Politics and Religion

Easy. If ever there was an “excessive fine” in violationteeth_smile
marikod 1 Reviews 31 reads

of the Eighth and/or Fourteenth Amendment and the New York constitution, this is it. Really, both the underlying judgment and the bonding requirements are totally out of proportion to the underlying “crime” – cooking the books to inflate values with a disgorgement of profits remedy as opposed to damages. And no less a luminary than Justice Ginsburg has said that excessive fines can chill the free speech of political enemies – sound familiar ? That the AG ran on “getting Trump” certainly does not help.

           Normally, however, you have to raise constitutional issues at every step of the proceeding and it is unclear to me if Trump’s crack lawyers raised Eighth/Fourteenth Amendment and what ever the NY version is before the trial judge. I thought there would be post trial motions to reduce the judgment amount on this ground but apparently that did not happen.  

               Look for a new federal lawsuit seeking to enjoin the state lawsuit if the state appeals court plays hardball and really he should do that anyway. Trump probably will suffer irreparable harm if forced to sell properties at a fire sale to meet the bond. If Trump can get by the anti- injunction act, he at least can delay things using the federal court, although again, with staggering daily interest, delay is not his friend.  

You gotta love Trump though- he provides full employment for lawyers.

Self-proclaimed multi-billionaire Trump has filed papers with the NY courts admitting that he is unable to come up with the $450M bond needed to pursue an appeal. He is asking for more time to try to come up with the money. (And Junior is posting ads asking MAGAs to donate $5, $25, $100 ... to his Dad. 450 million / 100 = 4.5 million $100 donations. That could take a while!)  
Here is my suggestion:  
The NY appeals court will agree to delay collection of the $450M in exchange for Trump's agreement to drop his motions and stop his antics and thus STOP the delay of the Mar-A-Lago (stolen docs case) and DC (Jan 6 case) trials.  
If the Mar-a-Lago trial begins on, e.g., May 1, Trump gets a 3 month delay on the NY collection.
... June 1 gets a 2 month delay.
... July 1 gets a 1 month delay.
... Aug 1 or later gets no delay of the collection.
If the DC trial begins on, e.g., Aug 1, Trump gets another 3 month delay on the NY collection.
... Sep 1 gets a 2 month delay.
... Oct 1 gets a 1 month delay.
... Nov 1 or later gets NO DELAY of the collection.
Money (or the appearance of having tremendous wealth) is the most important thing to Trump. The above offer gives Trump ~6 months or more to sell off properties to raise the $450 M.
Your thoughts if any?

You’re asking a state judge to take control over federal court calendars that are outside his jurisdiction.

I know you’re upset these trials aren’t likely to be complete before the election, but crazy ideas aren’t going to help.

followme33 reads

name of your show on Comedy Central ?

ChicKie is almost always wrong but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.. Also don’t forget that in addition to the $450 million , Trump has already pledged a bond of nearly $100 million in the E. Jean Carroll case.

