Politics and Religion

Don't forget the ACA
JohnyComeAlready 292 reads

"And Obama is trying to fast-track it in order to push it through before anyone knows what's in it.  If passed, the TPP will be a millstone around the neck of Obama's legacy."  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...yet there has been no discussion of it on TER, except for a post by 'meinarsche':  
 That's not surprising since there has been virtually no discussion of this upcoming disaster by the mainstream media either.  
 The media (yes, Fox News too) isn't covering the TPP because it would strengthen their copyright protection and they want the TPP to pass so they're ignoring the story.  
 The details of the TPP are being kept secret from the American public and most members of Congress as well.  And Obama is trying to fast-track it in order to push it through before anyone knows what's in it.  If passed, the TPP will be a millstone around the neck of Obama's legacy.    

...yet there has been no discussion of it on TER, except for a post by 'meinarsche':


That's not surprising since there has been virtually no discussion of this upcoming disaster by the mainstream media either.


The media (yes, Fox News too) isn't covering the TPP because it would strengthen their copyright protection and they want the TPP to pass so they're ignoring the story.


The details of the TPP are being kept secret from the American public and most members of Congress as well.  And Obama is trying to fast-track it in order to push it through before anyone knows what's in it.  If passed, the TPP will be a millstone around the neck of Obama's legacy.  


"And Obama is trying to fast-track it in order to push it through before anyone knows what's in it.  If passed, the TPP will be a millstone around the neck of Obama's legacy."  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...yet there has been no discussion of it on TER, except for a post by 'meinarsche':  
 That's not surprising since there has been virtually no discussion of this upcoming disaster by the mainstream media either.  
 The media (yes, Fox News too) isn't covering the TPP because it would strengthen their copyright protection and they want the TPP to pass so they're ignoring the story.  
 The details of the TPP are being kept secret from the American public and most members of Congress as well.  And Obama is trying to fast-track it in order to push it through before anyone knows what's in it.  If passed, the TPP will be a millstone around the neck of Obama's legacy.    

Who else keeps track of ammunition purchase orders by the Department of Homeland Security and also knows how to two hand tap on the guitar, a technique that only a couple hundred guitarists in the world have mastered?

       Too bad he usually draws the wrong inference from the facts, though. LOL

      I vaguely remember that post but since I had never heard of the Trans Pacific Agreement before (or since for that matter) I didn’t have a lot to say about it.  

       Why did they keep it secret? Maybe the World Trade Organization riots had something do to do with that. I happened to be in Washington the day those idiots came to town to protest that one and couldn’t get my car out of the parking garage on K street all day. Grr

followme251 reads

You even keep track of my posting ...how often I post and you clearly search for all my posts.

You must be looking for the chance to stab me in the back.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House  

BTW Obama is the worst POTUS in the history of this Great Nation

nuguy46197 reads

Of the jobs 'made' in January, how many were part-time?

Let me help you out. Notice when underemployment started to go up. Yep! When Bush and the Republicans ran the car into the ditch!  ;)

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