Politics and Religion

Gov figures
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 20 reads

I've posted this before, but according to government figures, wage rates started exceeding inflation about a year ago.  However as can be seen in the graph, the losses in the red area are not yet made up for the gains in the green area.  The average wage earner is still negative.  If present trends continue wage earners might break even in about a year.  That means that wages averaged over the previous four years have been stagnant.  Essentially a lost half decade.
As I point out, this is wholesale robbery by the government through deficit spending.  They've robbed the poorest workers of four years of market growth.  And passed that money around to favored voting groups.  Buying votes at the taxpayer expense.  

Has anyone here gotten a significant pay increase in the last say… year?

I've posted this before, but according to government figures, wage rates started exceeding inflation about a year ago.  However as can be seen in the graph, the losses in the red area are not yet made up for the gains in the green area.  The average wage earner is still negative.  If present trends continue wage earners might break even in about a year.  That means that wages averaged over the previous four years have been stagnant.  Essentially a lost half decade.
As I point out, this is wholesale robbery by the government through deficit spending.  They've robbed the poorest workers of four years of market growth.  And passed that money around to favored voting groups.  Buying votes at the taxpayer expense.  

Has anyone here had a significant pay increase in the last year?

I haven’t, no one I know has. Several have had to taken on a second job. Hell on friend has taken to donating plasma twice a week.

He's really a Loooooser. No wonder he's so angry all the time. Can you believe he's got a buddy who sells his plasma? It's probably my Personal Piñata.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Sucks to be a wage slave, doesn’t it?
What sucks Jabba is to be old and so fat that you neeeeed a mirror to see your dick. Seriously 😐 that’s what sucks.

Keep your nose to the grindstone, buddy.  You'll probably have to work until you're 75.  And if Trump become president again, you probably won't have Social Security or Medicare.

And you're so bereft of any intelligence that you sound like a child when you reply to my post with an ad hominem attack:
"Oh yeah, well you're fat and old!"

My good friend CDL described posts like yours thusly:
"...all you have...is a personal attack.  You have no comeback, so all you can do is name-call.  How pathetic.
Thanks, CDL.  You described LostSon perfectly..."pathetic."

seized on by the Libs.  Yes, MANY Americans have gotten a small pay raise in the last year, but NOT enough to offset the erosive effects of Biden's inflation.  The two indicators that prove this are that personal savings are way down and credit card debt is way up.  People are using their CC's to pay for necessities of life AFTER depleting their Savings Accounts over the past few years because their wages have NOT kept up with Biden's inflation.  

-- Modified on 2/12/2024 1:35:59 PM

have gone up 12% in the last year.  The price I pay for gasoline touched briefly at $4.99 a few months ago, but now is back to $5.39 and rising.  

If anything, gas should be higher where I bought it.  Either you're lying or you haven't downloaded the Gas Buddy app.  Oh, that's right, you don't know jack shit about apps; you're still using AOL.  LOL!

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: I paid $4.39 yesterday just outside Beverly Hills...
If anything, gas should be higher where I bought it.  Either you're lying or you haven't downloaded the Gas Buddy app.  Oh, that's right, you don't know jack shit about apps; you're still using AOL.  LOL!
And what did you pay under Trump?

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