Politics and Religion

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 30 reads

A vulture has more empathy than this soulless living piece of shit..

JakeFromStateFarm2859 reads

I bet that really made her feel better.  Maybe he should stop calling them. Oh, but he added that it's still hard, so that's OK. What an enpathy-less pig.

That is lot of sympathy for a man who served the country, his plane was shot down, survived and spent five and half years in enemy camp!

The guy who said it was busy screwing contractors, grabbing pussies and filing bankruptcies!

So what makes McCain a hero? First he got shot down.....makes him a bad pilot and then he got captured....not very good at evasion.  

How is that a hero? Right now he is nothing but a butt hurt little whiney crybaby bitch who refuses to do anything for the people of Arizona who are forced to pay almost triple the price of health insurance and all because their congressman can't get the sand out of his vagina and do what is right for the people who elected him.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: "I don't like him because he was captured"
That is lot of sympathy for a man who served the country, his plane was shot down, survived and spent five and half years in enemy camp!  
 The guy who said it was busy screwing contractors, grabbing pussies and filing bankruptcies!

But getting shot down isn't one of them.  He was not shot down by another, better pilot.  He was shot down by a guided missile.  Lots of guys were and no one called them bad pilots for it.
As for the rest, I've had my issues with McCain, too, but your description of him better fits Trump, who's always whining he's being treated "so unfairly."  Now THAT's a whiner.

There is no doubt, no argument that McCain is a Hero.

Bad pilot????? Not good at evasion???????

Read this (form Wikipedia) twice then admit you made an asshole statement.

Then read it again and apologize, and admit he is a hero.

McCain's capture and subsequent imprisonment occurred on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over Hanoi in North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile.[34][35] McCain fractured both arms and a leg when he ejected from the aircraft,[36] and nearly drowned after he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake.[34] Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him.[34] McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".[35]
Although McCain was seriously wounded and injured, his captors refused to treat him. They beat and interrogated him to get information, and he was given medical care only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a high-ranking admiral.[37] His status as a prisoner of war (POW) made the front pages of major newspapers.[38][39]
McCain spent six weeks in the hospital, where he received marginal care.[34] He had lost 50 pounds (23 kg), was in a chest cast, and his gray hair had turned as white as snow.[34] McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi.[40] In December 1967, McCain was placed in a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live more than a week.[41] In March 1968, McCain was placed into solitary confinement, where he would remain for two years.[42]
In mid-1968, his father John S. McCain Jr. was named commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater, and the North Vietnamese offered McCain early release[43]because they wanted to appear merciful for propaganda purposes,[44] and also to show other POWs that elite prisoners were willing to be treated preferentially.[43]McCain refused repatriation unless every man taken in before him was also released. Such early release was prohibited by the POWs' interpretation of the military Code of Conductwhich states in Article III: “I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy”.[45] To prevent the enemy from using prisoners for propaganda, officers were to agree to be released in the order in which they were captured.[34]
Beginning in August 1968, McCain was subjected to a program of severe torture.[46] He was bound and beaten every two hours; this punishment occurred at the same time that he was suffering from dysentery.[34][46] Further injuries led McCain to attempt suicide, which was stopped by guards.[34] Eventually, McCain made an anti-U.S. propaganda "confession".[34] He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[47][48]Many U.S. POWs were tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements;[49] virtually all of them eventually yielded something to their captors.[50]McCain received two to three beatings weekly because of his continued refusal to sign additional statements.[51]
McCain refused to meet various anti-war groups seeking peace in Hanoi, wanting to give neither them nor the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory.[52] From late 1969, treatment of McCain and many of the other POWs became more tolerable,[53] while McCain continued actively to resist the camp authorities.[54] McCain and other prisoners cheered the U.S. "Christmas Bombing" campaign of December 1972, viewing it as a forceful measure to push North Vietnam to terms.[48][55]
McCain was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five and a half years until his release on March 14, 1973.[56] His wartime injuries left him permanently incapable of raising his arms above his head.[57]

...Of course yer pal SoulSurvivor would just label this FAKE NEWS, so thankx fm for calling out the asshole.

Have you ever had to take off and land a plane on a carrier deck? Have you ever had to do so, knowing at anytime you could have a missile crawling up your ass? Doing all those plus much more makes, in support of our troops on the ground, make McCain a true war hero.