Golly gee! I'm just trying to be HELPFUL to Trump by coming up with new, novel, imaginative, "Art of the Deal" negotiating points. Yes, I know that NYS, NYC, and US DoJ are all different jurisdictions. But Trump (a) wants to keep his money, however much or however little it is (b) wants everyone to know that he is innocent of the Espionage Act / Documents Retention / Obstruction charges in FL (c) wants everyone to know that he is innocent of the charges related to Jan 6 in the DC case ... and my suggestion just helps to move everything along at a faster rate.
Trump was going to release a ~120 page report proving his innocence:
Trump Cancels Release of 'Irrefutable Report' of His Innocence
(August 2023) [Mostly related to voter fraud and the GA RICO case] but his lawyers told to withhold that report and ***wait for the trial to present his evidence.*** Well, let's get to trial and see the evidence!!  
By getting the trials going, in particular Documents / FL and Jan 6 / DC, Trump will finally be able to present his cases before the ***court*** rather than before the (man, woman, person, camera, TV) TV cameras.  All that NYS has to do is come up with an agreement to allow Trump more time to raise the $450M bond to secure his appeal CONTINGENT on the progress on the other trials going forward. It's a win (NYS) - win (FL) - win (DC) for Trump!  
I think Trump's deadline to post the $450M bond is March 25th at 5 pm. Without a deal (such as I propose; there can be other ideas put forth), I'm pretty sure that the NY AG will file the necessary papers to seize Trump's properties on the evening of Mar 25th or first thing on the morning of Mar 26th. I wonder which properties she will start with? Trump Tower? 40 Wall St.? Mar-a-Lago?  
Some Republican talking heads are calling for Republican billionaires to come to Trump's rescue and lend Trump the money ... which means GIVE him the money without security and kiss it goodbye. Some might be wondering why JaVanka might not be coming to Daddy Trump's rescue. One big problem-o is that the cash in Jared's ~$4 billion investment fund is ~50% from Saudi Arabia and 49% from other Arabian peninsula states (Qatar, etc.). Less than 1% is from US investors. Trump would then be beholden to those foreign investor - lenders and that would make him a (greater) security threat to the US.  
Come on! Get creative! Help Trump out of his predicament! Let's hear YOUR ideas!

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Sorry, imp, but the NY court has no power re the other suits.
ChicKie is almost always wrong but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.. Also don’t forget that in addition to the $450 million , Trump has already pledged a bond of nearly $100 million in the E. Jean Carroll case.

of the Eighth and/or Fourteenth Amendment and the New York constitution, this is it. Really, both the underlying judgment and the bonding requirements are totally out of proportion to the underlying “crime” – cooking the books to inflate values with a disgorgement of profits remedy as opposed to damages. And no less a luminary than Justice Ginsburg has said that excessive fines can chill the free speech of political enemies – sound familiar ? That the AG ran on “getting Trump” certainly does not help.

           Normally, however, you have to raise constitutional issues at every step of the proceeding and it is unclear to me if Trump’s crack lawyers raised Eighth/Fourteenth Amendment and what ever the NY version is before the trial judge. I thought there would be post trial motions to reduce the judgment amount on this ground but apparently that did not happen.  

               Look for a new federal lawsuit seeking to enjoin the state lawsuit if the state appeals court plays hardball and really he should do that anyway. Trump probably will suffer irreparable harm if forced to sell properties at a fire sale to meet the bond. If Trump can get by the anti- injunction act, he at least can delay things using the federal court, although again, with staggering daily interest, delay is not his friend.  

You gotta love Trump though- he provides full employment for lawyers.

A "large amount" or a "bigly amount" doesn't automatically mean "excessive." For example, accountants analyzed loans and determined such things as: Trump got this loan at 2% based on fraudulent representations. Using more accurate representations of assets, that loan would have been at 8% at that time. $150M ... x 4 years ... x (8% - 2%) ... = $36 M of excess profit on that loan. Disgorge that. Wash, rinse, repeat that process on numerous loans and transactions and Engoron came up with ~$350M, just short of the NY DA's estimate of $377M. I do not recall reading anything about "punitive damages;" it was all based on loans and interest and fraud without anything extra.
The amount is bigly because Trump made numerous deals involving bigly amounts of money!! It isn't excessive just because it's bigly!
Trump got that extra $36M ($350M, total; some say $350M is LOW!) because of his lies and misrepresentations to the lenders.  
As fas as I recall, because of the statute of limitations, none of Trump's previous loans on which he defaulted came into evidence (and that's not including his bankruptcies). A couple of cases come to mind. In ~2008, Trump was unable to pay off his loan for the Chicago Trump building. He SUED the lender, Deutsche Bank, for causing the recession!!!! and they settled by granting Trump substantial loan forgiveness. When, in ~1980, Trump bought Eastern Airlines Boston-NY-DC shuttle, he took out huge loans. The new Trump Shuttle did not have a single profitable month. After ~18 months, and nearing default, the banks helped him negotiate an exit whereby they wrote off a substantial amount of the outstanding loans. (I think Citibank took the biggest hit on that one.) "Loan forgiveness" is taxable income but I have never read anything about whether or not Trump paid taxes on those (and other) forgiven loans.

