Politics and Religion

Grrrrrr. You should know...
dncphilsdog 930 reads

...I've seen you lick your own ass, just like the rest of us doggies!  If your balls hadn't been surgically removed we could watch you lick them, too!  Arf!

-- Modified on 2/27/2011 2:23:16 PM

Thanks to Scott Walker, the American Labor Movement has been galvanized to it's greatest degree since perhaps the Great Depression.

And it looks like some of the fall out from that is already beginning to become clear. In a Dick Morris poll (as in the Fox News contributor) 54% of the country oppose what Scott Walker is doing.

But what's more surprising, is that this effort in Wisconsin has already resulted in union growth. While some of the faculty at the University of Wisconsin campuses have been unionized, some are not. One of the campuses that are not is the campaus at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, that is, until today, when the faculty voted to join the American Federation of Teachers. In a vote of 87% turnout, the faculty voted 249-37 to join the union.

you can be sure the real number is much higher.  Morris is a paid Fox lackey with no credibility.  Amusingly, he's also a kindred soul for us mongers.  In 1996 Morris was exposed for his relationship with DC-area escort Sherry Rowlands and forced to resign his post in the Clinton White House.  But for conservatives on this board no doubt he's a hero -- the Daily Double, as it were: a monger, plus a staunch conservative.  LOL!
PS:  Now here's another Daily Double, for ironic hypocrisy: someone forced to resign from the Clinton administration for whore-mongering!
PPS:  Sherry told the press Dick liked to suck her toes.

-- Modified on 2/26/2011 7:48:23 AM

I have seen in a while. What could Walker gain long term by not bargaining with with the union?

But, it works best if you do it to an individual or a small group within the whole population, who has little power. He obviously thought, as many, that unions were weak and dying, and he could take a big bite out of them without any negative consequences. Seems like he was wrong.

easier to bust unions when economic times are good.

-- Modified on 2/26/2011 1:33:16 PM

dncphilsdog931 reads

...I've seen you lick your own ass, just like the rest of us doggies!  If your balls hadn't been surgically removed we could watch you lick them, too!  Arf!

-- Modified on 2/27/2011 2:23:16 PM

dncphilsdog1528 reads

Reduced to Maoist insults!  I had no idea you were a Communist sympathizer!  I must now call in Kim Jon Il's pet to deal with you!  Commie pink flamingo dog!  I am running away from home! (or is it homo?) Yelp!  Talk about fucking the dog!!!!!  Yap!

Posted By: dncphilsdog
Reduced to Maoist insults!  I had no idea you were a Communist sympathizer!  I must now call in Kim Jon Il's pet to deal with you!  Commie pink flamingo dog!  I am running away from home! (or is it homo?) Yelp!  Talk about fucking the dog!!!!!  Yap!

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