaningful other than take cheap shots at people and conveniently change his handle when he needs to hide from the consequences of his own actions.  

The word sociopath comes to mind

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 767 reads
36 / 39

Studies have shown that prayer doesn't work, and for obvious reasons. There is no Magic Man in the sky.  

But prayer can make people feel better, although it is a poor substitute for meditation. Meditation is far more effective, and if done correctly is pretty fucking trippy.  

As a former Buddhist, I can tell ya that meditation is a learned skill that actually requires practice. When I was younger, I always thought that meditation meant trying your damnedest not to think about anything at all. I quickly found that that shit was impossible.  

A better technique is to use what's called "mindful" meditation. While I'm not going to talk shit about yoga, I find that this works best if you just get yourself so that you're completely comfortable, instead of sitting Indian style or in some other funny weird position.  

Then you close your eyes, and just focus on what you're hearing. The sound of your breathing. The hum of a electrical appliance. Cars driving by outside. Birds chirping. Notice all these sounds, their quality, their volume, and every aspect about them. Don't think of your body as a part of what encompasses you as an individual. Just think about your consciousness, independent of everything around you, just listening to sounds, with your eyes closed.  

Do this for 5 minutes, and you'll find that this is a great stress reliever. Do this for 15 minutes and you'll notice some strange things begin to happen. Do it for 30 minutes, and trippy fucking shit begins to happen

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 965 reads
37 / 39
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 620 reads
38 / 39

Your opinions mean nothing. You think you are this no god, prove it to me genius. Worthless post one after another.

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