Posted By: marikod
Re: Easy. If ever there was an “excessive fine” in violation
of the Eighth and/or Fourteenth Amendment and the New York constitution, this is it. Really, both the underlying judgment and the bonding requirements are totally out of proportion to the underlying “crime” – cooking the books to inflate values with a disgorgement of profits remedy as opposed to damages. And no less a luminary than Justice Ginsburg has said that excessive fines can chill the free speech of political enemies – sound familiar ? That the AG ran on “getting Trump” certainly does not help.  
            Normally, however, you have to raise constitutional issues at every step of the proceeding and it is unclear to me if Trump’s crack lawyers raised Eighth/Fourteenth Amendment and what ever the NY version is before the trial judge. I thought there would be post trial motions to reduce the judgment amount on this ground but apparently that did not happen.  
                Look for a new federal lawsuit seeking to enjoin the state lawsuit if the state appeals court plays hardball and really he should do that anyway. Trump probably will suffer irreparable harm if forced to sell properties at a fire sale to meet the bond. If Trump can get by the anti- injunction act, he at least can delay things using the federal court, although again, with staggering daily interest, delay is not his friend.  
 You gotta love Trump though- he provides full employment for lawyers.
Alina Habba sure loves him for keeping her in Hermes and Gucci!

was pulled out of the AG's ass.  There was no evidence at trial that made any effort to substantiate any excessive profits from Trumps valuations for loan purposes, or to establish any tax amounts lost by the state, or any loss by banks from Trump not adhering to his signed contracts.  This evidentiary vacuum calls into question the legality of the award to the state.  At the same time, the banks testified that they did not pay any attention to the amounts that Trump claimed, but made their own evaluations as to the values.  Disgorgements are usually based on hard evidence, but in this case, I didn't see any evidence presented to support anything near the amount the court awarded.