The fact that you even ask that question shows your total disregard for what our men and women go through to protect our country. I don't know if you do so just because you are totally clueless, or you're a total trumpet political hack. Like with him, nothing is sacred.

A vulture has more empathy than this soulless living piece of shit..

While on the surface the remarks made public by the Democratic Congresswoman show Trump to be insensitive, I, for one, would like to hear everything that was said during the call (if we are to be told any of it).

further to my post above, it was apparently a five minute call, yet the Congresswoman calls the one statement her account of the call.  "I stand my account of the call with @realDonaldTrump and was not the only one who heard and was dismayed by his insensitive remarks."  So there was a lot more said, which might provide some context.

bigguy3024 reads

You are going to post a response like this DUANE???
Just stop the bullshit already, defending this asshole!

Isn't that what you are doing technically? Of course you don't believe Trump and look....the 3 who are bashing him are black....surprise surprise surprise who you'd believe.

Congrats...go get your BLM membership card and get it punch to get your free small grape slushee.

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: So after all of the lies that comes from the scum in chief.
You are going to post a response like this DUANE???  
 Just stop the bullshit already, defending this asshole!

bigguy3015 reads

It's amazing you keep trying to change the subject and failing with each attempt.
We already know Trump is a racist and so are you as his cult supporter.
Also you and Trump are very insecure too.
You have nothing else to prove clown!

Seriously.....the biggest racist on her is you littleguy......all you do is scream racist racist racist followed by some juvenile cut and paste cartoon followed by LOL.  

It's no wonder you had to change you primary screen name.

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Solestupid posted another dumbass response.
It's amazing you keep trying to change the subject and failing with each attempt.  
 We already know Trump is a racist and so are you as his cult supporter.  
 Also you and Trump are very insecure too.  
 You have nothing else to prove clown!

bigguy3070 reads

You keep calling me racist for pointing out, your own race baiting on this site.
Well we all know you are a fraud and the link proves that too.

So I don't have to lie like you on here or run looking for help.
This is why you are a fraud.

-- Modified on 10/20/2017 12:43:20 AM

...Please forgive SoleStupid he does not even understand what racist comments he makes, why would any clear thinking individual choose to believe what Donald Thump (a proven habitual liar) says over a grieving gold star widow & a Florida state representative ? The only reason our racist SS mentions is the widow & the state rep. are black, how is that not a RACIST statement ?

Agree....although Trump can make some off the wall comments I really can't say I believe a Congress Woman from Florida who spend more money on plastic cowboy hats and sunglasses.

Honestly this goofy bitch is nothing more than a cheap knockoff of Maxine "Aunt Ester" Waters and just as ugly as Al Green

Posted By: DUANE
Re: Empathy
While on the surface the remarks made public by the Democratic Congresswoman show Trump to be insensitive, I, for one, would like to hear everything that was said during the call (if we are to be told any of it).

Sooner or later, his handlers are not going to let him saying anything that's not read off from a teleprompter or note card!

bigguy3014 reads

It's amazing for every lie that comes out of Trump's mouth.
They always have proof to exposed, the scum in chief.

This picture of former President Obama, is how a real President acts!

So when Hillary and the rest of Obama's clan are indicted will they also be SCUM?

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Well Former WH photographer Pete Souza posts photo of 44
It's amazing for every lie that comes out of Trump's mouth.  
 They always have proof to exposed, the scum in chief.  
 This picture of former President Obama, is how a real President acts!

now lil Jake should feel a little silly today as General Kelly said Trump made basically the same call that he (Kelly) got from a General when his son was killed.

Self proclaimed proud slow readers saddled with their turtle mind, find enormous difficulty getting past the preamble, oblivious to context they miss.


Posted By: DUANE
Re: the Call
now lil Jake should feel a little silly today as General Kelly said Trump made basically the same call that he (Kelly) got from a General when his son was killed.

You dolt, did you actually read DUANE's wrong-headed post.  He got it totally wrong and you look like a fool (as always) agreeing with him.

We are talking about when a PRESIDENT calls the family of deceased soldier, not a General. It is protocol (as Kelly himself explained today) for the commanders of a KIA soldier to make the call.  And you failed to mention that the General who called Kelly was a fellow Marine who had served with him in combat.
This is a careless fail for you, LilDUANE

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