I didn't read the original court docs, but the numbers were explained in detail and reported about by others. The numbers were NOT pulled out of anybody's ass. They were pulled out of Trump's own biz records. There was PLENTY of hard evidence presented at trial about the fraudulent claims. Trump presented ZERO evidence to the court to back up his claims about his alleged valuations. Was there a letter from any buyer offering $1B or more for Mar-a-Lago? No. It's all a Trump fiction. Was there ANY evidence to justify valuation of Trump's triplex at $350M? No. Did Trump present any sort of side-by-side comparison to comparable NYC luxury apartments? No. The AG did, and it proved her case that it was OVERvalued by 3x to 5x or more by Trump.
How a New York Judge Arrived at a Staggering 'Disgorgement' Order Against Trump.
This article explains how the major numbers were obtained. They are all about disgorgement of excess / fraudulently obtained profits. There were no underpaid tax charges in the $350M. The IRS and NYS Dept. of Revenue will go after that. The NYS laws do not care about harm to the lender. As pointed in the article and alluded to by me in previous posts, Trump has had PLENTY of bad loans that he couldn't repay that did substantial harm to the lenders. The banks wrote off huge losses in the $100s of millions. The time limit imposed by the statute of limitations excluded all of those old loans from this case. THE PURPOSE OF THE NYS LAW IS TO STOP FRAUDULENT PRACTICES and to PROTECT AGAINST more harm befalling lenders in the future (even if there were no major defaults during the time period of the charges in this case, only before that time).  
Journalists who keep track of Trump's loans and their due dates from public records AND the poor performance of his properties (Trump's golf clubs are never profitable although that might be changing with the Saudi Arabian LIV golf tournaments now taking place there) have been wondering how he will avoid default. Oh ... Eric and Junior already told us how, years ago: ~"We don't need the US banks. We have all the money we need from Russia."  
Some of the disgorgement is from the DC Post Office become Trump Intl Hotel project. When Trump's bid won, many major bidders -- major hotel chains with years of successful experience in hotel development, operation, and management (cf., Trump failures with his Casino hotels, Trump Plaza, Trump Soho, Trump Baku, Trump Baja, etc.) -- were flabbergasted. When the details of the winning bid was made public, they all expressed their outrage that the bid was accepted at all because it was unrealistic and misrepresented facts about the hotel industry in DC. For all of the opulence and spectacular promises made in Trump's proposal and that the GSA accepted, every other bidder said that it could never be a profitable venture in the DC market.  During its operation under Trump's ownership, the hotel was never profitable. It lost around $75M during it's first 3 years of operation despite booking Trump inauguration events at double the cost at competing venues ("emoluments clause"), despite the pre-booking of thousands of days of rooms by foreign governments ("emoluments clause"), etc.. Trump's financial disclosures to the GSA (lease holder) during that time were misleading at best. His statements did not disclose that Trump was funneling money from other Trump LLCs to the DC Hotel to make it appear profitable. Some people were calling for the GSA to revoke the lease which had been obtained and maintained under false pretenses.  Anyway, some of the disgorgement was from excess profits from the sale of the DC Hotel to a group of generous Trump-friendly businessmen in Florida.
Hard evidence? Some of the disgorgement was from fraudulent claims made about Trump's Seven Springs Estate in Westchester. He failed to mention that he had obtained a Conservation easement (to lower the value and save on taxes) on his loan documents. Some was due to fraudulent claims made about rental income from Trump properties that were, in fact, under rent control. Oops! But suppose they weren't under rent control, then those claims would be real!!! Hard evidence? Trump claimed his 10,000 sf triplex in Trump Tower was actually 30,000 sf. Oops! How did that happen? Somebody must have hit the "3" instead of the "1" on the keyboard. Oops!
Numerous experts testified for the DA. As I recall, Eric testified that he didn't know anything about a particular over-valuation. Then, the estimator from Cushman and Wakefield testified about discussion his valuation of the property with Eric. Oops! Eric forgot about that! Early onset dementia? Junior and Ivanka also had memory lapses when testifying. I guess early onset dementia runs in the Trump crime family. (Did you see what I did there? I did a "But Trump!" without a Biden prompt.)  
Let's suppose that Trump is able to pursue his appeal. I will give you an optimistic (favorable for Trump) prediction that some future sympathetic court will lower the amount by $50M (~1/7). After two years of fighting in the courts, Trump will owe an additional $54M in interest (on the lowered amount) plus his legal fees = a net loss over just paying the $350M plus interest NOW.  
Lastly, some Qs for the MAGA businessmen reading this:  
1. Would you ever enter into a biz deal with Trump? One where you get a contract to provide goods or services and Trump agrees to pay you later? Will you hold your breath until you get paid?
2. Would you ever LEND Trump a large sum of money? Under what conditions? What security?  
3. Have any of you donated money to Trump's legal defense fund? (Full disclosure: I have not.)
It has been noted many times that Trump Campaign donations can be used for legal fees but CANNOT be used to pay fine and penalties ($93M Carrol defamation; $350M biz fraud disgorgement).

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: The problem is that the "amount"  . . . .
was pulled out of the AG's ass.  There was no evidence at trial that made any effort to substantiate any excessive profits from Trumps valuations for loan purposes, or to establish any tax amounts lost by the state, or any loss by banks from Trump not adhering to his signed contracts.  This evidentiary vacuum calls into question the legality of the award to the state.  At the same time, the banks testified that they did not pay any attention to the amounts that Trump claimed, but made their own evaluations as to the values.  Disgorgements are usually based on hard evidence, but in this case, I didn't see any evidence presented to support anything near the amount the court awarded.

Mar a Lago is inflated, but right now there is a 2 acre parcel of land further down the beach listed for $200,000,000, which is a vacant lot.  Mar a Lago is 22 acres, fronts on both the river and the sea, and has iconic historic buildings on it.  One billion seems conservative by comparison.  This is the property that the judge said was worth $18,000,000, which makes him a total neophyte when it comes to real estate, in which case he should have recused himself, or else he intentionally lied about the value because the fix was in to convict Trump.  

You make a big deal about a 3-year, $75,000,000 operating loss on the DC post office hotel.  I will remind you that Amazon's third year (2000) after going public had a net loss of $1.4 billion.  They obviously became profitable down the road in succeeding years, so $75,000,000 doesn't seem out of line for a hotel venture over three years combined.  

Mar-a-Lago is encumbered by a RESTRICTIVE DEED that Trump asked for and agreed to MANY years ago. He didn't want to pay taxes on a multi-million dollar wealth-draining property year after year. He agreed to converting MaL from a taxable billionaire's mansion into an income generating country club. That meant the taxing authority in Palm Beach county taxed it as a business. The most recent tax estimates (from ~2011 to 2021 or 2022) set the value of MaL at "$18M to $27M." (Some writers think that the $18-27M was a generous low-ball figure on the ACTUAL business.)  ***Trump asked to have that 18-27 valuation DECREASED!!!!*** (He also sought a tax reduction on another Palm Beach property, his Jupiter golf club.)
Trump Disputed $26M Mar-A-Lago Valuation as Too High in 2020.
"... [After Trump and Habba bashed Engoron for "$18M"] The judge did not rule on the valuation of Mar-A-Lago. The judge did not usurp the role of tax assessor and make an independent valuation of Mar-A-Lago. Rather, the judge looked to and cited the undisputed facts which were provided by the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor and by Donald Trump. The undisputed facts are that the property was valued between $18 million and $26 million during the relevant period of the lawsuit. Judge Engoron simply cited the facts presented to him. ..."
"... In 2020, Donald Trump appealed a $26.6 million valuation of Mar-A-Lago by the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor as being too high. Trump repeatedly sought the lowest possible valuations of Mar-A-Lago in appraisals since the day he acquired it. ..."  
"... The Mar-A-Lago property is encumbered with a “trust for historical preservation” in a 2002 deed where ***Trump agreed “to forever extinguish his right to develop or use the Property for any purpose other than club use.”***
"The 2002 Deed also specifically "limits changes to the Property including, without limitation, the division or subdivision of the Property for any purpose, including use as single family homes, the interior renovation of the mansion, which may be necessary and desirable for the sale of the Property as a single family residential estate, the construction of new buildings and the obstruction of open vistas." ..."
The business deed is perpetual and cannot be changed "just by thinking it doesn't apply," you know, like Trump thinks he can declassify documents just by thinking them into declassified status. At one of his press conferences outside the NYC courtroom (or maybe it was actual testimony, under oath), Trump was asked about having agreed to the deed binding MaL to be a non-residential country club in perpetuity and Trump said, ~"I'm allowed to change my mind." Eh ... you can change your mind but you can't change the deed!
If Trump or any purchaser of MaL wants to escape from the BUSINESS DEED status, they will be responsible for paying the back taxes that were avoided by the arrangement. Estimates have varied but could amount to several hundred million dollars in back taxes.  
Also, the ICONIC HISTORIC buildings and property are protected by Palm Beach. After buying MaL, Trump tried to cut it into smaller parcels and to build mini-mansions but was told that he could not do so because it has "ICONIC HISTORIC BUILDINGS ON IT" (quoting CDL).  
Post Office - Trump Int'l Hotel. A hotel is NOT an investment the way that Amazon is an investment. The public big chains have to explain to shareholders how they will make money by leasing - renovating - operating the Post Office hotel. They aren't going to discover a new luxurious way to pack 100 people into 25 beds. When Trump's proposal became public, EVERY critic noted that Trump's renovation plans would encumber the hotel with debt that would take YEARS to recover -- meanwhile, losing money for all of those years.  
CDL subscribes to Forbes but it isn't clear that he reads it.  This article is from 2016:
Trump's D.C. Hotel Officially Opens, But Trouble Has Dogged The Iconic Property Since The Start.
"... The U.S. GSA opened bidding for its redevelopment rights five years ago, and Trump beat out Hilton Hotels, Marriott, Hyatt and others for the 60 year ground lease. ... Soon after, rival bidders complained to the GSA, alleging that Trump’s promise to spend up to $200 million on renovations (reportedly $60 million higher than competing bids) and pay $3 million in yearly rent is financially unfeasible. “A properly conducted price reasonableness analysis would have resulted in the conclusion that the minimum base lease proposed by Trump would require Trump to obtain hotel room revenues which are simply not obtainable in this location based on the concepts for the redevelopment,” read a Hilton team lawyer’s letter to the GSA. ..."
"... Donald Trump Jr.’s deposition paints a less rosy picture of the potential income from business uses. “We had I guess 32,000 square feet of meeting space in the hotel prior to [Zakarian pulling out]. We now have 37. That's probably more meeting space and convention space than any hotel in DC, certainly in a good location like us,” Donald Jr. explained. “If you add 6,000 square feet to the 30-something and change, the only time it will be profitable would be essentially if all of those other spaces are then simultaneously occupied and you're able to fill it.” ..."
Other comments by expert analysts, etc. were similarly scathing. Everyone said that the annual $3M lease was overpriced and Trump himself admitted that he overpaid on the lease!
Trump wanted BIGLY expensive chandeliers throughout the hotel. One critic said that the chandeliers alone would bankrupt the hotel.  
It can be noted that Trump bankrupted his Atlantic City casinos be renovating them into overpriced opulence and neglecting the small bettors (main casino profit center) for the high rollers. Trump admitted that he overpaid for the Plaza Hotel in NYC and overspent on renovations to the point that he lost too much money and had to sell it. Trump admitted that he overpaid when he bought the PROFITABLE Eastern Airlines shuttle in ~1980. (Industry experts commented that it would have been cheaper to start from scratch and buy newer aircraft, etc.. A Trump Shuttle jet had it's landing gear collapse while landing in Boston during the first week or two of operation.)  Trump then re-outfitted the aircraft into "luxury" liners. It was a COMMUTER airline that people wanted, not a luxury airline. Trump Shuttle lost money EVERY month for ~18 months before he was about to default on the loans he had taken to name a shuttle after himself. The creditors and others forgave much of the loans. As I recall, Citibank had to eat over $100M of loans. Trump spent MILLIONS renovating his golf clubs in Scotland and they continue to lose money.  Documents have shown that Trump Tower (NYC) was built with crappy furnishings in the furnished condos but the lobby and other spaces are built with (allegedly) expensive imported marble walls and gold fixtures. Trump had numerous other FAILED hotel projects BEFORE the Post Office.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You say the 1 billion estimate on . . .  
Mar a Lago is inflated, but right now there is a 2 acre parcel of land further down the beach listed for $200,000,000, which is a vacant lot.  Mar a Lago is 22 acres, fronts on both the river and the sea, and has iconic historic buildings on it.  ...  
You make a big deal about a 3-year, $75,000,000 operating loss on the DC post office hotel.  I will remind you that Amazon's third year (2000) after going public had a net loss of $1.4 billion. ...

Gee, CDL, I didn't know Leticia James was the judge in the case who decided the amount.  I thought it was Arhur Engoron.
Maybe you should read impp's post above...especially his link:

How a New York Judge Arrived at a Staggering 'Disgorgement' Order Against Trump

He has a long history here of making statements that sound authoritative and definitive that, upon examination, turn out to be complete fabrications. And when caught he'll often just laugh and say he was trying to be provocative.

Thus far, Trump has been unable to come up his $450M bond which is due by March 25. Many speculate that he might have to sell some real estate very quickly. If he sells properties, they will be subject to real estate sales taxes (and other generally applicable fees).  Personally, I don't think Trump will be able to sell anything any time soon (except, maybe, some more Trump Trading Cards).  Which is the better option: Trump sells and pays taxes and fees or NYS seizes the properties and sells the properties?  
Using an example of $100M, is it better for Trump to sell directly or is it better to let NYS seize the assets and sell them? I am assuming that the sale price will be the same in either case. That assumption might not be valid but BOTH parties want to maximize the sale price.  
If Trump gets $100M for selling X, he will have to pay ~2% in real estate taxes, leaving $98M. If NYS seizes and sells the asset for $100M who pays the tax or is there no tax due when the state has already taken ownership?  
Once again, sample numbers.  
A: Trump sells X for $100M; Trump pays $2M taxes and fees; NYS takes $90M leaving Trump with $8M.
B: State seizes X; State sells X for $100M; no tax deducted; NYS takes $90M leaving Trump with $10M. Trump must pay tax of $200,000 on the $10M (not the full $100M) leaving Trump with $9.2M which is better than $8M.  
Does anyone know exactly how that would work in terms of taxable amounts, net amounts, etc.?  
(Income tax might figure in this, too, but I think Trump will be claiming huge deductions and losses wiping out any income tax due. E.g., Trump sells X for $100M and that might be taxable as income but gets wiped out by losses. If NYS seizes and sells X for $100M and pays Trump $10M of the $100M, that would be $10M income for Trump but obliterated by losses.)

if Trump sells commercial real estate  for $100 million, he at closing presumably would pay
a. the state transfer tax fee of 2.6 %;
b. the broker’s commission and other closing expenses; and  
c. the amount needed to pay off the trust or trusts on the property.  

At tax time, he would presumably owe  
a. property tax prorated to the sale date;
b. New york capital gains tax of about 11% on any capital gain;
c. federal capital gain tax of 20%.  

So that 100 million gets cut down pretty substantially unless there are no trusts on the property.

If the state executes on its judgment lien and sells at an auction, I think the state is exempt from the transfer tax but presumably would pay auction fees plus income tax on the sales amount, unless an IRC statute exempts it for this type of income. Personal injury recoveries are not taxable but statutory fraud fines- who knows?

What I can’t figure out is why Trump doesn’t just get a loan backed by the value of his Truth Social company venture once the SPAC merger is approved and goes public.  Second trusts on his real estate could be used as a back up.  Even though Truth Social makes very little, Trump’s equity stake is somehow valued over 3 billion. I am utterly lost as to how it has that kind of value given the company has almost no income or assets. There is a six month lock up and if he sold all at once he would tank the meme stock value – but for the right interest rate you think Warren Buffet or some private equity consortium would be willing to make that bet and sell gradually.  

Of course if Trump is put in jail and cannot post, Truth Social has no value at all. Maybe that is the issue but I don’t think we will ever see that guy sharing a bunk bed with Peter Navarro.

I have previously posted this:
Bill Maher Ponies Up a $1 Million Bribe to Get Trump to Resign, Asks Other Celebs to Match (Video)
Dateline: October 19, 2019 [Maher foresaw ...]
"... Maher has voiced his concern many times that if Trump loses re-election, he will refuse to leave office. “How about this: Just take my check for $1 million and I bet I could get another thousand people just from here to the beach including Malibu, of course, who would pay that much to see you resign,” Maher said into the camera, and, he hoped, to the occupant of the West Wing. “And to those out there who are saying, ‘My God, Bill, are you suggesting we paying this man to go away? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting.” ..."
"... “So, Mr. President, it’s really very simple. You love money, we hate you. … You could finally be the billionaire you always pretended you were. Yes, I said billionaire because of the kind of money I could get from — just off the top of my head — Oprah, Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Bono, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Pink, Rihanna, Usher, Pharrell, Eminem. And that’s just the ones with one name.” ..."
Maybe Trump can ask Bill Maher for the $1B ON THE CONDITION THAT TRUMP AGREES TO GO AWAY.  
o Trump gets $1B in cash (net after adjusting for any portions required to be paid as taxes, etc.).
o Trump drops ~$500M of that into his appeals and saves his properties from seizure.
* Even after he loses his appeals:
o Trump gets to keep his toys (Trump Tower, 40 Wall St., ...).
o Trump has enough of a cushion to actually pay decent lawyers.  
o Trump gets to keep the remaining balance of the $1B for use in his retirement.

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